"Shopping for fabric"

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A/N: this is Rarijack moment since they barley have a chapter besides that one in book one. And I hope you guys will like it cause I ship it big time, besides Appledash.

"Oh darling you're being so picky." Rarity said.
"Am not. I'm just thinking this would not be my color." Applejack said.
Seems school has ended and Rarity and Applejack were out to buy some new fabric. Rarity was thinking on a certain dress for her and Applejack since a big event was coming up.
"So what is this thing again?" Applejack asked.
"Oh. It's the big dance called 'gem spring'. It's a dance kinda like prom where you show your beauty." Rarity explained.
"Hmm. Sounds interesting. When's it coming?"
"In a mouth I believe. I'll have to look up on my phone." She then grabbed her phone and started to look up the date.
Applejack smirked and wrapped her arms around Rarity's neck and whispered in her ear "So why do you need new fabric?"
"Well because I'm helping Pinkie with the sorry designing and I'm wanting to make your dress and mine. And maybe our friends's."
"What are you gonna make for me?"
"Well I haven't got a clue. I was thinking maybe green or red. What do you think since you believe blue ain't your color?"
"I think green might go nice. On you show be a dark pink or purple."
"Hmm that's actually a good idea." She then grabbed her notes and started to write it down.
Applejack giggled and watch her write fast. She then made Rarity turn around to face her seeing her big blue eyes. "I just know they'll match your blue eyes." She said.
"Why thank you." She blushed looking into her green eyes. She just loved to look into them. They remind her so much of her emerald gem. She just fell in love with those eyes.
Applejack leaned in as kissed Rarity's soft lips blushing pink. It was barley noticing. Rarity cupped Applejack's cheeks and continued to kiss her while lifting her leg up like most couple do in movies.
Rarity and Applejack's lift up and then turned around facing a girl who was a little smaller compare to then. Except she looked a little older too.
"Sweetie Belle?! What are you doing here?"
"I was getting some fabric and gems to make me and Scootaloo's dress. Were you kissing her?"
Applejack blushed red and immediately pulled away from Rarity. "Now Sweetie Belle," Rarity said nervously. "I-I know what you're thinking, b-b-b-but it's nothing... I mean.... uh..."
"I think what Rarity is trying to say sugarcube," Applejack then stepped in. "Is that we were practicing for a play that's happening soon."
"A play? What kind?"
"Well... it's Romeo and Juliet. I'm Romero and she's Juliet. And honestly we have to kiss and it ain't comfortable feeling it."
"Oh. Who are you?"
"I'm Applejack. You must be Rarity's little sister huh?"
She nodded.
Rarity was so surprised Applejack was saving her and is actually bonding with her little sister so well. She couldn't believe.
"You know, I think I have a little sister the same as you. Her name is Applebloom."
"Does she go to school?"
"My Granny Smith is afraid for her to be in school. She was afraid with me. I might talk her into taking in. She could really use a friend, and you seem perfect for it."
"Well it would cool for her to join our crusaders teams. Sure. It was nice meeting you Applejack. See ya." She then walked off leaving the teenage girls alone.
Applejack turned back to look at the shock expression on Rarity's face. She was laughing as she saw her face. "What? How on earth did you-?"
"It's real easy to tell them something that's kinda the truth. Plus Applebloom probably needs to meet your sister to make new friends." She said.
"But all the times when I tried to find a way to get rid of Sweetie Belle, she never leave."
"Why would you want her to leave?" She looked confused.
"Because she is always bugging and me and wanting me to do something for her when she clearly knows I am busy with school."
Applejack raised an eyebrow smiling at the fashionista. It got Rarity's heart pumping big time.
She sighed "And I guess so I could make a new outfit."
Applejack chuckled. "Rare, do you ever try to make time for Sweetie Belle?"
Rarity looked a bit embarrassed but saw it was the truth. "No."
"Well that's probably why she won't stop bugging ya. It's because you won't try to spend time with her. I'm not saying you're a bad sister sugarcube, but maybe spending time with your's will make a small difference." She smiled warmly at Rarity knowing she'll understand.
Rarity then had a smile on her face and she said "I'm glad you're a part of gem life Applejack."
"Awww shucks." Applejack blushed pink. "I just like helping ya is all."
Rarity then grabbed Applejack's hand and placed it against her chest where her heart was. She blush as she felt her big boobs and heart beat. She smiled looking at Rarity's beautiful face and just leaned in to kiss her lips again. She pulled her in closer to make their kiss a little deeper.
