"Twilight's big surprise of love"

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A/N: sorry still I haven't update. My brain is really shut off. But I hope this is a good chapter cause I think it's adorable. Enjoy!

Sunset Shimmer hasn't said anything to her friends about her and Trixie and for what happen. She knew the first thing that would come from Rarity or Twilight was that she needed to stay away from her. But she felt she was who she wanted.
She was walking towards her as Trixie was looking in her locker grabbing some things. "Um, hey Trixie."
"Hello Sunny." She said.
She blushed as she said her nickname.
"Hey I was wondering maybe you can help me with something."
"Uh, sure. Anything for you." She said happily.
Trixie then had a stack of pink papers in her arms and asked "I have these invitations I wanna give to everyone here. It's my birthday party. I was hoping maybe you can help me pass these out before school starts?"
"Yeah sure. I'll help ya." She grabbed to stacks from Trixie. It didn't seem that heavy to her.
Soon Trixie had a stack in her own arms and closed her locker with her foot. "Alright. Let's get to work."
The two teen lovers walked through the school handing out the flies to everyone they know who doesn't have a paper.
Trixie handed out loads of papers and Sunset gave a few cause she was a little nervous. She didn't want to disappoint her new secret girlfriend.
She then found her friends gather together talking and knew they should go. But she forgot one thing about them with Trixie.
"Hey guys." She said with a smile.
"Hey Sunset." Applejack said smiling at her.
"Wow!" Pinkie said. "You got loads of homework to do huh?"
"Oh no. This isn't homework. These are invitations to Trixie's party that's coming up."
Everyone looked confused at her and also a bit awkward. "Wait, you're giving out invitations for Trixie Lulamoon?" Rarity asked.
"Yeah. It's her birthday party." She said.
"Um you do know Trixie is the pain in the butt who likes making fun of homosexuals right?" Rainbow reminded her.
"Rainbow Dash, leave her alone." Pinkie said. "Don't start anything like yesterday."
"Well she wanted me to invite everyone and I thought it be a good idea to invite you guys."
"Well thank very much darling." Rarity said. "But whatever you do, don't get close to Trixie. She could pull a truck up her sleeve to hurt you."
"Oh yes." Fluttershy said. "She one time pretend to sell my home cookies to everyone for the school and just threw them into the trash."
Sunset felt bad for Fluttershy, but she tried to ignore the bad things about Trixie. Sure she may have done bad things in the past but doesn't mean she's letting her guard down.
"Well I'll keep an eye on her. Here are y'all's invitation." She handed each girl a paper while she still hold the pack of papers.
"So is everyone having plans cause today I want everyone at my place so that way I can do the dresses a but faster?" Rarity said.
"Well actually yes."
Everyone looked at Rainbow Dash certainly surprised. She had plans? Since when?
"You do?" Applejack asked.
"Yep, me and Twilight."
"But I'm not-"
"I'm taking you somewhere that I know you're gonna be thrilled about." She winked at her girlfriend.
"Ooh! Is it a sugar store?" Pinkie asked.
"It's not anything food related. It is a surprise I'll tell ya that."
"Aw man." Twilight gave a funny pout. "I am not huge on surprises."
"With Rainbow's surprises," Sunset said. "They're a huge deal."
"I bet so."
Rainbow smiled and said "So that means don't go anywhere after school."
"Fine. But just this once. Rarity is working really hard on these dresses."
"I hate to ruin the moment too." Fluttershy said. "But I unfortunately have to skip on this too. I have to work on the Animal Shelter today and I get to clean the hamster habitat."
"Ugh. Alright fine. But that means you three better be here tomorrow."
"Done." They three said.
"Man. I'm gonna be all alone getting my dress sewed." Pinkie whined playfully.
"Well I can't wait to get mine it's gonna look marvelous." Sunset said.
"I know Rarity's gonna love my dress when she's done," Applejack said wrapping her arm around her girlfriend's waist. "but she'll love me more when I'm out of it."
The girls just laugh at her dirty joke. It was real funny and perverted.

