"A night of shining glimmer"

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A/N: OMG I'm soooo excited! This is the chapter everyone has been waiting for! The story is almost over but not just yet. Just two more chapters and then we're done with the second book. I hope you'll enjoy and this drawing that I made myself ^^

The night finally arrived. The sky was filled with diamonds glimmering, and the moon was bringing a small amount of light to make them shine. Students of Canterlot High were walking into the school building for the Gem Spring Dance. Girls wore their amazing dresses of beauty, and the men wore their suits looking very handsome.
The girls being able to make it to the party, but weren't sure who was all coming. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy went together in their dresses Rarity made for them, and as for Rarity, Sunset Shimmer, and Twilight Sparkle, they had no one to go with. Sunset was very nervous to attend for she was afraid more laughter will come upon her when she walks through the door. Rarity hasn't heard anything from Applejack and felt she wasn't going to attend for the dance. As for Twilight, well, she had no one. Rainbow Dash remain in the hospital and she never remember her saying anything about getting back together. That was one big disappointment she was feeling. Luckily she brought her dog Spike with her, but hid him in his usual spot in the backpack.
Once they entered, the gym looked amazing. There was gems everywhere hanging as decorations with balloons, the stage had three boys playing the music of the dance, with Flash Sentry being the guitar player, tables had decorations on top with many tasty treats, and best of all, the disco ball in the middle of the gym shimmer in the light making all the gems around the room glimmer to the walls, floors, and students. This was definitely an awesome looking dance.
Girls were amazed and loved how this looked. This was better than Trixie's birthday party. They each spread across the dance floor dancing with the other students. The music had played the top ten songs of today's date and everyone loved it.
"I never want to leave this dance!" Pinkie grinned as Fluttershy danced next to her.
Twilight was having a small blast, but saw a sad Sunset Shimmer as she noticed she wasn't dancing very much. "You sure you are comfortable for this Sunset?" She asked her.
"I don't know. I've been dying to come. I'm just surprised no one has laughed yet." She said still not dancing as much as her friends. But with that little moment, Sunset looked up at the band playing their music and saw Flash Sentry gave her a small wave with a small smile. She returned the same and blush with the slighted pink cheeks.
A few hours have passed and everyone had done nothing, but non-stop dancing. Well, there was some people who were eating at the tables or taking a break, but the girls were still jamming.
Rarity felt a bit odd dancing by herself. But then her eye caught a sight of a girl with blond hair and wear a cowgirl hat was in the corner drinking some punch. She couldn't believe she was seeing Applejack there.
Rarity began to remember what Twilight told her about telling the truth, even if some don't believe you. She's willing to give it a big chance. She took a deep breath and walked to her with a nervous look in her eyes.
Applejack notice Rarity was walking towards her, but didn't greet her with a smile. All she did was stare. But because Rarity's dress was a little too close to the floor, she trip on an end of her party gown and was falling forward.
Applejack jumped and ran towards the fashionista reaching her in time. She caught her by her arm pits holding her tightly. "I got ya." She told her.
"Thank you." Rarity said once she lifted herself up to face those light green eyes. Her heart beat fast, but she wasn't willing to give up just yet of what she has to say. "You look beautiful."
Applejack finally released her armpits and tried to look away by that compliment. "Whoa, now all the sudden I am. Instead that girl you kissed was more pretty."
Rarity felt a bit hurt and wanted to cry on a corner. But she's not gonna walk away just yet. "Applejack, I need you to listen to me carefully. You don't have to believe me, but understand I am telling you the truth about that night."
Applejack was willing to walk away, but she was a bit more curious than a cat about how this night between them both happen. "I'm listening."
"Well, I want you to know is I didn't do anything. I was being dared by Suri Polomere. Some guys dared her to kiss me, and I did my best not to get involved but they just wouldn't leave me alone. I know it's probably impossible to believe me, but I had to tell you, instead of crying like a fool and beg for death to come and take me. I just hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive me."
Applejack was only silent as she stared into those crystal blue eyes. She has no expression and Rarity was only hoping she heard what she was saying. After all, the party was a little loud on some levels.
