"Still missing and desperate"

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A/N: I gotta say tonight sucks. But hopefully I'll feel better in ten years. I hope you guys will like this as much as the last one. Enjoy

"Why can't I come with you?"
"It's school and there are no dogs allowed Spike."
Twilight Sparkle was getting herself ready for school and Spike kept begging to go with her. He even did his puppy dog eyes and wag his tail whimpering.
"I'm sorry Spike but I can't get expelled for bringing a dog to school."
"Ugh. Fine." He crossed his arms.
"Twilight?" Mrs. Sparkle came into the room peeking a little. "Are you ready yet sweetie?"
"I'm very ready mom." She said.
"Have you heard from Rainbow Dash?"
"Mom I told you. We're over and I don't think she wants to come back."
"I know but Rainbow's father is really mad."
"Well he's gonna have to get over that his daughter is gone."
"Hey. You know how parents are when their kids are missing. He doesn't seem to care but I hope she's alright."
She mumbled "I don't." She certainly wasn't happy with her.
"Well hurry. You don't wanna be late."
She said closing the door.
Twilight then sighed and grabbed her backpack and left her home to school. On the ride home with her dad felt lonely. She remember how she normally rode with Rainbow Dash by her side making her smile again. But it only felt more of pain.
They said goodbye as she headed to the school with no smile. She's never felt so lonely in all her life. Something was wrong with her?
"Hey Twilight!" Pinkie said as she jumped up and down with Fluttershy by her side. Applejack was behind the two teenage lovers with no smile either.
"Howdy sugar."
"Hey guys. I saw what happen to Sunset Shimmer. Is she okay?"
"Yeah." Applejack said. "She's just staying off school for a while. Can't blame her."
"How are you doing?" Fluttershy asked worried.
"I'm fine. Rainbow's dad visit us last night demanding his daughter back but she never came home. Then again, I didn't want her to."
"Wait. She never came to your house?" Pinkie looked surprised.
"No. Have any of you seen her in school?"
"Not really." Fluttershy said. "Principal Celestia is wondering where her and Rarity are. They already know Sunset is of for the day."
"Why do they want to know where they are?"
"We don't exactly know," Applejack said. "but they're asking every student in school where they are."
"I hope Rarity is okay."
With that respond, Applejack only rolled her eyes as the name was mention again.
"What's Rainbow's dad like?" Fluttershy asked. "I've always even concern since she's pretty much a tomboy like Applejack."
"To me, he seems like a jerk."
"Always the big meanie from True Directions?" Pinkie asked.
"Unfortunately yeah."
"I remember him how he called us faggots." Seems Applejack had a good memory onto her father of how he was mean. Such a shame he still is alive.
"Well it's all true."
They looked back and weren't happy with who they were seeing. She is such a jerk. "What do you want Trixie?" Twilight said crossing her arms.
"Oh nothing. I'm just happy to show how much you all are pathetic."
"You are such a horrible person. Do you know that?" Applejack said. "How dare you do that to Sunset? She cared for you so much and you did that. Do you know how much sadness she's been through all her freaking life with dating?"
"Yes. And I'm so glad to bring back that pain. That should teach her a lesson not to suddenly like the great and powerful Trixie."
"I can't believe girls like you exist."
"Oh please. I saw what happen with you last night. Poor Applejack being tricked by Rarity with her kissing Suri Polomere. Shows just more of how pathetic you are."
That caught Twilight's attention. 'Suri Polomere?'
Applejack's blood was boiling of anger. She wanted to scream and just punched the mean girl. Sadly she can't cause she'll get kicked out. And her Granny won't let her be in school again. She breath very heavily controlling her big temper.
"Awww what's wrong?" Trixie smirked. "Miss faggot getting m-"
Everyone gasped in the hall as they heard that loud punch. Trixie was smashed against the locker in pain on her eye. Soon, everyone watch Applejack run down the hall with tears in her eyes.
"Applejack wait!" Twilight step over the girl on the floor and chased Applejack.
Fluttershy wanted to run after them too but she felt she should be safe with Pinkie Pie. She felt so bad. Everything was along apart. She soon began to cry.
"Shhh.." Pinkie said hugging Fluttershy. "It's okay. Trixie is a big meanie."
Only good thing out of that was Fluttershy smiling at Pinkie Pie.
Students tried stopping Applejack from running to talk to her but she didn't bother to stop. Twilight was the only one chasing her.
Twilight found herself as a corner kinda. Two hallways that were dead ends and Applejack wasn't at either one.
"Where is she?" She said looking around.
Maybe she was hiding in the locker. Both hallways were very dark. But Twilight looked and realized the door in front of her lead to her being outside of school. She stepped out and found the red-neck girl sitting at the bench sobbing to her hands.
She took every step lightly but Applejack knew she was found. "Are you okay?" Twilight asked.
"No." She respond. "I just..... Granny Smith was right. I should have never started school."
"No no." Twilight sat next to her and patted her back. "It's good you're starting school. You can get a education and live what you want after college."
"But what's the point if everyone is so rude?"
"Not everyone is mean. This is only Trixie. She just likes to push everyone's buttons."
