"Such a boring day"

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A/N: hope this chapter will be good cause I'm exhausted with just going outside. I feel fat lol enjoys Twidash fans.

School wasn't much fun to Rainbow Dash. There was so many things she did not enjoy. She only had one class with Twilight as that was science. Her first three classes were English, Algebra, and science. And now it was lunch for her and was relief to eat finally.
She was getting in line as she grabbed a tray and moved on till there was a person next to her. She then saw Fluttershy next to her getting a tray herself. "Hey." She said grabbing a fruit bowl. "You're Fluttershy, right?"
"Why yes." She said softly. "How's your first day going?"
"A bit boring. English we were reading about the halocaust, then Algebra we learn something about equations, I honestly fell asleep. And in science we watched a lame science video about the meaning of genes."
"So you were mostly sleeping for the day?" Fluttershy asked.
They both then got out of line and were looking for a table to sit. Luckily, Fluttershy's eye was caught when she saw Pinkie Pie wave to her at a table sitting with everyone else. "Come on Rainbow."
They both went to the table and sat down seeing their friends again. "Ooh! I say this color would look fabulous on her." Rarity said while looking at a white fabric that was in her hand.
"I think it would look okay. But I mostly say a green would look nice on her." Applejack said.
Rarity then saw we pony and said "well, I'll see what I can do. I just need to but some new fabric after school."
"So how is your first day going?" Twilight asked Rainbow as she say next to her. She smiled betting it was going well.
"Just plain out boring." Rainbow said.
Twilight's smile then disappear.
"Fell asleep in one class, read a sad event that happen a few years ago, and just bored. I'm just glad we're at lunch."
Twilight wished the school was fun for Rainbow. She thought it was fun herself. But she is a nerd kinda. She felt she should find a way to make Rainbow Dash like the school. That's when she got an idea.
"You know, one of your schedules say you get to be in soccer PE and principal Celestia did say they were looking for a couch." She said.
Rainbow tried to get Twilight's point. She didn't understand at first and then realized it. "Hey. That might be one good thing about this school. I know principal Celestia will let me be the captain for sure."
"Same here." Twilight then put her hand on Rainbow's thigh winking at her. Then she leaned in to whisper to her and said "Meet me in the janitor's closet once soccer PE is over."
Rainbow Dash grinned at her and placed her hand on top of Twilight's hand. Then she wink at her. "Lucky I have PE soccer after..." She then started to check her schedule and was surprised with what she saw. "History. Aw that's boring."
Twilight smiled and continued to rub on Rainbow's thigh making her blush. It also made her giggle since she was ticklish.
They both heard laughing and looked back to see a girl laughing of what she just said. "Why that little-"
"No." Twilight hold Rainbow's arm and said "No need to be attacking or so."
"Why? Something wrong?" Applejack asked.
"It's Trixie isn't it?" Rarity asked.
"It's always her."
"Trixie?" Rainbow didn't understand.
"Trixie Lulamoon is just a teenager who thinks she's so talented because she can do magic." Fluttershy said. "She's not much of a true friend if you ask me."
"She's about to be ask a beating." Rainbow said.
"The best thing to do is ignore her." Twilight said.
"She called us faggots."
"So? She doesn't usually know what she's talking about."
Sunset Shimmer looked back at Trixie as she was eating with Snips and Snails. Even Twilight and her friends say Trixie was a jerk, she couldn't help and believe she was beautiful. But she knew she didn't want to get hurt again so she immediately looked away to try and forget about her.
"Ooh! Everyone guess why I made?" Pinkie said as she started to search trough her backpack. She then had a bag in her hands and said "Cupcakes!"
"Oh I totally forgot about them. Thank you Pinkie Pie." Fluttershy said as she received one from her. She gave everyone at her table a piece of cupcakes.
"I didn't know you bake Pinkie Pie." Applejack said as she already took a bite from her's.