Then school is finally over for the day and the students went home. The girls went to Rarity's place while Rainbow Dash and Twilight were heading off that wasn't home. Twilight's eyes were remain closed cause Rainbow asked her to.
"Now can I open them?" She asked with her eyes still closed.
"Nope. Not till I say so." Rainbow was holding her arm so she can be hateful with her.
They were walking down the street and they passed the road a few times but Rainbow was extra careful with Twilight.
"So where are we going? I don't really feel comfortable with no seeing what's happening." Twilight said.
"Well it something that would make everything complete about your life and we think you deserve it." Rainbow answered.
"What's that?"
"You'll find o-look out!"
Twilight pulled back still with eyes closed. Apparently she was in the street and a car was coming fast towards her. The car stop at them and the man said "Watch where you're going brat!"
"Hey give her a break!" Rainbow said. "She's getting a surprise and I told her to keep her eyes closed."
"Well I hope you get runover then." Then he drives off.
Rainbow growled "When I see him again, he's gonna be having two black eyes."
"Don't even think about it Dashie." Twilight chuckled. "Now are we almost there."
"Almost. We just gotta walk across the street carefully and fast."
They check to see if any cars were coming and they both finally made it across the road onto the other side of the side walk. Rainbow let Twilight go first inside the building she did not see yet. Her eyes were still closed.
Rainbow continued to walk her finally towards a finally location. But how Twilight was hearing where she was at, he heard strange noises in the back and everywhere around her. Almost like animals.
"Where are we?" She asked.
"Okay... open them Twi." Rainbow said smiling.
Twilight was relief and finally open her eyes. What she saw in front of her was a huge surprise. She saw loads of dogs barking towards her wanting to be picked, wagging their tails looking do happy. This was a how surprised Rainbow planned.
"Hey Twilight."
She saw Fluttershy walked towards them two and was also surprised to see her. She did say she had to work at the animal shelter.
"Is this the Animal Shelter?" She asked.
"Mm hm." Fluttershy nodded.
"Well so far, I talked with your folks the other day," Rainbow said placing her hands onto Twilight's shoulders. "and they said that you can have a dog of any kind you like. We both just gotta take good care of it and to show we're responsible for it. So basically, they said yes you can have a pup or so."
"And since this surprise was so sweet," Fluttershy said. "Any dog you get will be for free. You girls are my friends and this surprise is too sweet to destroy."
Twilight was speechless. She couldn't move. This was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for her. And she was so surprised her parents said yes to this whole thing.
Rainbow put her hand on Twilight's shoulder, nervous if she didn't like the surprise. "Are you alright tw- whoa."
She was interrupted by the hug from Twilight.
"Thank you so much." She said still hugging her. "This is the most nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you."
Rainbow smiled hugged her girlfriend back. She was glad she loved the surprise she was given.
"Um, don't I get a hug?" Fluttershy joked.
The two laughed and gave her a group hug as well. After that, Fluttershy went to get some dog food since it was feeding time for them. "So, what dog you want Twilight?" Rainbow asked holding her waist.
Twilight looked down at the dogs as they smiled and wag their tails to her and Rainbow. They must really want to be adopted. She thought bye hard to decide. She wanted a dog who stands out and is certainly special.
"Feeding time." Fluttershy said the dogs filling their food bowl.
The puppies all ran to their food but one was in the corner. It was a little far from Twilight. The dog was purple and green and was biting his rubbery squeaking toy. It was a dog bone toy. He played with it so cute looking. She went towards the dog and watched him from the outside of the glass.
The dog noticed her and sat up with the toy still in his mouth, wagging his tail. But then he noticed his tail, and started to chase it barking. So adorable he was being.
Twilight giggled at him and said "That one I like."
Rainbow looked at him still chasing his tail and laughed. "Hey Flutters, how about this one?"
"Ooh, that dog is special." Fluttershy said. "We got him a week ago when we found him on the street. We took are of him and made him healthy again. I think you guys would give him a great home." She leaned down to grab the dog and gave it to Twilight. "I'll get the papers." She then ran to the front office to get the papers.
As Twilight hold him, she felt she could kinda drop him. Hopefully she won't. "Wow, he's heavy." She said.
Rainbow petted the top of his head. Because of that, the dog jumped onto her and started to lick her face non-stop.
Rainbow laughed by how ticklish it was. She was cover in slobber thanks to him. "And slobbery." She laughed.
Twilight laughed at how wet she was. She started to notice how his teeth were very sharp and that gave her an idea.
"Here are the papers." Fluttershy gave them to Twilight since Rainbow was being attack by the dog's spit.
Twilight filled out everything except for the name.
"Oh, and since this is a free surprise, I'll get you a free dog collar. I just need to know what you're naming him." She said.
Twilight and signed his name onto it. She showed Fluttershy and then she went to get a collar.
"Okay Twilight." Rainbow said as she handed him to her. She was fully soaked. "I think it's your turn to hold him."
She laughed and grabbed the dog from Rainbow Dash. "You okay?" She asked.
"Yeah. That dog knows how to lick." She said wiping her arms.
Fluttershy then finally came back with the dog collar and put it on the dog's neck. It was dark purple and had little spike sticking out. "There you are."
"Thank you Fluttershy and thank you Rainbow. You both are the best." She hugged them both and then the girl couple walked out of the animal shelter with Fluttershy waving goodbye.
It was obvious they'll be having much fun with the new member of the Sparkle family.
"Hey, so what did you name him?" Rainbow asked.
Twilight then smiled and hugged the dog as she said his name. "Spike."

A/N: I finally added Spike in and I thought this was perfect to add. Soon there will be more of him in here since he is adorable. I like him more a dragon lol hope you guys like it and hope I'll be updating more soon

But I'm a Girly Genius 2: High School Experience all over againWhere stories live. Discover now