"The big question"

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A/N: alright it's the final and last chapter of this book. I only hope you guys will love it and I wanna thank you guys so much for letting me enjoy writing and for loving what I have to offer. Now let's start with our final chapter of the book and will wait on book three. Enjoy!

"Darn it! I don't think I'll ever get this right." Twilight groaned as she lost again.
Seemed carnival games aren't as easy as they seem. This game was where you had to shoot the little alien off of the space ship with a pin ball in order to win. Twilight only had three tries and was down to her last one. She was really wanting to get a cute little plushie of a blue jay bird partner with his buddy the raccoon - (Mordecai and Rigby from Regular Show)- but it wasn't going so well.
The guy told her she had one last chance, and he definitely wasn't impress with how she played. Twilight is a full grown adult, and she should get this right with the math equations in her head. She and her friends, including Rainbow Dash, were now young adults. They just graduated and were spending the night playing at the famous carnival in town. Rarity and Applejack were at the Ferris wheel sharing the sight of entertainment from the night sky, and moon eating their popcorn. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were in a haunted house ride, trying to challenge theirselves into being brave of walking in. Obviously Pinkie was terrified, but Fluttershy seemed to walk it off as it was no big deal to her. Flash Sentry and Sunset Shimmer were at a concert that was performing live into the carnival, as it was the famous band. It was their favorite rock band, so they just had to go, with cotton candy in their hands. This night was amazing for them all.
Twilight felt she needed to give up on this. The guy who ran the event was only mocking her. "Awww, is someone sad they won't win?" He smirked.
They both looked back to see Rainbow Dash had return with a giant yellow plush dog in her arms. Obviously she won that. She did not have a happy expression. "What's going on here?"
Twilight nodded and tried to walk away. "It's nothing Rainbow. Let's go."
Dash placed a hand on her shoulder stopping her. She looked up to the man and repeated her question with more demanding.
He only laughed and said, "Well you see young lady, your little friend happens to be a very bad player when it comes to this game. Now she's being a sore loser."
"I am not!" Twilight spoke to the man.
"Really now?" He only raised his brow, knowing that was a lie.
Twilight found herself to have the water reach her eyes and blush of embarrassment. She wasn't trying to be a sore loser. She could careless about some plush. But this guy is what's making her more determine to win. If only she had what Rainbow had: skills of arm muscle.
Rainbow glanced back at the man after looking at her sad little lady. Then she put down her plush and gave him a dollar. "Let's try again, you wimp." She said.
He laughed again and took the dollar rolling his brown eyes. He got the feeling this was gonna be another epic fail.
Rainbow Dash walked to the gun Twilight was shooting out of and watch the lights of the game come to life. Twilight watched her be focus with determination in her eyes. If only she didn't say anything or even tried to play this. Now she looked more of a loser than ever.
Twilight attention was taken as Rainbow whispered her name. She looked back to see her being asked to take Dash's spot. Once she sat in her place taking the gun, she looked back at Dash who was behind her holding her arms, and said, "I don't see the point if I keep messing up Rainbow Dash."
"Twilight, you can't just give up." Dash told her as she leaned closer to the side of her face. "Especially to a loser like him."
"Hey!" The man said offended by her comment.
"I know you can do it. Take a deep breath..." She waited for Twilight to obey what she told her.
Twilight did as she was told, taking her breath, then she continued to hear Rainbow's instructions. "Then let the arrow go.. Riiight...."
It was silent, nothing but tension filled the game as everything was gone. She to be in a war battle fighting against some monsters. The one who had her back was Rainbow Dash. She began to feel her courage and faith lift in her and her smile finally returning.
Twilight pulled the trigger of the play gun, and they all watched the pin ball fly towards the game. Dash and Twilight's fingers were cross, as for the guy, he only stood there drinking his soda, having the look in his eyes that she'll failed.
But then he was proven wrong when he watched with his own eyes that the alien was knocked down by the pin ball. The light buzzed in glee revealing the green letters of a winner. The two girls smiled and hugged each other felling victory cross through their veins.
After they pulled away from the hug, Dash looked up at the toys and said, "What toy do you want?"
Twilight pointed to her actual target, the bird and raccoon pair. Dash the leaned up and grabbed the two pair dolls and gave a smirk to the man who still looked in shock. "Never make fun of my girl."
She poked his nose, causing him to fall backwards fainting. Twilight giggled and gasped as she saw the dolls closer to her. She gave Dash another quick hug and hugged her two new plushies. "Oh Dash, you're so sweet for winning these prizes for me!"
Dash blushed by her compliment and rubbed the back of her head as the other arm held her own prize. "Heh. What are girlfriends for?"
They giggled and walked though the carnival enjoying the amazing night.

