"Worst party ever"

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A/N: hey guys! Back with another chapter!! I gotta say this is loud with yelling and dramatic and I feel bad for everyone hear. But it won't last. Promise. Enjoy my friends ^^

"Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" Pinkie kept asking over and over again.
"Pinkie, chill." Applejack said. "We're almost there."
"But I don't think I can hold it any longer!" Seemed Pinkie Pie needed to pee at the very moment.
The girls were all in Rarity's car driving to Trixie Lulamoon's birthday party. So far still no one knows, besides Applejack, that Sunset Shimmer is dating her. Although not everyone was in their best mood. Applejack still was thinking of what Suri said about Rarity was true, Pinkie of course needed to pee, and Rainbow Dash still remain pretty mad from earlier.
Everyone else on the other hand were completely fine.
"I'm very excited for the party." Fluttershy said shyly.
"I know!" Pinkie said. But then she gritted her teeth. "I just we'll hurry there in time!"
"We'll be there soon Pinkie." Sunset Shimmer said.
Twilight and Rarity only giggled at Pinkie's silliness. Rarity hasn't noticed how Applejack was always quiet, but Twilight has noticed how Rainbow Dash prefers to not talk to anyone at all. Especially her.
"I wish I could have brought Spike." She said hoping that got Rainbow's attention. Sadly, it didn't.
"Me too." Fluttershy said. "He's such a good boy and everything."
"Agreed, and a huge mess." Rarity said still driving.
They finally made it where there was a house that was flashing lights and had loud music. There could only be one house playing that kind of music. It's Trixie's party.
Once a car door was open after begging stopped, Pinkie was the first to get out. "Oh pickles!"
Fluttershy and the girls giggled as she ran. "She's very cute at times." She said as she got out of the car.
Sunset Shimmer and Applejack got out of the car but before Rainbow could get out, Twilight's hand stopped her. "What are you-"
"Hey Rare, we'll be in, in a second. Me and Rainbow need some alone time in the car." Twilight said to her friend.
"Sure thing darling." She handed her friend her keys. "Make sure the lock it when you both leave." Then she left closing the door.
Rainbow Dash made a face. "Seriously? What gives?"
"Oh, so now you rather talk to me." Twilight said sarcastically. "What is your problem? All day you've been so quiet and annoying, and right now I'm close to just slapping you again."
"Technically you punched me." She corrected her.
"Well what is your deal before I do punch you? Is because you're not having enough sex with me?!"
Rainbow looked in shock of her saying that. Then she growled "You seriously think that's what I care for most right now?!"
"Well right now you're acting like just cause you can't get enough, you have to be so depressing and mean!"
"I'm not depressing and mean! And I cannot believe you would something like to me! You know that I would barley care for that!"
"Well then what's your freaking deal?!"
She wasn't sure how she was gonna explain it to Twilight. "You know what? I don't need this!" She open the door and got out of the car to head to the house.
"Hey!" Twilight got following her. "Don't walk away from me!"
"Whatever! This conversation is over egghead!" She yelled back as she continued walking.
Twilight was so mad. She was to hit something with her friends. Luckily barley anyone barley notice them fighting.
"Everything alright?" Flash asked as he walked to Twilight.
"Yeah. Just Rainbow Dash being a pain like she use to." She said clenching her fists.
"It's okay. Calm down. I'm sure you both will work it out. It'll be okay Twilight."
Maybe Flash was right. Could they work out their problem? Already to Twilight, Rainbow is being a baby and doesn't wanna talk. They just need some alone time and try to calm down.
Twilight sighed. "Maybe you're right. Maybe we can just calm down by being away from each other."
"Probably the best thing at the moment."
She smiled of how Flash is still a great friend. Then they both went into the party together.
It was really loud inside and very hard to see everyone and everything. The food look yummy and there were loads of presents. Weird how Trixie could actually get presents. Everyone was dancing having a blast.
Twilight could barley find her friends.
"See anyone?!" Flash asked loud since the music was loud.
"What?!" Twilight said barley wrong him.
"Do you see one of your friends or anyone?!"
"Nope!" Twilight kept searching but then found a kitchen and saw her friend Applejack go in there. "Ooh! I see AJ! See ya!" She said leaving Flash at the dancing.
"Come on Flutters!" Pinkie said smiling. "Let's party!!" She grabbed Fluttershy's hands and took her to the crowd to dance with her girlfriend.
