"A make-out accident"

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A/N: this is probably gonna be the funniest chapter I've ever written lmao and I hope I'll be making you guys laugh. Enjoy!

Soccer PE was a blast and Rainbow swarm through the halls in the middle of her class which was Art. She was looking for Twilight since she said to meet her in the janitor's closet. She wanted to at least spend time with her during school hours.
She was about to give up till she saw Twilight near a closet waving to her. "Come on Dash!" She said.
Rainbow smiled and ran to her as fast as she can. When she made it inside, Twilight closed and locked the janitor's closet.
"So what are we here for?" Rainbow asked.
"You'll see." Twilight said as she walked towards her. "But first off, how was history and soccer PE?"
"Soccer PE was fun and exhausting." She said. "But in history I met you ex boyfriend Flash."
Twilight's eyes widen when she heard that name. "F-Flash?"
"Oh. I never expect him to be in that class with you. He usually has science in that class."
"Well either way, he wanted me to make sure that I made you happy. He wants you to be happy and is glad I'm your girlfriend. Honestly he scared me when he said hi."
Twilight was surprised. Mostly because Flash wanted her happy? Usually you think most guys think you have a problem with a lesbian couple. But Flash wasn't?
"I can't believe it. I never thought he would be completely okay with it. I'm glad you met him."
"Although, why would you talk to him about me?" She asked.
"Because I want him to know how special you are to me. He's my EBBFF."
Rainbow have a face real confused with what she said.
Twilight rolled her eyes and said "Ex-Boyfriend Best Friend Forever."
"Ohhh." She nodded understanding.
"I gotta look and thank him later."
Rainbow then made a face. "Why?"
"Because I think it's sweet he wants me to be happy."
"You still like him?"
"Not like that."
"Yeah but why not meet him all day but all the sudden now huh?"
"Are you seriously getting jealous?"
"... maybe."
"Oh come on. He's like another brother since we aren't together."
"A ha! So you do love him!" She said.
Twilight facepalm herself and walked towards Rainbow. "Come on. Do you think I called you hear to make you jealous, or do think I called you her to have something that should have been perfect?" She then placed her lips against Rainbow's.
Rainbow looked surprised but then started to kiss back. She cup Twilight's cheeks pulling her in closer. "You mean..."
"Uh huh." Twilight then started to kiss Rainbow's neck making her moan slightly.
"Such a shame she broke her hip." Miss Cheerliee was walking down the halls while looking in folder. Coming her way kinda was Trixie as they walked past each other.
Trixie went to the other side but stopped right next to the janitor's closet hearing some moaning. She put her ear closer and got turned on herself. She knew who those voices were and smirked.
She looked up and said "Miss Cheerliee?"
The teacher looked back at the white hair teenager.
"I think there's a janitor that needs your help. She keeps telling me to leave to class."
"Oh sure. You go ahead sweetie."
Trixie smiled and walked off feeling victory that they were gonna be in loads of trouble.
Miss Cheerliee got to the door and turned the knob. But it was locked.
Twilight and Rainbow Dash stopped kissing and saw miss Cheerliee's shadow outside of the closet. They gasped quietly.
"Oh no." Twilight whispered buttoning her shirt back up. "I didn't think a janitor would be trying to get something this quick."
"What are we gonna do?" Rainbow whispered and didn't have a clue.
Twilight looked around and true to get an idea. And then she got one from the ceiling.
Miss Cheerliee saw it wasn't opening and described to use her keys. When she finally unlocked the door, she saw no one was there. It was empty with nothing but the janitor's supply and an air vent on the floor.
"What the heck?" She said as she picks it up.
Twilight was a genius. She and Rainbow Dash crawled up to the air vent and went through to hide in the vents till miss Cheerliee left.
"Good thinking." Rainbow whispered.
"Now we just gotta wait for her to leave."
It took miss Cheerliee a while but she then went up to the ceiling and put it back in place. "There we go." Then she left the janitor's closet.
Twilight tried to pull it off but it was stuck. "Dang it."
"Don't worry." Rainbow then spin the screw on her fingers not paying attention. "I got the screw and we can-whoa!" She then lost the screw as it was jumping and it fell through the vent hitting the ground.
Twilight gave Rainbow Dash a face which made her chuckle nervously. "Real good Rainbow Dash. Now how are we gonna get out of here?"
"We could crawl through the vents to try and find a way out." She said.
Twilight gave her face still and sighed "As much as it sounds ridiculous,its worth a shot. Follow me." She then had to turn herself around to started crawling while Rainbow followed.
The vents were hot but they didn't mind. Especially Rainbow Dash since she was getting a good view of Twilight's panties. "Ooh, your underwear is cute."
Twilight blushed and pulled her skirt to cover it up. "Quit looking under my skirt!"
"What? I can't help it's in front of me."
"Well that gives you no right to look at just yet."
"Just yet?" She smirked.
"Don't start." She then started to sniff the air and smelled something nasty. "Man, is stinks in here."
"Sorry about that."
Twilight's eyes widen and she looked back at Rainbow Dash as she gave a small smirk. So gross but yet it was hilarious to her.
It took them a while and luckily it didn't stink anymore from Rainbow, but they found another air vent that led to the halls of Canterlot High. Twilight was on one side and Rainbow was on the other.
"Okay. Hopefully this is a little loose." Twilight said as she started to shake it making it loose.
It was working but she knew it was gonna take forever.
"So now what?" Rainbow asked.
"Well..." Twilight then sat down and tried to think. "If my cal-AHHH!" She then fell backwards as the vents were too heavy for her to hold.