Rarity was afraid Sweetie Belle would catch her again, but she didn't mind since she was loving Applejack's sweet lips. She loved how soft they were for a red-neck. She just loved everything about her Applejack.
"Eww. So nasty."
Their kiss was broke as they turned around to see a girl and her friend standing on the other side of the box of fabric.
One girl had purple curly hair that was in a yellow headband (Idk what it's called lol). Her eyes were brown and she had on a blue scarf and wore a white top almost like Rarity's and had golden bracelets on each of her light pink skin hands. She wore a button belt with her purple, button skirt. She had a smirk that was spreading her face.
Her friend standing next to her looked nervous. Her hair was cut short and it's color was light blue which was real pretty and had a red flower hold some parts of it. Her skin was light skin like Applejack's almost and had light blue eyes that were cute. She wore a top with purple sleeve and red ribbon where her collar bone was. She wore a yellow skirt with a red fancy hat on the side.
Rarity mostly gave a face to them. "Well, it's been a long time hasn't it Suri?"
"Indeed it has. So I see you have a girlfriend? What a cliché." She said.
"What is that suppose to mean?"
"Oh nothing. Just that I know how pathetic you've really become, especially wanting to be with someone like her."
Applejack started to get offended and gave a face. "Now wait a minute-"
"AJ, don't. It's best you stay back." Rarity said with her arm blocking her way.
"I think they're a cute couple." Her friend said shyly and smiling.
Suri then gave a face towards her which made her feel nervous. "But I see you're doing well Rarity. And you've so proven yourself. Such a shame you became a faggot."
"Oh why you little-!"
Applejack hold her arms holding her back as calming her down. Rarity the realized that their moment was completely find before she showed up. So why ruin it?
"Well you know, you can call me a faggot all you want Suri," she then wrapped her arm around Applejack's waist bring her close and made Applejack wide eyed. "but know I am completely happy with my Applejack. And you can't ruin it." Then she proved it by kissing Applejack.
Applejack had her eyes still open blushing red, a little embarrassed they were watching.
She only laughed and said walking off "No wonder you were hopeless."
The girl watch her leave and continued to watch them kiss. Applejack tried waving her hand to get her away.
"Come on Coco!" She heard her and felt she needed to follow orders and leave them.
Applejack tried pulling away but Rarity hold her tight. "Rare-" she tried speaking but her lips keep stopping her.
Rarity moaned kissing her still.
"Rare, they're gone."
Rarity opened her red and saw the two of them were gone. She now felt a little more embarrassed. She let go of Applejack and hid her to hold a little control.
"What the heck?" Applejack said. "And who were they?"
"Suri Polomare, and Coco Pommel. They're some girl I use to go to school with and joined in fashion competition. We were all friends and all but Suri one day stole my fabric and used it for her whole line making me look like a copy cat. I don't Coco so much but Suri really ruined my day and almost my career."
"Oh Rare I'm sorry." Applejack said. "But what does that have to do with what your just did?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean why did you decide to kiss me in front of them? We're you trying to make them jealous or something?"
"Oh heavens no. Suri is so against homosexual love. I just..... I just wanted to show her how much I love you as how much I don't care with her insults being spread. You made me happy and she's not ruining it. Not now."
Applejack smiled. She started to see what Rarity was doing and felt it was sweet. Most couples would be embarrassed or try not to do anything to show they're together. But Rarity showed she had no fear and cared for Applejack only.
Applejack took her hands and rub them softly. "I'm sorry. I just thought you were trying to show off."
"Oh darling I don't do that. That's Trixie's job." Rarity said.
Applejack chuckled.
Rarity then gave Applejack another kiss on the lips and went back to shopping. "So what do you think Twilight antic would be?" She asked.
"Something blue like stars." Applejack said.
"Good thinking. Mind helping me out."
Applejack smiled as Rarity did and joined her to help find fabric for the dresses.
Applejack then knew there was nothing to worry about with Rarity. And she loved her too.

A/N: OMG this is one of my OTPs! Honestly they're cute. I hope you guys liked it and I'll be doing the next one real soon. Goodnight! :)

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