"Spike can talk?"

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A/N: hey guys. Sorry I haven't update much. Too much texting and school and I just wanna burn myself. But hopefully this chapter will make me feel better cause it will be a little funny. Enjoy.

"Oh Twilight. I'm so sorry." Fluttershy said trying to comfort her friend.
Seemed everyone had a hard night. Twilight was heart broken by Rainbow Dash, Rarity is crying while Applejack did the same, and Sunset Shimmer was embarrassed and a laughing stock to everyone. Could this night get any worse for the teenage girls?
"I just don't understand Rainbow Dash." Twilight said trying to wipe her eyes drying them. "I mean, that's all she seems to do with me is have sex. And then all the sudden she decides to date this other girl that I have no clue who is."
"I may not have seen the girl," Fluttershy said. "But I know what Rainbow did was a mistake and she just now lost the best thing ever. You."
Twilight smiled as her friend showed true kindness. That's one thing special about Fluttershy. She was full of kindness and is always willing to make everyone happy, even if it takes a while to make people feel better.
"Thanks Fluttershy." She said. "I'm sorry. I'm just really hurt."
"I know. You, Applejack and Sunset Shimmer."
By then Twilight looked surprised with her eyes. "Why?"
"Well Rarity kinda did the same thing to Applejack with another girl as now they're over sadly, and Sunset Shimmer..." She broke off not sure if she should explain what happen.
"What?" Twilight was still worried.
"... Maybe you should look online the school's website. Trixie is just a big jerk." She said thinking that was a better solution.
"But I don't understand. Why would Rarity do that to Applejack?"
"I don't know Twilight. But sadly now she's got a black eye and is at her house crying her eyes out. I feel bad for the both of them."
"Me too. They seemed perfect. Country with fashionista. It seemed they were meant to be."
"Just like you and Dash."
She sighed remembering on walking in that room. "Yeah..."
"Well I guess I better go. Pinkie is so sad but she and Applejack keep trying to calm her and Sunset down. And I think you wanna be alone huh?"
"Yeah. Give them all a hug for me." She said as she hugged Fluttrershy.
"Will do." Then the shy girl ran off to Sweet Apple Acres.
Twilight felt she should just walk herself home. If anyone drove her home, she probably just be silent and boring to the driver. But then again, she hates walking so far. But then her luck finally came.
"Twilight!" A voice said.
She turned her head and saw a car driving next to her on the street stopping as she did. She was surprised of who was the driving.
"Flash? What are you doing here?" She said surprise.
"Well I saw you walking by yourself, and I know how far your house is from here. Want me to take you home?"
"No it's fine. I might bore ya."
"Aw come on. I hate seeing my best friend walk home alone. Besides..." He blushed at that moment. "I need some advice."
Twilight looked surprise of how not only was he offering a ride, but he need some advice? "Advice? For what?"
"Um... about Sunset Shimmer?"
She look concern of why he wanted advice about her. Well might as well help him. He is still her friend.
She jumped into the car and then it drove off with her in it. "So what do you mean with Sunset Shimmer?"
"Well, besides what happen with her at the party, I gotta say... she's pretty cool." He said.
"Yeah. And?"
"Well I was wondering, what girls or guys does she go out with?"
"Well she hasn't gone out with a guy since her last girlfriend was an epic jerk. I have no c-" that's when she started seeing why he needed advice. He likes her. She smirked at him and asked "Do you like her?"
He blushed red cheek as he was kinda embarrassed. "Maybe..."
"Don't judge me." He laughed a little. "I mean, like she's cute, fun, and very..." But he stopped as he remember Twilight was his ex. "Um.. I didn't mean to drop all that on you."
"No it's fine. I think it's cute you like her." She said winking.
"Thanks. But do you think, maybe she could like me?"
She stayed silent as he asked that. She wasn't sure what happen with Sunset Shimmer at the party, but she did know maybe Sunset should give guys a try. She did say a day in school when she was terrified of men. It as yesterday. She tried to think but wasn't sure. "Well, to be honest, I'm not sure."
He looked surprise at her as she said those words.
"It's not you. It's cause she's terrified of men ever since she realized how much love hurts. Maybe she'll think about you."
"Well okay. Thanks Twilight." He said smiling. "It's cause I don't wanna spoil anything with her and make her think I'm crazy."
Twilight chuckled at that. "Trust me. Just give her time. But seriously. What happen with her?"