Rainbow Dash immediately grabbed Twilight's purple hands and saved her from falling. She knew she can't hold on to Twilight for long so they both had to think. Fast.
"Hang on Twi." Rainbow said. "I got you."
"Please. Don't let me fall!" She said frighten. "I'm scared!"
"It's okay. I'll think of something, I hope."
"Well think fast because this isn't gonna hold me for long!"
She was right. That vent could break any second with Twilight's weight on it. It can't also hold Rainbow Dash either.
Rainbow then heard walking told Twilight to shush so she could listen.
"Hello girls." They heard principal Celestia's voice.
"Hello principal Celestia." They also heard Fluttershy.
That's when they realized that Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were talking to their principal being under the vent Twilight was about to fall out of. They didn't know what they were gonna do.
"Have you two seen Twilight Sparkle or Rainbow Dash yet?" She asked the students.
"No ma'am."
"We only saw them last time in lunch talking and when we were called faggots." Pinkie said smiling.
Principal Celestia looked surprised when Pinkie said they being called that. "Who is calling you guys that?"
"We're not sure. Just some boys we've never met." Fluttershy said before Pinkie said it. She hope her principal bought it. She hated to have to lie to her.
"Well when you get the chance to know those boys, give me a call. And if you both see Twilight or Rainbow Dash, please tell them to come to my office immediately."
"Duly noted." Pinkie said.
"Thank you. Have a nice day you two." Principles Celestia said waving goodbye being back in the office.
"What the heck?" Pinkie said.
"I don't want us to get into more trouble by getting bullied more." Fluttershy said. "It's bad enough for you be called a faggot but I don't want you to get into more trouble with punches or bruises or anything bad. I was just trying to help."
"I know." Pinkie then wrapped her arm around Fluttershy. "But I don't want us to be called faggots. She can't bully us forever."
Rainbow really hated to ruin it for them but she had to say something to save Twilight. "As sweet as you're being Pinkie Pie," she said. "we kinda need y'all's help."
Pinkie and Fluttershy searched around to see who was talking to them but they saw no one in the halls. "Who's there?" Pinkie gasped. "Is it Hank, the evil living trashcan?!"
Everyone only looked confused. What in the name of earth is she talking about?
"What?" Twilight said.
"What are you talking about?" Fluttershy asked.
"Sorry. Saw it off TV and had a comic nightmare." She said.
"No. It's Rainbow Dash and Twilight." She said. "We need y'all to get a screw driver and a ladder. ASAP!"
"Ooh! I do have a tool class that has screws and ladders. Be right back!" Pinkie then jump off to get the tool and ladder.
"Oh my. Is everything alright up there?" Fluttershy said.
"Nope. Twilight is about to fall to her death probably."
Twilight gave a face to Rainbow and kick her slightly. "That makes me feel a whole lot better Rainbow Dash."
Rainbow smirked and looked at Twilight's skirt. She them let to of one of Twilight's hands and rubbed slightly against her underwear.
Twilight blushed and was breathing heavily as she was getting turned on. "Dashie, please don't."
"Shhh." She said. "You don't Fluttershy to hear do you?" She continued to rub it.
"You know I can hear everything you're both doing up there right?" Fluttershy said smiling.
Rainbow and Twilight blushed a little embarrassed. "Oh... um...."
"Got it!" Pinkie was running towards Fluttershy with the ladder and took in her hand.
Fluttershy began to be nervous with her running and holding something at the same time. "Oh Pinkie, please be car-"
"Wah!" Pinkie then fell dragging Fluttershy down with her. Luckily she didn't lose the screw and the ladder didn't break. When they both open their eyes, Pinkie found herself kissing Fluttershy's neck. She pulled away fast and blush smiling at her shy girlfriend. Fluttershy blushed and tried to hide her smile but it wasn't easy when you're the one being pinned down to the ground.
"I see what you two are doing." Rainbow laughed seeing them through a crack.
Pinkie immediately got up and helped Fluttershy up still having her small smile. She then grabbed the ladder to make stand and it love closer to the vent was. She started to climb and Fluttershy handed her the screw. She continued to climb a started to unscrew.
Twilight was close to falling. She hold onto Rainbow's hands tight but believe she was gonna be too late. "Please hurry Pinkie." She said.
"I'm trying." Pinkie said getting one screw out. She then got the second.
But then, something sounded strange. They could hear it. Rainbow looke and saw it was her. Her knees put on so much weight while she was holding Twilight.
"Almost done." Pinkie said getting to the last screw. But she was too late.
Rainbow felt a fall down. "Oh no." She then fell through the cent screaming while she was still holding Twilight's hand and letting her fall with her. Pinkie closed her eyes as she saw her friends fall.
Soon they were in front of Fluttershy feeling pain. Well, Rainbow was mostly. She had her arms wrapped around Twilight, protecting while she be on top and Rainbow would be on the bottom.
Twilight lifted up slowly and remain on top. "Are you okay?" She said worried.
"I'm fine. That was a real pain." Rainbow said rubbing her side hip.
"Oh. Sorry guys." Pinkie said sliding down. "Guess I wasn't fast enough."
Suddenly, a door opened and out came vice-principal Luna. She looked down at the students who were at the broken vents and was surprised.
"Well uh.... We better get to class." Pinkie said while she and Fluttershy backed away.
Rainbow Dash and Twilight looked up at the vice-principal as she came closer to them. "Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash?" She asked.
"Y-Yes ma'am." Twilight said nervous.
"You might wanna come with me."
Uh oh...

A/N: I am lmao I love this chapter. I hope you guys liked it to and I'll see in the next one!

But I'm a Girly Genius 2: High School Experience all over againWhere stories live. Discover now