"Reunited with death up arise"

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A/N: sorry I haven't done a Twidash in a while. Been super duper busy. And this might not be much but I hope you will all enjoy.

Back at the carousel boutique, Rarity was in her bed crying her eyes put. The pain kept hitting her and it hurt. She feels so alone and sad.
After seeing how Twilight and Applejack were kissing on the stands, it kinda broke her heart that she had try to move on with one of her friends. Her best friends. She wanted to just disappear.
"Why?" She sobbed. "Why does this have to happen?" She just didn't understand. Her family had always say the best thing is to follow what the world was meant for. Being a fashionista was her life, and it felt fine until that farm girl came into her life. She caused nothing but heart break and sadness. Everything was fine. She didn't need hugs or kisses from some stranger that Twilight had met. She didn't even like her until that touching moment happen. That moment where Rarity felt important.... special.... and actually happy.
She cried more and more as she felt a thousands knifes were being sent to stab her heart until it stopped beating. Of course, it will never stop until she dies at an older age.
She then sniffed her nose and wipe her tears from her cheeks. She had a serious look on her face as if she was getting into a war that she must face alone. "Come on Rarity." She told herself. "You cannot let her or anyone else win. Just because she moved on with you're so called friend Twilight, it doesn't mean you have to be acting as if the world ended."
She turned her back towards her shelf filled with fabric and grabbed a blue soften kind. "You can still be the amazing girl you once were. You are almost down with every dress anyways. All you need to finish is Rainbow Dash's. Only problem is, is that she's not here. But no matter. No one can possibly-"
Her eyes were wide and filled with curiosity as she heard the loud banging from the door of her room. She certainly wasn't expecting anyone. It could be Fluttershy with Pinkie wanting their dresses; theirs were definitely done. 
She walked towards the door placing her white hand on the knob giving it a twist. Then she open it, revealing the person who wanted to greet her. Instead, this person had a worry look and seemed very upset as she looked up at Rarity.
Rarity wasn't pleased with her. "Oh. It's just you Twilight."
"Hey Rare." She gave an awkward wave with a weak voice. "Can we talk?"
"No we cannot." She said quickly. "I have some dresses to fix up. I bet you're here to get your's to impress AJ with your somewhat cuteness." She then turned her back walking towards the dresses she had finished.
Twilight was amazed by the dresses Rarity finished. They were gorgeous and a pretty unique design to tell who's was who's (the picture above! ^^).
Rarity only stayed silent trying to not look at her for what she had done. She saw the red mark on her purple friend's; she definitely gave a hard slap. She felt a bit guilt doing that, but what else could she do? She got hurt once, she couldn't let it happen again.
"That's what I came to talk to you about Rare." Twilight said as she took two steps into her friend's room. "But I didn't come for the dress."
"You're lucky I'm listening." Rarity said not looking back.
Twilight knew she won't believe her. She knew Rarity for such a long time; it takes a lot to get her to understand certain things. But she knew one thing, it was worth a try. She sighed taking a deep breath and said, "Listen, I'm really sorry for what happen at the party with Suri and Applejack. I'm not exactly sure what happen, but I know you didn't mean for it to happen. You are my friend and I know something like this would never come across your mind."
The white fashionista was completely silence without even glaring at the smart girl.
"I know you probably don't wanna listen to me, but I promise you, nothing is happening between me and Applejack. I don't like her like that, and she certainly doesn't like me like that. She's just heartbroken. She feels more alone than ever. But I know you wouldn't do that."
Still, nothing came from the girl with her back facing her friend. Twilight could tell she had nothing else to say and sighed.
"I understand if you don't believe me, but it's true. I only hope, you'll talk to me sooner or later. I'm sorry Rarity." Twilight began to leave the boutique. She knew for a fact Rarity will never speak to her and now Spike was her only friend to help find Rainbow Dash. She felt the wet tears reach her eyes, the suddenly...
She stop her tracks that headed towards the front door. She turned her head to her friend who still had her back facing her. Once she saw Rarity finally turn her head towards her, she saw her mascara running down her cheeks and am unhappy frown was spread across her face.
Rarity's voice sounded weak when she said, "I didn't do anything...."
Twilight was a big puzzled. "Do what?
"I didn't kiss Suri Polomere on purpose. Some boys that were surrounding us dared her to do it. I tried to let them know that I am not the type to dare into such ridiculous things, but they wouldn't listen. I knew the evil in her eyes meant something, I just didn't pay attention enough. I hate her so much..... I do anything to prove to Applejack that it's true..." She only sat on her bed and continued to sobbed into her knees. More of her heart keeps breaking and it was slowing down as she was barley breathing.
But then she felt a hand touch her shoulder. She looked up with sad blue eyes and saw Twilight's purple eyes were wet as well. "I think she needs to hear it. If I know one thing about Applejack, she knows when someone is telling the truth."
Rarity only smiled at her old friend and leaned up to give her a small, gentle hug. They both wipe away the tears from their eyes, but then Rarity looked at the dresses and saw only Rainbow Dash's was still unfinished. "I guess I won't be finishing Rainbow's at all. Such a waste of time."
Twilight looked at the dress of Rainbow Dash. She only started to imagine what she would have looked in that beautiful gown. She began tearing up, but decided to try and stay strong. She was tired of crying for someone now. She then smiled at her friend and said, "You know, even though we can't find Rainbow, you can always finish it and maybe save it for later. You can't waste a dress."
Rarity agreed with her friend on that. She never once wasted a dress. She then started to have an idea. She looked at her measurement tapes and realized something. She grinned and brighten with a thought blasting into her head. "Wait a minute. Maybe I can finish this. After all, you and Dash did have the same measurements."
Twilight looked a bit surprised. "Really?"
That's when Rarity finally got her inspiration back. She told Twilight stand on the stoop and made her put on Rainbow's unfinished dress. She began to see having so many great ideas. "This is genius!"
"Yay..." Twilight said weakly. She loved helping Rarity with her outfits; she just wished Rainbow Dash mentions would leave.
But somehow.... She didn't want them gone.

