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A/N: sorry I haven't update much of this. This week hasn't gone well for me. Almost about to explode. But hopefully it'll get better and this chapter better be a success. Enjoy.

The next day has finally come and students of CHS were finally arriving. Today was a new day, hopefully. Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash were already in different classes, Applejack and Rarity were in one class together, and so were Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.
They both had home-economics together and it seems Pinkie convinced their teacher, which is Granny Smith, to make cupcakes.
Granny Smith has been one of the cafeteria ladies and the home-economic teacher for a long time. She didn't send Applejack or her siblings to go to school because of how she watched the students goof off. But she was finally giving it a chance and was considering getting her youngest Applebloom to join in the school too.
The students were getting ready for their assignment. They already had their partners ready. Pinkie's partner was Fluttershy.
"Now just remember youngins." Granny said. "You must follow the directions and get every supply right. The wrong kind can ruin your cupcakes. Now remember to thank Pinkie Pie for giving this idea to have something sweet."
Everyone gave an applause for Pinkie and it only made her smile get bigger. She loved her cooking class.
Soon, everyone started to make their cupcakes. Pinkie and Fluttershy started with getting the equipment ready for their baking.
"First thing, 'turn the oven to three fifty degrees'." Fluttershy read.
Pinkie rushed to the oven to turn it to it's degrees. "Check."
"Next, we're suppose to get a large bowl, a half cup of milk, a wooden spoon-"
Fluttershy looked surprised and looked at Pinkie as she got every equipment ready. There was the bowl, the spoon, the milk, everything. She couldn't believe it. "Oh, you already got everything?"
"Yep. When you grow up from the Cakes store you learn quickly how to make cupcakes."
"Oh yeah. I bet it's fun there huh?"
"Kinda. I just know I have to be super quiet for the Baby Cakes. Then it's quiet fun."
Fluttershy giggled by how silly she was.
"Do you know why I wanted to make cupcakes today?" Pinkie asked.
"Well, I thought it was because you like sharing joy to others. Or is that not it?"
"That.... and because I want to make down thing sweet with you since we barley hang out after school. I just hate I can't even hug ya." She blushed a little embarrassed and thought it was silly of her to say.
Fluttershy smiled and blush pink by Pinkie's sweet spirit. She then walked towards her and gave her a hug making her feel better. Luckily no one told them to let go.
They pulled away and continued to bake their cupcakes. Fluttershy sometimes regrets ever thinking that it was wrong to like girls. She now has seen how happy she is with Pinkie Pie and there could be no one else to make her happy.

Ten minutes later...

"You certainly know how to bake Pinkie." Fluttershy said.
"See? Whenever you need cupcakes, Pinkie is always here." She said.
They were the first to get their cupcakes done in a flash. There's some who weren't close to finish but some were just about done.
Pinkie ad Fluttershy made their cupcakes nice. The icy was dark pink with light pink sprinkles all around it. The wrapping paper at the bottom was balloons or butterflies.
Granny Smith went to Pinkie and Fluttershy with the cupcake she had in her hand and said "Girls, these cupcakes are the bomb. You both get an A. I can't to taste more of y'all's foods." Then she went back to her desk to continue eating.
The girls smiled and then Fluttershy got a text from Rarity. "Ooh, I just got a text from Rarity. She said after school we must meet her at her house and inspiration room."
"Okie dokie lokie." Pinkie said. But then she noticed Fluttershy's cheek was having pink ivy stuck on it. "Oh Flutters..." She pointed to her cheek to show her.
Instead Fluttershy rubbed her other cheek. Pinkie then grabbed her napkin and wipe the icy off Fluttershy's cheek. "There we go."
Fluttershy giggled by how ticklish Pinkie's touch was. "Well you certainly have a ticklish feeling."
"Thank you." Pinkie said taking another bite of their cupcake they made together.

Later that day...

"Ugh! Where is Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy?" Rainbow complained.
"They're doing their best to get here as fast as they can. You can't rush them sugarcube." Applejack said.
"I know but they're taking so long. I bet you're they're having sex."
"Rainbow Dash." Twilight looked at her giving her a face.
"What? They might. Don't e fooled by Pinkie's innocence." She chuckled.
"Hey guys!" They heard the voice of Pinkie Pie being made.
"Sorry we're late." Fluttershy said as they stopped running.
"What the heck took you so long?" Dash said.
"Just had to make a batch of cupcakes for Granny Smith." Pinkie said.
"Did she like your cupcakes in cooking class?" Applejack said.
"Heck yeah."
"She loved everyone's baking. Even mine. But she's the master of cooking."
"What does she cook?" Sunset Shimmer asked.
"Usually almost anything Apple. But there are something that aren't always Apple."
While they were talking, Rainbow took a glance at Fluttershy and noticed something on her neck. It was something that was kinda bruised. She smirked as she knew what that was.
Fluttershy looked at her smirking. She blushed and covered her neck immediately.
"Oh darlings! It's about time you got here. Please come in." Rarity said letting her friends in.
They followed Rarity into her inspiration room and saw all of her mess. They also saw mannequins for her to work on.
"So what did you need us for?" Twilight asked.
"As you know," Rarity said. "The big dance 'Spring Gem' is starting in two weeks."
"I thought you said it was a month." Applejack said.
"Well actually it turns out it's in two weeks. And since it's coming up, I want to make all your dresses, but I will need your help."
"Um nothing personal Rarity," Sunset Shimmer said. "But non of us are really good at sewing or into knowledge of fashion."
"I know. But what you all will do is help me with your sizes. I'm gonna do like a ruler around your waist or stuff like that."
"Can't you do all that today?" Pinkie asked.
"Oh no. My parents don't really like it when I have friends over and the only person they trust was Applejack."
Twilight looked at Applejack as she had a wink towards her. She chuckled.
"So I believe I like each of every one of you to come one day a week so I can get your sizes ready for the dance." Rarity said.
"Well, shouldn't be a pain in the butt." Applejack said.
"Woo hoo!" Pinkie cheered.
"Thank you very much Rarity for doing this. We really appreciate it." Twilight said.
They all agreed with a smile.
"Oh trust me dears. I am so excited to do this opportunity. I already got my dress design and I can't wait to do all of yours."
They then felt in need to give all of friends a group hug before they left her home.

A/N: sorry but I have to go since I'm almost about to kill my little sister and everyone! As you see I'm kinda pissed off. But I hope this made y'all's day better. See ya on the next one.

But I'm a Girly Genius 2: High School Experience all over againWhere stories live. Discover now