Suddenly the music stopped, and everyone's attention was on principal Celestia as she arrived on the stage. Her smile lighten the room a bit more. "First off, I wanna start by saying how wonderful it looks tonight. Everyone who made this party did a fantastic job." She looked across the side the stage seeing her sister walk up with a chest in her arms. "And now, without further a-do," she said. "I would like to announce this year's three top princesses. We originally had one in particular, but decided these three girls deserve it." She grabbed the first envelope that Luna had given her and began to open it. "The first princess of the Gem Spring dance is..."
The room was silent as students's attention were intended to know the first princess. Some had their fingers crossed, some murmur hoping for their vote to win. Once Celestia had the first paper in her hand, she announced the name to be, "Sunset Shimmer!"
Everyone clapped in victory, but as for Sunset, she was in shock. Pinkie and Twilight hugged her as she had her first victory in high school. She walked past the crowded students who applauded for her and watched walk onto the stage. Principal Celestia open the chest Luna held and presented the two crowns to the audience. She grabbed one, and held it above Sunset's head, as she bowed for her crown to be placed upon it. "Congratulations Sunset Shimmer." She told her.
Sunset blushed by the audience's eyes were all on her. She felt very happy and wondered why everyone voted for her. But she was happy to win mostly.
Celestia then held another envelope in her hand and began to open it. "The second princess is..."
Again the room was filled with nothing but silence. While it was silence, Applejack noticed Rarity was having her most attention on the crown. She knew for a fact that since Rarity is the most popular girl in school, she would win for sure.
Principal Celestia finally had the paper in her hand and then she announced the next name, which was really unexpected. "Applejack!"
Another applauded from the crowd had lifted the room. Applejack's jaw just fell as she heard her name. She wasn't sure now if she was dreaming. Students told her to go up to the stage to retrieve her crown, so she did so. She walked and bowed a little to the principal as her crown was placed on her head. She blushed, a little embarrassed, but smiled at the audience with glee.
Before Celestia could reach the last envelope, she had one announcement of why there was only two crowns and three princesses. "Now I know what you're all wondering. The last crown for this princess is a mystery from whoever gives it to her. But the third princess shall come up here to rise upon the other two who won." She grabbed the final envelope and began to open it one last time. "And finally, our third princess is.."
Everyone began to murmur in excitement. Who would the third one be? When Celestia finally open it and held the paper in her hands, her smile came back.
"Twilight Sparkle!"
Everyone applauded for the last time as the third princess was announced. Twilight couldn't believe it. How could she won? Who exactly for her as well? But luckily she was able to gain conscious to reality and walk into the stage with her two friends. She only wish she knew who was giving her the crown of her own. Then the Canterlot high song representing the three girls of how they represented their school and honor.
Once the song was over, DJ Pon 3 began to play a slow song with slow light dining down onto the floor, and people began to slowly dance together. The three girls walked off stage receiving hugs from their friends. "Congratulation girls!" Fluttershy said with her smile being very wide. "I'm so happy you all won!"
"I am a bit too." Sunset blushed. "But I don't understand I was voted. I could have sworn Rarity should have won."
"Well I guess you can say me and the school board are pals when I give them a reason for each and everyone of you." Rarity smirked mentioning it.
The girls smiled towards and gave her their own group hug. Applejack was the only one who stood there a bit with wide eyes. After the hug, they saw the slow dancing was still going on.
"Come on Fluttershy!" Pinkie smiled grabbing her arm. "Let's dance!" She lead her own beautiful lady onto the dance floor and was about to go into an insane dance move she invented. But then she remembered this was a slow dance and she would have to wait. So she decided to dance slowly with Fluttershy.
Rarity and Applejack only stood in the corners where there wasn't much of a dance to dance at, and Twilight went to sit on a chair to watch the students dance away into the night. Sunset Shimmer was willing to leave the dance by throwing away her crown, but then a certain hand came up towards her. She looked up at the owner of this hand and blushed as she caught the sight of Flash Sentry's dark blue eyes. "Would you care for a dance, princess Sunset Shimmer?"
Sunset was about to walk away and say she wasn't comfortable being in this gym, but she didn't want to disappoint him; especially with a sweetheart like him. She smiled, as he was known as the only guy who cared for her, other than her friends, and took his hand. "Yes."
They lead each other to the dance floor and began to dance as the harmony glazed as a beautiful sound.
Rarity smirked watching Sunset get the date right on, but then took a glance at Applejack. Applejack looked back very confuse and asked Rarity as she took the crown off her head, "When you said you and the school board are such good friend and you have great examples on certain students, well, why me? You've been wanting this crown since the dance was announced. I've listen to you say everyday sugarcube."
