"First walk in so perverted"

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A/N: WOOOO HOOO! Gay marriage is allowed here! This is so awesome! Hope this chapter will make y'all smile like it did with me.

"So why do we have to be so early again?" Rainbow Dash asked.
"Well normally it's so that way I can be first in class and be prepared," Twilight said. "but because you're gonna be new to Canterlot High, I thought it was best we get aquatinted with principal Celestia so you can get your schedule for yourself."
She chuckled at her.
Seems they were drove off to school. They had a goodnight but Rainbow still didn't feel she should head to school. But she went either way. Mr. Sparkle was driving them to the high school getting them early.
"Alright girls, school supplies route." He said.
"What the heck is that?" Rainbow asked.
"It's where we check to see if we got everything for high school. I've down since I was a kid." Twilight explain.
"Pencils." He started off.
"Check." Twilight said.
"Pencils box."
While they were checking, Rainbow was surprise. She couldn't believe that every supply mr. Sparkle said to check, Twilight had them. She didn't know she needed so much for school. She then saw Twilight was a smart kid.
"Gray job Twilight. How about you Rainbow Dash?"
Twilight looked at her and saw she look so nervous. She didn't know what to say. She watched Rainbow as she started to check her backpack.
"Well.. I got a Daring Do book." She smiled nervously.
Twilight couldn't help but giggled as Rainbow Dash started to blush being embarrassed. Mr. Sparkle tried not to laugh and said "Anything else?"
"Um.... no not really." She chuckled.
"Don't worry. I'll get you some supplies when school ends." Twilight said still giggling.
"Hey if it makes you feel better Rainbow," Mr. Sparkle said. "I didn't have anything for my first day of high school."
"You didn't?"
"Nope. I was so nervous I forgot everything. And I kept forgetting every day of the week."
"Oh wow." She chuckled.
They finally drove up to the front of the school and the teen girls got out of the car with their backpacks. "See ya after school dad." Twilight said.
"Okay. You girls have a good day. Good luck Rainbow Dash." He said and then drove off.
They both turned at the high school seeing it again. The last time they were there, they weren't allow in school as students and met Twilight's friends Fluttershy and Rarity.
"You know," Rainbow said. "The more I look at this, the more it feels like a college."
"Well they do have a college of Canterlot that what you're thinking." Twilight said.
Rainbow only smiled holding her hand as they walked up to the front door and into the halls. Rainbow was still surprise by how the school was huge. But she felt still embarrassed that she didn't have much. All she had was Daring Do books.
They finally made it to Principal Celestia's office knocked on it to see if she was in there. "Come in." They heard a voice.
Twilight then open the door and walked in with Rainbow Dash as she saw her principal looking at some flies.
"How may I help you?" She said not looking up quite yet.
"Well it's great to be back principal Celestia," Twilight said happy to see her. "But I'm with the new student Rainbow Dash, and we were wondering if there's some ensign papers we need for her."
Principal Celestia finally look up seeing them two and smiled putting away her flies. "Yes. I believe I have something for miss Rainbow Dash."
Rainbow looked at Twilight blushing which was completely confusing for her. 'She called me miss.' She mouth to Twilight.
Principal Celestia then sat up and had some flies in her hands and placed them on the desk. "Alright, this right here," she pointed to one paper. "This is the ensign work and we need parents signature to let her fully be in. And this, is your schedule for the day. I'm sure with Twilight with you it shouldn't be a problem."
"Thank you." Twilight said taking the papers.
Then the principal remember to grab a small pink paper and gave it to Rainbow. "And this I normally do for new students, this is a homework pass for any low grade you have, you can use that. Just not on tests or projects. And last thing I like to say, welcome to Canterlot High Rainbow Dash." She smiled at her.
Rainbow smiled and said "Thanks. Glad to be here."
"Now you may head to class early or et breakfast. I have to do some flies for a captain of the soccer team and no one is in."
"Okay." Twilight was heading out the door with Rainbow but then she said "Have a good day ma'am."
"You too Twilight." She said as they'd closed the door.