Later that day...

"I still don't see why you want to search for her so badly." Spike said popping his head out from Twilight's backpack. "You even admit so yourself that she broke your heart and you hate her."
Twilight only sighed and said, "Look, I don't hate her completely Spike. I just don't like how she had to right to just make out with another girl while we were together."
Twilight and Spike were on the search for Rainbow Dash. They were checking the forest parts of their town mostly. Twilight knew she shouldn't care about Rainbow anymore, or try to worry. Even though she admitted it herself, she still had a strange feeling something else was wrong.
"But I know Rainbow Dash. She would probably never had meant to do that. Just like Rarity didn't mean to kiss Suri."
"Oh now you agreed?" Spike chuckled.
Unfortunately Twilight didn't care he made a small joke. "I don't know. I just get this feeling in me that I have to listen to."
"If you say so. But what makes you think she would be out here?"
"I've tried everything else Spike. I've tried school, home, town. Maybe she would be somewhere out here. After all, Applejack's treehouse should be around here somewhere."
It was true. With Rainbow Dash's father searching for her and with the fact she is nowhere to be seen in town, the only place she could think of was the treehouse.
They finally found it as it was laying in the trees. It was still the same as ever; but the door was open a crack.
Twilight smiled and said, "I think she's here Spike."
Spike began to wagged his tail and bark as he jumped out of her backpack. He ran towards the treehouse going up the ladder and tried pulling the door a little more open. It was impossible since he was small.
Twilight climb up to the treehouse and pulled the door a little more open. Once it was open, she crawled inside with Spike next to her.
They both got a glance of the inside, but it was still the same as before. Well, except that purple blanket that moving in the middle of the floor. Wait a minute...?
Spike yelped and tan begins Twilight whimpering. "A beast is under that blanket?"
"Yeah right Spike." Twilight said, knowing that would be it.
But she was a bit worried to remove the blanket from hiding it's figure. But she had to see who it was.
She took a deep breath and grabbed a small end of the blanket. Then she pulled it off slowly off the figure. Once it was off, her eyes were filled with horror and her gasping made the dog yelp more worried. "Oh no!"
"What is it?" Spike asked not wanting to look.
Twilight grabbed her phone and tossed it to the purple and green dog. "Quick! Call 911!"
"Why?" He watched his owner whimper and lifted the figure that was under the blanket. Before he could call an emergency number, he was starting to bird into tears like Twilight as she held a light blue skin girl with rainbow hair. There were pills everywhere and some were still in the girl's month.
"Come on Rainbow Dash!" Twilight yelled tried to wake her up. "Wake up! Please don't leave! Rainbow!"

To be continued...

A/N: alright guys! A new chapter is finally here! Woo hoo! I thought I would never get back to this! Anyway, this story may take me longer to do, due to the amount of people always texting me and other stories that I'm thinking of deleting, I might not have much time on of any of my stories. But I hope this one at least made y'all excited and that I hope you all don't hate me. Spoiler alert: Rainbow Dash doesn't die in this story. Or at all lol anyway, I hope you all kinda enjoyed this, even if it was a bit boring. I'm hoping to see you all on the next one! Happy Easter, though it's early!

But I'm a Girly Genius 2: High School Experience all over againWhere stories live. Discover now