Flash felt awkward as she asked that. He rubbed the back of his neck and said "Well uh..." But then he noticed something as he stopped at Twilight's home. "Who's car is that?"
"Flash don't change the subject." She said.
"No seriously. Look." He pointed towards the dark blue car that was in front of Twilight's horn with a lighting bolt. They have a visitor.
"What the heck? Who could possibly be here this late?" She said.
"No clue. Want me to go with you?"
"Nah. I'm sure it's nothing." She jumped out f his car and smiled at him. "Thanks for the ride home Flash."
"No problem Twilight. I'll see you in school?"
"Sure thing." She said.
Then he closed the door as drove off as the girly genius went straight towards her home. She open the door as it was unlock but sees everyone arguing. Her parents were arguing, and so was Shining Armor and Cadence. They were arguing with a man. He had dark blue hair and light blue skin and big yellow eyes. He looked pretty mad. But that's when she realized those yellow eyes from somewhere.
Oh no...
"My daughter was here last! Where is she?!" The man said demanding.
"Sir we don't know!" Mr. Sparkle said. "She's probably out still with my daughter!"
"I want her home right now! That daughter of your's is ruining my life!"
"Twilight isn't doing anything!" Shining Armor said. "You just need to chill!"
By then the man grabbed Shining Armor by his collar pulling him up where he couldn't touch the ground. "Don't tell me what to do boy!"
Cadence gasped and was about to scream at the man.
"Put my brother down! Now!"
Everyone looked seeing the genius standing there with anger on her face. Looks like the night got worse.
"Twiliy!" Shining Armor said glad to see her.
But then he was thrown across the room onto the couch. Happily he was alright and didn't hit the wall.
"You little faggot!" He said. "Where's Rainbow Dash?!"
Twilight looked surprised. "She's not here?"
"We thought she was still with you honey." Mrs. Sparkle said.
"She's probably still at the party thinking she's still miss big shot." She mumbled.
"Tell me where she is now!" He said.
"If she's not here, then I don't know!"
"But weren't you guys at a party?" Cadence asked.
"Yes but..." She looked sad remembering what happen. "It got pretty bad."
"You better give me my daughter back right now!" He just won't stop screaming will he?
"I told you sir! I don't know! Maybe she's being laid by another girl! Anyways since when do you care for her?! You never did!"
"That-that is not true!"
"Well get out of here! Right now!"
This man, Rainbow's father, was about to lose his temper. He stomped passed Twilight to the door but looked back with an angry glare. "I will find her, and I will sue you all for taking her in."
"You can't do that!" Shining Armor said.
"Watch me." Then he slammed the door. He literally made all the pictures on the ceiling fall.
"When did he come here?" She asked.
"A few moments after you got home."
Mrs. Sparkle said. "But seriously honey, where's Rainbow Dash?"
Twilight just couldn't talk to her parents. She didn't want to talk to anyone. Instead her tears were the only respond and she ran up the stairs. Her father called her name but she did to come back to explain what happen.
She closed the door and sat on her bed letting her tears fall from her purple eyes. This was a horrible night for her. First, Rainbow cheats on her, and now her father is looking for her and wants to sue them.
Twilight looked down as she heard barking and saw her dog Spike wagging his tail at her. The dog noticed how she was crying and whimper.
"I'm fine Spike." She said wiping her eyes trying to smile. "Bad night is all." Then she got up and walked to her computer seeing she has an update on her Facebook. It was showing a video of Sunset Shimmer naked and the three girls surrounding her. The title was 'SO DEPERATE! POOR PIGGY!'
Twilight growled at who posted it. She didn't even know why she accepted Trixie's friend request "Trixie, you're so mean."
She watched the whole video and Spike was on the desk watching as well. He kept looking at Twilight seeing she keeps getting angry and sad all together. If only...
"I can't believe Sonata and Trixie." She said turning her computer off. "They're such jerks. I mean, is everyone losing their heads all the sudden?" She started to look through her yearbook to cut put a picture of herself. She didn't want to look at anything. Spike began to feel worried and felt it's time to do.
"And Rainbow is queen of the jerks. Just cause she can't get enough sex she decides to go with one who does?" She said with anger.
Then words finally spoke from the dog. "Actually no Twilight."
Twilight looked around. The voice she heard but it's a voice she didn't recognized. There was no one in the room except Spike.