They were both back in the halls walking and having a conversation about Rainbow's quietness.
"So why did you blush when she called you miss?" She asked.
"Well, I'm not use to it and it just sounds completely weird. Don't judge me." She said.
"Okay. Just wondering cause you were so quiet and shy."
Rainbow then blushed and said "I do not get quiet and shy. I just let you do the talking."
"Mmm hm." She smiled and continue to walk while Rainbow stood there.
Rainbow then smirked and pounce to get ready she then ran behind Twilight and grabbed her waist lifting her up.
Twilight yelped and started to laugh as Rainbow spin her around. "Rainbow Dash! Put me down! This isn't funny!"
Rainbow still grinned and put Twilight down smashing her back against the lockers and pinning her to be trapped in her arms.
Twilight was still catching her breath laughing a little. "You are mean. That chicken made you evil."
"Maybe it did." Rainbow smirked and stayed to kiss her neck.
Twilight blush and tried to push Rainbow off her. "Rainbow no. We're on school grounds. No need for that."
"We're early remember? We got some time." She said to kiss her lips.
She stick her tongue to get into Twilight's mouth and invade it all. She moaned feeling of how nice this was. Even if they're in school, she hope no one could bug them.
"Okay sugarcube. Save it for home instead."
They both looked and couldn't believe it when's they saw Applejack and Sunset Shimmer smiling at them. "Hey guys." Twilight said. "Rarity said you guys were joining Canterlot High."
"Yeah. She'll be here in a minute." Sunset said. "We just thought we hurry to get or schedule and eat breakfast early."
"So have y'all seen Flutters or Pinkie Pie?" Applejack asked.
"Nope. Guess they're-whoa!"
"We're hereee!" Pinkie said as she jumped onto Rainbow's shoulders and hugged her.
Fluttershy and Rarity were walking and smiling as she saw her friends with each other. "Hey guys." Flutershy said softly.
"Nice surprise Pinkie Pie." Twilight said smiling.
"She is real excited for today." Rarity said as she walked to Applejack and wrapped her arm around her waists.
Pinkie then jump off of Rainbow's shoulders. "Sorry about that. Just soooo excited!"
"Good to know." Rainbow said rubbing her shoulder.
"Well we better find Rainbow's first period since it ain't with me." Twilight said as she looked at the papers.
"Well okay. We'll see y'all around." Rarity said.
So then Twilight and Rainbow left them all into another hallway. Rainbow was still rubbing her shoulder while her other hand was being held by Twilight. "Pinkie knows how to jump now." She said.
When she finally look at where they were, she saw there was no doors, just lockers, and the hall was dark. She looked confused. "What are we doing..." But then Twilight took her hand again and pinned Rainbow against the lockers.
"I'll show ya your period class later. Just kiss me." Twilight said as she placed her lips onto Rainbow's.
Rainbow moaned and smile slightly liking this. She cupped Twilight's face making their kiss deeper and let Twilight's tongue inside her mouth.
They both were moaning and kissing at the same time and were glad to be in a dark hallway with no to bug them.
Although they didn't know they were being watch as well. Applejack and Rarity were peeking through a corner watching them kiss. They looked away with Applejack whispering "An interesting class that is."
"I knew she be wanting to leave for Rainbow by her eyes. Pretty easy to know if you ask me." Rarity said.
Applejack then wrapped her hands around Rarity's waist pulling her closer smiling "Maybe we should join that class too."
"But we are in hallways Applejack." Rarity said smiling back.
"Well you haven't said anything to your folks so this is the only place ain't it?" She then kisses Rarity's lips still holding her waist.
Rarity moaned and cup Applejack's face aiding her tongue two. Seems now theres two couples that are kissing.
Fluttershy, Sunset Shimmer and Pinkie Pie were watching Applejack and Rarity and giggled.
"It's so perverted here." Sunset Shimmer said.
"Yeah. It honestly scares me sometimes." Fluttershy said.
"But it's fun." Pinkie said as she kissed Fluttershy's cheek making her blush.
Hopefully no one will hug the kissing teens like them three were. When school started, Rainbow and Twilight were going to Rainbow's first period. English.

A/N: I wish my school never go and bug me when I'm kissing someone like them. But still, WOOOO they allowed it! Hope this chapter was good for y'all and I'll see y'all on the next one.

But I'm a Girly Genius 2: High School Experience all over againWhere stories live. Discover now