"Well, I didn't really cook much of like meat or anything but since I grew up in sugarcube corner with mr and mrs Cake, they showed me all kinda of recipes of sweetness. Today I thought it would be great to share it with my friends."
"Well thank you very much Pinkie." Twilight said.
Pinkie then saw she had one piece left for herself and saw Fluttershy was already done with her's. By then, she poked Fluttershy's arm getting her attention and took a bite as Fluttershy took a bite on the other side. The shy girl was blushing and Pinkie finished half of it giving it to her girlfriend.
"What a joke."
Rainbow and Sunset looked back at Trixie as she made another insult. Seems she was making fun of Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy's love.
Rainbow growled wanting to hurt her and tell her to back off, but luckily Sunset shook her finger no and let them go back to eating.
After lunch ended, Twilight and Rainbow Dash were walking together and were heading to Rainbow's history class. "I bet history won't be that bad Rainbow Dash. I promise you that."
"If I fall asleep, it bad." She said smiling.
They both talk outside of the classroom before heading to class.
"Well I better go. See ya in the janitor's closet." She wink and gave Rainbow a kiss.
Rainbow really like this kiss and didn't want it to end. Too bad she had to leave Twilight.
"Woo! Get a room girls." A teen girl walked by them smiling.
They both laugh. "She's right you know?" Rainbow said. "I'll see ya later."
Twilight then hurried to her class while Rainbow Dash went to her history class.
She sat in the middle of the classroom ignoring everyone around her. But she didn't see how she can ignore if there's Trixie a few desk away from her. When Trixie looked back, she smirked as she saw Rainbow. That's when Rainbow knew she had to look away.
While the teacher was speaking of what they're doing for their lesson, Rainbow Dash wasn't paying attention. She wasn't sleeping, but she was drawing Twilight's name everywhere on her notebook. She missed her so much already.
"You know Twilight?"
Rainbow finally realized she was being watch. She looked at a boy with tan skin like Sunset Shimmer's and dark blue spiky hair like his eyes. She looked at the notebook and said "Yeah. She's my girlfriend."
The boy looked surprised and realized something. "Is your name Rainbow Dash?"
Now Rainbow looked terrified. How did this boy know her name if she's never met him? She looked at h and tried to study if she remembers him but nothing got to her. "Yes? How do you know my name?"
"Well you're Twilight's girlfriend and you have rainbow hair. She told me a lot about you. I'm Flash Sentry, her ex." He reach a hand out to her to shake hers.
She couldn't believe her ears when he said he was her ex. This was fully awkward for her. "Oh. Well, nice to meet you, I guess."
"I bet Twilight makes you happy huh?" He asked.
"Well yeah. I did had a girlfriend before her but she past away."
"Oh. I'm sorry."
"It's cool." Even though he seemed real curious and nice, she wasn't gonna fall for a trick. "So when you two were together, did y'all usually get along?"
"Yep. Never really fight actually. She never really like to kiss me."
'I wonder why.' She thought.
"So hey, even though we're not together, tell I said hi, please and give her the love she deserves." He said smiling.
Rainbow couldn't believe it when he said that. Usually boys go see her as a lesbian believed she was a faggot or a loser and would want to hurt her. But this Flash guy, he was the first to actually see she makes Twilight happy. And he wants her to be happy.
She finally smiled at him and said "Thanks. And don't worry, I'll make sure she's happy for you and me."
He smiled and went back to the session they're learning. Rainbow was glad she met him. She was also glad Twilight knew him. She thought he was gonna try to hit on her instead.
When Rainbow looked up she saw Trixie smirking at her. Trixie have a wave as se waved back confused. She turned away while Rainbow still stared confused and wrote down on her list. "Number twelve: see how pathetic Twilight and Rainbow Crash is."

A/N: ohhhhh shit! She met Flash and Trixie. You would expect him to be a jerk but some guys actually like it. And honestly he's cute. Don't tell anypony I said that. Hope you guys like it cause drama will be starting soon.

But I'm a Girly Genius 2: High School Experience all over againWhere stories live. Discover now