Applejack continued to cry in her hands. It's hard seeing her cry cause she's known to be strong and never cry. Now this is just so heart breaking to Twilight. "She's right. We are faggots."
"No we're not." Twilight said. "We're just who we are. She just doesn't accept people easily."
"But it's true Twilight. Look at me. I'm literally crying over nothing, looking like a total wimp. I'm so weak to these people."
"You're not weak Applejack. I've known you ever since I got to True Directions and I gotta say, you're very strong than most girls. You're very unique and crying shows our strength. It may look like we're weak but when it's not true. You're showing how strong you truly are. And I can't blame you for crying. I honestly want to cry seeing you like this."
Applejack sniffed wiping her nose and look up at Twilight with her green wet eyes. "Really?"
"Yes. It's so sad but like I said. It's showing strength. I'm sure after what happen between you and Rarity was a big mistake. You two are very special."
"Not anymore."
"I can see I won't fix y'all old relationship but I know I can try to fix being your friend still. Everything is gonna be alright."
Applejack smiled at her purple friend felt she should give her a hug. Seemed they really needed it. It's been very hard on them both. "Thank you Twilight."
"Anytime." She smiled for her friend to finally be happy.
They pulled away but Applejack didn't let go of Twilight. She only looked into her big purple eyes as they were certainly beautiful. She could feel herself lean a little close to Twilight and before they both knew it, Applejack was kissing Twilight.
Twilight was in shock with what's happening but she didn't pull away at the moment. She only watch how Applejack was able to make her close her eyes and fall backwards on the bench with her being on the bottom. This kiss actually felt nice to Twilight. Applejack's lips were soft and sweet. They taste like apples. Looks like se was a good kisser. No wonder Rarity loved her.
But that's when she remember her friend.
"Applejack..." She tried talking in between the kissing but they would stop. "Applejack please."
"What? What is it?" She finally stopped kissing to look at Twilight. She was breathless already.
"Look I'm sorry but... I can't."
"But you and Rainbow are over. Don't you see sugarcube? You're the only one who an calm me and love me for who I am. Don't you?"
"Applejack you're like another sister to me but this doesn't feel right to just randomly start dating and kissing you."
"But I'm so lonely Twilight. Please you gotta..." But Applejack heard how silly she was hearing. "Oh man. I think I'm becoming my ma when she wanted to conceived Applebloom."
Twilight only laughed at that and said "I'm sorry Applejack. I just need alone time and so so you. You understand right?"
".. yeah. There's just one thing I really need to do Twilight."
She's gotta be very desperate or so as she sounds "well um, as long as it doesn't involve ki-oh!" She was cut off as her neck was being kissed by Applejack.
This feeling felt very nice to Twilight. Her neck was a sensitive spot but she didn't expect Applejack to do that. She tried to make herself stop her friend but something kept telling her not to. Now she has no clue what to do.
"Okay. I think that's enough." She tried pulling Applejack off her but she wasn't really that strong. Plus this felt good.
Twilight moved her head on the side and before she knew it, she saw a girl staring at them with sad horrid eyes. She gasped and finally pushed Applejack off her. "Rarity! Wait! This isn't-"
"Now I know what all my friends are!" She growled and stomped away.
Her and Applejack were in shock. Though Twilight stepped off and ran after Rarity.
Applejack felt so bad. She is so desperate she is kissing her friend she doesn't even feel anything. She wanted to cry again but she didn't want to lose her strength much more.
"Rarity! Rarity wait!" Twilight said finally catching up to her.
"No! Don't talk to me!" She yelled and continue to walk.
But Twilight didn't give up. She continue to follow. She placed her hand on Rarity's shoulder stopping her and said "Please li-"
Twilight fell to the ground as pain was on her cheek. She couldn't believe it. Rarity had just slap her. Man she is really mad.
"Don't touch me!" She growled at Twilight and continued to stomp away.
Twilight wanted to cry. Applejack is so desperate and now Rarity hates them both. But still. It didn't make sense how Suri Polomere kissed Rarity.
"Man. Can this day get any worse?" She said as she stood up on her two legs and rubbed her red mark cheek.
"Well the only thing that could get worse is the smell from this backpack."
She gasped in surprise. She knows that voice and it wasn't from a human.
She turned around but saw no one there. Then she put down her backpack and unzip it almost having a heart attack. "SPIKE!"
"Hi." He waved smiling.
"What are you doing here?!"
"I was going to give you're textbook cause you forgot it but then I saw you were in school so I snuck in your backpack and waited until you noticed I was in here. You really need to fix your backpack soon. It smells like a barn."
Twilight only made a ace and them facepalm herself. "This day has gotten worse."

A/N: I know. You all probably think where is Rainbow Dash?. Don't worry. She's fine. But I won't say why. But I hope you his like this one. There's so much freaking drama. Hopefully I'll be back with the next chapter. Have a goodnight everyone!!

But I'm a Girly Genius 2: High School Experience all over againWhere stories live. Discover now