It was true. Rarity always did wanted that crown. That was her target as being a representation of her school. She walked to Applejack grabbing the crown out of her hand and said, "Well it's very true darling. I did want this crown almost more than anything. But..."
The silent Rarity made Applejack more demanding of to know why she didn't win. Rarity only kept that smile on her face as she looked at Applejack so desperate to know. "But?"
She looked up to the farm girl and put the crown back in her blond hair where her hat was, and said, "But what better yet to have the girl who wears the crown, as I admire her more than her crown."
Applejack blushed and tried to look away by the compliment she was received. She kept hearing Rarity and only listen, very surprised. "I'm so sorry Applejack. I completely understand why you would be mad at me. I only hope you'll forgive me one day, for you mean more to me than anything."
She felt herself wanting to cry, and Appleack is suppose to be the strong who doesn't cry. She wipe away only little of the tears, but she let Rarity wipe away the rest for her. "Thank you Rarity."
"You're very welcome AJ." She said.
"No I really mean it. For telling everyone the truth and for doing this, and you didn't even have to!"
Rarity only giggled as she was seeing how grateful Applejack was being. It kinda reminded her of herself when she thank principal Celestia a lot for agreeing the princess decisions. "It's nothing darling, really."
"Oh but it isn't just nothing." Applejack said sounding more serious with her gratitude. "This is like the nicest thing I have ever gotta. I don't know what to say but thank you. Thank you! It means-"
Rarity covered Applejack's mouth with her own hand, making her stop speaking so much. "Darling, you are cute this way, but right now a simple 'thank you' will do." She said with her smile.
Applejack nodded and as the hand was away from her mouth, she immediately thanked her one last time. By then, she asked Rarity to dance with her as her own princess, even though she's the one wearing the crown.
Twilight was still sitting her chair with the backpack in her lap. She watched the students of Canterlot High dance away into the night. She couldn't help but feel a bit more lonely. Being in the gym wasn't helping her remind herself how lonely it is without a date or so. She was happy that Flash was dancing with Sunset Shimmer, making her night get even better, Rarity and Applejack finally apologize and forgave each other, and as for Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, they were just having a blast. She only wish she could be on that floor dancing with...
She shook her head and felt she needed fresh air, so she left the gym to the outside garden of CHS. It was very beautiful, with the white flowers blooming in and the little lights on the leaves and main center of the garden made it shine even more. This was one of Twilight's favorite places to be visiting.
She sat down, place the backpack on the side of her as she unzip the zipper, and sigh feeling so alone. Spike popped his head out and saw the sadness in his owner's eyes. He whimpered, and put his paw on her purple hand, doing his best to comfort her. "Come on Twilight." He said to her. "You gotta relax and have fun. This is suppose to be a fun event after all."
Twilight looked down at the purple dog and smiled. "I know Spike." She said to him. "I gotta get a grip on myself. After what happen with Rainbow Dash, there's no way of going back to her."
"Well, why not?" He asked very curious.
"Well, I guess her kissing that other girl ruined me. I don't even think I was lesbian in the first place, until I reached True Directions." She paused a moment to think of how and why Rainbow would have want to hurt herself. It wasn't like that of her. "But I wish I could have known why she did it. Why she intend to kill herself so badly."
The sound of footsteps were walking behind the purple skin girl, but it wasn't fully getting her attention; it only grabbed Spike's. He stayed silent, but only to listen to his owner with nothing to say.
"I just don't get it Spike. Do you think it's because we didn't do sex much, or was it because I wasn't good enough." She asked the dog looked down at the puddle of her own reflection.
Spike didn't say anything. Instead, a voice appear behind Twilight. "What do you think it is?"
Twilight could tell that wasn't her dog talking to her, but she could care less of who she was talking to, that was behind her. Could it be Trixie? Lyra? Bon Bon? She didn't care at this moment, and only went on without looking behind her. "I always thought she would get so angry because I didn't have much sex with her. She always seemed mad when I say no."
"Maybe it was because she didn't know how else to give you love. Maybe that was one of her ways of doing so. She didn't hurt you, did she?"
"No. Of course not." Twilight smirked as she looked at herself from the watery mirror on the ground. "She always made me feel safe and protected. She made me feel important."