"Well, I'm not really good at dancing Pinkie Pie." Fluttershy said.
"So? You hit gotta move your body a little like this!"
"But I really can't dance Pinkie. I'm a little nervous."
"Aww come on. Please?" She gave her the big puppy eyes.
Fluttershy thought she look so cute. "Oh. Alright, for you."
"Yay!" Pinkie was already doing weird dances but they looked like fun.
Fluttershy was getting herself into the music and was starting to dance with Pinkie. They were such a cute couple.
Sunset Shimmer watched them, thinking they're just so cute.
"Hey again!"
She looked and saw Flash Sentry next to her. She was happy to see him for sure. "Oh! Hey Flash!"
"How ya been?"
"Pretty good. Just watching Pinkie and Fluttershy having a blast." She pointed to her two friends. "So hey, have you seen Trixie?"
"Nope. And don't plan to."
She laughed at his joke. "I'm glad today is her party. She said she's got a surprise for me. And it's not even mine."
"You gotta be a special friend to her."
"I think I am. I know you're a special friend to me." She then look at her friend dancing again and sigh "I wish I could dance like them."
He smiled at her thinking of who cute she is. "Well what you waiting for? Let's dance."
She looked surprise. Did he just ask her to dance? "Oh no I-"
"It's fine. Come on." He took her hand and led her to the dance floor.
She wasn't sure this was a good idea. She's dating Trixie. What if she gets caught thinking she's cheating? But Flash is kinda cute, and a good friend as it is. Maybe she won't be in much trouble.
They started to dance like crazy, having a blast to be teenagers.
Kitchen was a little noisy but the lights weren't flashing and easy to see people. There was two guys in there when Twilight came in. They kept staring at Applejack as she was getting herself a drink. They mostly looked at her bottom.
"I spank that booty." One guy whispered.
"I pinch it." The other whispered.
"Well too bad. She's taken." Twilight said to them.
"Sure. Whatever." Then he look at his friend whispered "Watch this."
'What is he doing?' Twilight thought.
The guy crawled up to Applejack quietly and reach close to her skirt to spank her bottom. But then Applejack's hand stopped him as she grabbed it and pulled it making him feel pain. "No one is allow to touch this skirt so get lost."
She let go and he still felt the pain. "Man! She hurt me!"
"She's crazy." The guy said leaving.
The other did as well.
Twilight laugh at the two boys and walked to Applejack. "You okay?"
"Not really." She answered.
"Well you know boys. Such silly children that think they can get what they want." But then she mumbled "Rainbow should join them".
"Hey, can I ask you something Twilight? Something kinda personal." She asked.
Twilight was surprised she asked that. She looked serious. "Sure." But she noticed how the kitchen was from the party living room, so they had to be somewhere where no one will listen to them. "Come on." Twilight then led Applejack and her out to find a quiet room. It wasn't going to be easy at all as they see.
Rarity was getting herself punch. According to Applejack, she lied saying she was going to the bathroom while Rarity get them something to eat. But as she got herself a glass and another one, she saw Rainbow Dash sitting by herself looking pretty mad.
She looked worried and thought she should get to the bottom of it. She walked to Rainbow Dash and said "Hello darling."
"Hey Rare." She said barley looking up.
"What's the matter? Where is Twilight?"
"Probably wanting to head home since she thinks all I care about is sex."
After hearing that, Rarity cleared her throat giving Rainbow the drink. "How lovely dear."
Rainbow Dash grabbed the drink from her and drank it. "And it's not true. I don't always try to be pervy that much. Do I?"
Rarity only looked at Rainbow Dash and rubbed the back of her neck feeling awkward. "Well um... Uh...."
Rainbow could not believe Rarity. "Are you serious? You too?"
"Well darling, sometimes you kinda do it too much and always mostly in public." She was just being honest.
"What?! I am.... I'm not.... You see..." Rainbow didn't really know what to say. If Rarity can see it, does it mean it's true. Rainbow started to look back and saw she was correct. "......Oh no. I am a pervert."
"No you're not." Rarity said trying to make her feel better. "You're just.... dirty mind at times. It's kinda of a way to show Twilight how.... you love her a lot."
"You think so?"
"Of course darling."
Even though this girl was annoying in her moments, Rarity still had a big heart and still cared for others. And Rainbow Dash was glad to have a friend like her around.