But when she looked at him, he spoke with hai mouth actually moving. "I don't think that's it."
Her jaw literally dropped as se looked at her dog. "Y-You talked."
"Twilight, I'm a young puppy and I may not know what sex is, but I do know that Rainbow Dash loves you a lot. No matter what happens, you guys have a special connection. Especially cause you're different. Do you think Rainbow Dash would want you to get me for sex? No. She wanted you to get me, so she can show how much she loves you. And that's true love. Believe me when I say it Twilight."
Twilight stayed silent still with her jaw dropping. Spike felt awkward how she was staring at him. Her only response was this. "You can talk?"
Spike only made a face annoyed. Obviously he knew this was gonna happen. "Yes. I can talk. Big surprise?"
"I-I-I don't understand. How can you t-talk?"
"Well it's was a long time. Mom had me and my brothers and sisters and she died because of scientist. They have experiments on us all but because I escape, some big green glowing ball got in my throat. I don't know. I ain't smart."
"B-B-But that's i-impossible!"
Spike only facepalm himself as his owner was in shock. "Look. That's not the point. Did you hear anything I just said Twilight?"
"Twilight?" Cadence said through the door.
Spike gasped. "Don't tell her I talk."
"Why not?" Twilight asked.
"Just don't. Please."
Cadence walked in and saw the teenage girl sitting at her desk. She looked worried. "Are you okay Twilight?"
"Yeah. I'm fine." Twilight said.
"Why were you talking to?"
Spike looked worried and immediately just barked.
Twilight smiled and said "No one. Just talking to a friend."
"Was Rainbow's dad being here hard for you?" She asked.
"No. Not really. But I'm surprise she's not here."
"Why wasn't she with you?"
Twilight looked down with a sad face. Cadence was always her babysitter, a friend to count on. But she doesn't know what we reaction would be if she found out about Rainbow Dash kissing another girl.
By then, it happen. Twilight jut started sobbing and burst into tears. Her hands covered her eyes as she cried.
Cadence looked sad and sat next to her hugging her. It was kinda hard. Especially if you're a pregnant woman. "It's okay. Don't cry."
"I can't help it Cadence." She said. "I'm so sad. She decided to leave for another girl. I had to slap her there at the party."
Cadence looked surprised at her words. "She cheated on you?"
"That's not like her."
Twilight then looked up at Cadence a little confused with her big wet eyes. "What... What do you mean?"
"The other day, she was asking for advice on how to make you feel you were a princess and how she can make you stay with her forever other than marriage."
"Why... Why would she asked that?"
"I thought it was a way to make you happy. Now I don't know."
Twilight only cried more. She could imagine Rainbow asking Cadence for advice. But now she didn't understand. She didn't know what's to think anymore.
Cadence gasped and hold her stomach a little. Twilight looked scared, as so did Spike. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine. I think the baby is sad you're sad." She said giving a small smile to her.
Twilight placed her hand on Cadence's stomach felt the baby kick. It actually kicked at her. She was happy to feel that baby knows her. "Awww." She said smiling. "It kicked me."
"I can't wait for this to be over." Cadence said smiling herself. "I'll get to see my baby very soon."
"I can't wait to see if it's my niece or nephew."
Cadence hugged Twilight once more and said "Everything will be alright. Know that I will always be here when you need me. Okay?"
Twilight nodded smiling at her.
"I better get going. Me and Shining Armor have work to do tomorrow. See ya Twilight."
Twilight hugged her again and waved saying goodbye to her as she left her room. She looked back at her dog and waited for him to speak. She sighed in relief. "Good. I was only thinking you talked, right?"
"Actually no. I still talk Twilight." He said.
She looked shocked again but smiled. Then she petted his little head. "Well I'm going to bed. It's been a tough night."
The lights turned off and she crawled into her be by herself for once. But she missed having Rainbow Dash sleep next to her. She missed feeling her warmth and love.
Spike jumped onto the bed and laid next to Twilight. "Night Twilight."
She smiled and said "Goodnight Spike." Then she closed her eyes, drifting to sleep.
It wasn't easy to sleep. Without Rainbow there, she only cried during the night.

A/N: I know. Spike actually talks! Awesome. I thank AriaDash1907 for giving me the idea of him. Anyways hope you guys liked the chapter and I'll see you in the next one. Bye bye!

But I'm a Girly Genius 2: High School Experience all over againWhere stories live. Discover now