The voice was silent for a moment, but came back with an interesting question. "Then why not go back to her?"
"Because she hurt me by cheating on me. Kissing that other girl ruined it."
"Did you ever even bother to hear her side of the story?" The voice asked.
"There's no point if I know she wanted that girl more."
The voice never spoke for a few minutes. It was only silent with the sound of crickets echoing through the bushes and trees. Twilight came to speak instead of the mysterious voice that remain behind her. "But what I don't understand is why she would kill herself by taking so many pills. She would have hurt me more in that way. I wouldn't exactly know why but.... Every reason to live would be gone..."
It still remain silent after Twilight spoke again. Spike kept looking back and forth, not quite sure if he should say something. Probably not for Twilight was the only one who knew Spike could talk; nobody else knew. So he stayed silent.
"So you're saying," the voice return with curiosity. "if Rainbow Dash died, everything would be awful, and you, yourself, wouldn't have your own reason to live?" A sniffle was involved after hearing that.
Twilight nodded and said, "Exactly. Nothing would be the same, even if..." She trailed off when she realized something; she never mention Rainbow Dash's name, and this voice didn't sound so familiar to be someone from school. It sounded a little like a guy who was muscular. "Hey..." She said. "How did you know I was talking about Rainbow Dash?"
Spike finally poked her with his paw, and once he got her attention, he pointed his paw behind her, with a big smile placed on her little face.
Twilight turned her back and was in shock with who she was seeing. She thought she would never see Rainbow Dash in a dress that represented her own unique style.
She wore what Rarity had design for her and her friends. It was very long with the trail of clouds at the very bottom of her gown, and the entire gown above had all colors of Dash's hair. There was a golden lighting bolt holding the dress on one shoulder and for bracelets, they were puffy little clouds that were stuff to make very soft. Her golden shoes with like high heels, without the heels part. Her rainbow hair was in a lower pony tail at the bottom, and had those little accessories that looked like something a Greek God would wear. She had only mascara to be her make up. Of all above, Rainbow Dash looked amazing. Her smile is what got Twilight's night a little better.
She stood up, looking and facing the girl who broke her heart. She didn't know what to say, but she certainly didn't put on a smile of her own towards Rainbow. "Oh. Hey Dash." She said softly.
"Hey Twi." She responded giving an awkward wave as the other arm was behind her back, hiding something.
"What are you doing here?"
"Well I was in the hospital, but then I got lonely and checked myself out since I wasn't told anything yet. So I thought I should come to the dance to surprise you."
Twilight didn't say another word to the rainbow hair girl, as she only stood there, waiting for something else to happen. Rainbow's small, awkward smile fell, knowing this wasn't going to be easy. So she decided to sighed and say, "I also came to apologize."
Her purple eyes widen with surprise as she repeated those words, being sure this wasn't a dream. "For?"
"For cheating on you." Rainbow answered, as her eyes fell to the floor for she was now finding it hard to look into Twilight's eyes. "I'm so sorry about that Twilight. I can't blame you for being mad, but understand that I didn't fully intend to do what I did. It was a real big mistake I made. I was only talking to this girl, Aria Blaze, just talking of how I wasn't exactly fun, all because I was mad that you thought I wanted you only for sex, and that's true on that Twi. I don't want you for sex and you should know that. But, I messed up. I did the horrible mistake betraying your trust."
Twilight looked at that face she missed looking at. Obviously, there was such disappointment and sadness in Rainbow. She looked so pale, so alone. Especially when she saw her eyes were glassy, it was such devastation for her.
"I only hope you'll forgive me Twi." Rainbow spoke with soft tone. Then she smiled while looking at her back. "And, I ask principal Celestia if it is alright I can give this to you." She held what was surprising to be the last crown of being a princess. Twilight looked at the crown that definitely represent her trademark as there was a pink star gem in the middle. She looked at Dash and noticed her eyes were glassy, and a small drop of tears fell from her cheek.
She took a deep breath without saying a word, and walked to the girl who held her crown. She bend to her knees, then Rainbow placed it on her hair very gently as if it was a coronation. Twilight stayed bend to her knees, but looked up seeing those eyes drop more tears. She then smiled and leaned up close enough to Rainbow Dash giving her a pair of sweet lips onto her own.