A few hours later...

The live concert grew wide, and everyone at the carnival went to visit their band heroes as they performed on stage. Loud applauds and cheering for them made it a little harder for their music to be played. But Twilight and Rainbow didn't seem to mind for they were at a far distance of their seat. They say on a gassy mountain, enjoying the view of people and a concert being played.
Twilight leaned her head onto Dash's shoulder and said softly, "I can't believe we're adults. Most of graduated. I've never been so happy."
Dash smiled petting Twilight's highlights. But then she heard a whisper, and it wasn't coming from Twilight. She looked at the other side of her, and saw their backpack unzip itself. Then a puppy head popped out feeling so hot. "Come on!" Spike whispered to Dash. "Just ask her already. I'm getting hot in here."
Dash chuckled softly and patted his head as he remain sticking his head out to watch them. She looked at Twilight, and felt it was time. "Twilight?"
"Yes Dashie?" Twilight said lifting her head to look at those magenta eyes she lives so much.
Dash blushed at her pet name, and stood up blocking their view of the concert. "Listen, you and I have always been an item, and have had our years together become a great successful. You helped me with my education, love life, and a family life, for you are my family. And since we do everything together, I figure maybe it was time for the one thing we haven't done quite yet together."
Twilight giggled and said with her brow raising, "We're not going to a bar to get drunk, are we?"
Dash laughed at that, for it was one funny idea. "No. As much as that would be fun, I'm afraid nope." She looked at the dog nodding her head to him.
Twilight noticed the dog finally and watched him dig into the backpack. He came back with a small black box in his mouth. His tail wagged as Rainbow Dash grabbed the small box and looked back at Twilight. She opened it, revealing a beautiful little ring to her. It was clear and had a silver ring held the little crystal Diamond part. It was in the shape of a heart and it glimmer so pretty in the moonlight. "Will you marry me?"
Twilight was in shock; her jaw dropped and she couldn't say a word. She leaned her head down to her knees and didn't look up. Spike only wagged his tail watching her reaction trying not to say a thing. Rainbow waited for a response, and was very shy for she was asking her this. She blushed a little and was about to close the box. But suddenly...
Dash looked down at Twilight still with her hair blocking her pretty face. Once Twilight looked up, she had tears in her purple sparkling eyes, and a smile so wide, it was almost bigger then their friend Pinkie. "Yes! Yes I will marry you silly jock!" She ran up to Rainbow Dash and gave her a huge hug.
Dash felt herself wanting to cry, but she held those tears and hugged her Twilight Sparkle. Spike only howled so happily and said, "Now I got two moms! Whoo hoo!"
The girls only laughed at their dog. Then they pulled away from the hug, and Dash put the ring on Twilight's finger as it was a perfect fit. As that was in place, Twilight leaned in to give Dash another pair of lips with the most passionate kiss ever.
Fireworks went off in the night spreading more light. Now everything was perfect for them both.
They were finally an item together...


A/N: and we are done with the whole book! I hope you all enjoyed this book and hopefully I'll started the third one very very soon. Now I better head off, and I do hope you all found this book to warm your hearts as it did for me. I hope I do find my special someone one day just like these two. I just wished it hurried up XD Goodnight!

But I'm a Girly Genius 2: High School Experience all over againWhere stories live. Discover now