"Thanks Rare." She said taking a sip of her drink. "So how's you and AJ?"
"I don't know. She hasn't really talk to me when she came back with the fabric. She looks mad and I don't think I did anything."
"I'm sure it's just bullies."
"Same here. I just wish she didn't have to deal with the bullies. Well I'm gonna go dance until I see her, and good luck with Twilight."
"Thanks." She smiled at the fashionista as she started to dance with everyone.
Pinkie and Fluttershy were still in the crowd dancing Rarity joined them.
Rainbow Dash didn't really want to dance so she went upstairs to find a bathroom to stay in.
Applejack and Twilight found a room that was finally quiet for once. Twilight was a little nervous Applejack wanted to talk to her alone. Especially in a closet. But where else are they gonna talk at?
"Good. Some quiet finally." Applejack said.
"Agreed." Twilight said. "So what did you wanna talk to me about?"
"It's about Rarity." Applejack said. "You see, I kinda ran into someone who might have known her and she said, that Rarity use to let people do her work for her as if they were slaves. That she wouldn't pay them or anything. Not even good. And she use to have a boyfriend name Fancy Pants and cheated on him. Is that all true?"
Twilight only stared in shock with what Applejack had just said. How did she know? Well actually the question is, what makes her think of that?
"Well um...." she didn't know how to explain this to Applejack. "Well see the truth Applejack.... is that..... Well.. It's kinda true."
Her heart started to skip a beat.
"But honestly I don't think you got half of that correct."
Now Applejack was just confused.
She sighed and said "You see AJ.... She-"
"Hey! I call dibs on this closet!" A woman said scaring the two teens.
"Sorry." Twilight said dragging her and Applejack out.
They both got to where the presents are and cousins move anywhere. Applejack was still waiting for Twilight to speak. "Well what happen?" Applejack asked.
Twilight thought about this and started to realize it. "You need to ask Rarity. Not me." She then left the cowgirl by herself.
While Applejack was searching and everyone was inside, Sunset Shimmer and Flash were done with dancing and decided to talk outside. It was too loud inside since music was going nuts. They were sitting on a swing that was just outside the house and talking.
"So that's how you got in?" He asked.
"Yep. She broke my heart. I haven't seen Adagio in years." Apparently Sunset was explaining her relationship with Adagio Dazzle, which was an epic failed.
"Do you think you'll see her again?"
"I don't ever want to see her. Not after what happen."
"Well don't worry. It was in the past, and she can't possibly hurt you now. And I'll make sure of it."
She chuckled. "Sure be a knight of shining armor."
"I know right?" He laughed.
Sunset was glad to have a friend like him. He's fun, hilarious at times, cute, hot with his eyebrows....
But then she remember Trixie. Shoot! She must change the subject. "So, when you were with Twilight... was it fun?"
"Kinda. She mostly stick her head into the books. But I always had my guitar lessons to learn."
"What is your hobby?"
He nodded.
Sunset was so surprise he asked that. "Wow, no one's really asked me that before. Well I...." she thought about it, an then realized the problem. "I don't know."
"You don't have anything you like to do?" He was surprise himself.
"I think so. I guess cause I hang out with people so much, I don't realize what I want to do afterwards. I live at Sweet Apple Acres thanks to AJ but I don't exactly always like doing chores twenty-four seven."
"Hmm, maybe you should try guitar playing. You might be a rock star."
"Ha! I screw up the first day. But maybe I can get lessons." She winked at him.
"Hey yeah. I can be a guitar teacher. Sweet!" He laughed as so did she.
She kept looking at Flash and felt her heart beating so fast.
She just doesn't understand. She's with Trixie and she's feeling this with Flash. Why? Shouldn't she be feeling nice with Trixie? Or maybe.... Is she gaining feelings for him instead?
This made no sense to her.
He blushed feeling nice as well. "So um... Sunset Shimmer, I-"
"Sunny!" They both looked back and saw Trixie waving. "I need you inside!"
"Oh. Better go see what she wants. See ya Flash." She said as she left him and went inside following Trixie.
Flash felt silly now. He laid back against the swing feeling stupid. "Maybe not now. Maybe at lessons I'll ask her out. Whenever that comes in mind." he said to himself as he continue to look at the stars.