Rainbow Dash watery eyes looked surprised as she received this kiss and was about to panic, but she closed her eyes, and melted into this wonderful passionate kiss. This was passionate and amazing for this had no tongue or moans, just gentle lips against each other. Spike was so happy, her tail wagging more than ten times as his usual wagging.
Twilight pulled away and took a glance at Spike seeing him so happy, but then she notice how Rainbow's sad watery eyes, became into a sight of happiness; still had tears but it didn't look to bad.
Rainbow only looked puzzled and waited for a response. This was the only thing Twilight had said after their pull from the kiss. "That's all I wanted to hear Rainbow Dash."
She looked so surprise with more water falling, but she finally grew a smile and wipe her tears away on one eye; Twilight did the other. Their moment was simply so peaceful.
"That's my girls! Whoo hoo!" Spike yelped clapping his two paws.
The two girls looked at him reaction, which caused him to act shy and hide behind his tail. Rainbow's jaw literally dropped as she repeated what the dog had just said. "Did he just-"
"Yes." Twilight said immediately trying her best not to laugh at that expression Rainbow has. "Spike talks indeed. It's a long story."
"Long story my butt!" Dash said almost falling backwards. "You are a jerk for not telling me this!"
Twilight rolled her eyes and giggled. "Would you believe if I told you after our break up?"
Rainbow was about to say something, but then stopped herself for a moment to think and had her point prove. "True. But still!"
"Now enough talk!" Spike barked and ran to the garden center of the school. He pointed his paw to it and said, "Go dance already!"
The two teenage girls stare at each other and smiled very shyly, acting as if they had just met for the first time. Dash felt herself take a deep breath, and held her hand to Twilight getting her attention. "May I have this dance, Princess Twilight Sparkle?"
Twilight blushed as Dash mention 'princess' and giggled so slightly. "Um, I hope you do realize I don't dance good."
"You dance with Applejack at the cock sucker."
"Yeah but was when I was taking classes. It was a long time ago."
Spike groaned leaning his head against the bar of the center bored. Dash chuckled and told the dog, "Don't worry buddy, she's dancing."
"I can show you. Come on."
Dash grabbed Twilight's purple wrist and lead her to the center of the garden were most people danced ; only they were alone. Dash made sure Twilight was in front of her and said, "Now put your hand right here." She pointed to her own right shoulder.
Twilight did as she was told and let Rainbow continue to tell her what to do. Once their hands were in place, Rainbow began to tell her how to move her feet. "Now, you go two steps forward, one step back. I'm gonna go one step backwards so you go two steps forward. Okay Twi?"
Twilight gulped, knowing she's going to stomp on Dash's feet. But she obviously can't give up right now at this rate. "Okay."
Dash only giggled of how shy she was acting. It kinda reminded her of her first day in True Directions. As she took her step backward, Twilight took her two steps forward. Before she knew it, she began to dance.
Twilight looked so shock as she watched her feet. "Hey, I'm doing it!" She said so happy.
Rainbow smiled and said, "Great, but you gotta look at your partner while doing this."
Twilight knew she forgot something and was terrified to do that. She gulped and looked up into those beautiful magenta eyes she missed so much. It made her feel safe. She didn't realize it until later that she was dancing perfectly fine. After a few minutes with the music from the inside of the school, Twilight finally asked. "Hey you know, you never did tell me why you almost killed yourself?"
Dash blushed remembering her hours of crying and choking of her own throat that day. She looked back at Twilight and said, "I guess you can say, if I couldn't have you, there would be no point. But I'm so glad you came to my rescue Twi." She took another deep breath and blushed even more as the words finally came out. "I love you."
Twilight looked surprise, never expected her to ever say that ever again. It made her heart beat super fast, and it made her say it as well. "I love you too."
Before they knew it, they leaned in to kiss as the struck of midnight rang knowing it's a new day. But they weren't the only ones that were kissing at midnight; there was Rarity and Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie, and Sunset Shimmer and Flash Sentry.
Everyone's night turned out to be perfect. Especially for the purple dog as he watched his two owners.
"Best night ever."

A/N: IT AINT OVER!!! :3 only one more chapter! Then maybe I'll continue with book three! Remember there's still that contest of how their baby shall be born! Goodnight and hope enjoyed this long chapter!

But I'm a Girly Genius 2: High School Experience all over againWhere stories live. Discover now