Rainbow Dash didn't really go to use the restroom. She just needed peace and quiet to think. And that was hard since it was loud downstairs.
"Don't people ever get quiet?" She said to herself.
She got out of the bathroom and went down the hall and found a bedroom. Finally something nice to sit on! She closed the door and just sat on the bed.
This was much better for her. If only Twilight was in the room with her. She misses her so much.
Maybe she is too perverted. Maybe she does touch Twilight way too much.
"Oh sorry." A voice said getting Rainbow's attention. "I thought this room wasn't taken."
The girl was a scary emo girl but looked kinda cute. She had huge purple hair in ponytails with turquoise highlights. She had light purple skin but not like Twilight's. Her clothes were kinda tone but were still able to hide things of her body.
"Nah it's fine. Trying to find a place that's quiet?" She asked.
"Honestly yeah. These people are annoying." She said.
"Come on in."
The girl was surprise she let her in. She walked in closing the door and say on the bed with Rainbow drinking her own drink. It was beer.
"Never seen you before." Rainbow said.
"I was invited by Trixie with my sisters and me. They're both doing their thing and said I can do my own problems I need to make."
"Oh yeah? What's that?"
"Let me be myself."
Rainbow chuckled. "At least you're getting to be yourself. My girlfriend seems to have problems with me being myself."
She looked surprised at her. "You're lesbian?"
"Yeah. Not a problem is it?"
"Nope. Same here."
"Hey ever been to True Directions?"
"Nope but my little sister has. She was caught kissing another girl and raping her."
Rainbow spitted out her drink literally choking. That was unexpected.
"You okay?" The girl asked.
"Yeah. Just...." She cough finally letting it out. "... Just shock."
"Awkward?" She asked.
"Very awkward." She could finally breath again. "I'm Rainbow Dash." She let put her hand to shake it."
The girl shook it and said her name "Aria Blaze."
After shaking they both took another sip of their drinks. Rainbow watched Aria drank her beer up. She wish she had some. "Hey where did you get that?"
"Downstairs." She say wiping her mouth. "Want some?"
"Sure." She shrugged her shoulders grabbing the beer and drinking it.
Aria smiled as she watched Rainbow drink. 'She kinda looks cute' she thought....
"Rarity!" Applejack yelled going through the crowd. "Where are you?!"
Twilight and her friends saw Applejack still searching. The girls walked to Applejack and Twilight ask "You still can't find her?"
"Nothing sugarcube!" Applejack said.
"Maybe she's upstairs." Fluttershy said.
"What?!" Pinkie asked not hearing her well.
"She might be upstairs!" She said a little louder.
"I'll go look." Twilight said hearing Fluttershy and headed up there. How can she hear Pinkie?
"Ooh! Found her!" Pinkie pointed to the kitchen.
They looked and saw purple hair of straight curls. It was beautiful hair. It was definitely Rarity.
"Yep! That's her! Thank you!" Applejack said to them. Then she headed into the kitchen seeing her girlfriend.... uh oh.
"Rarity!" Twilight looked up the stairs and was searching every room. She checked the bathrooms and the bedrooms, even the closets. Nothing came. "Where is she?"
She finally came across one room that she hadn't look. It was a bedroom as well. She turn the door knob and open it. Still no Rarity.
But she did find two girls making out on the bed. One girl had purple hair that was in dog ears and looked like an emo person. The other person had light blue skin and rainbow hair.
Wait a minute. Rainbow hair?
"Rainbow Dash?!"
The two girls then noticed she was in the room and the rainbow hair felt so bad. She pushed Aria off her and stood up facing Twilight. "No Twilight! It's not what you thi-"
Rainbow fell backwards on the bed feeling pain on her cheek. Twilight just slapped her. She was mad and hurt.
Twilight had actual tears in her eyes and felt her heart breaking so much more. "How could you?!"
Rainbow sat up and tried to speak with tears in her own eyes. "Twilight I-"
"I trusted you! You moron!" Then she ran out of the room in tears.
Rainbow Dash was literally in pain. This was bad. How can she do something this idiotic? Twilight meant everything to her, and now she pushed her away with Aria.
Aria couldn't help but kinda felt bad. But she had no emotion on her face. "You okay?"
Rainbow just couldn't talk to her. She just couldn't talk to anyone anymore. How can she do this?
Twilight ran down the stairs but wasn't watching were she was going. She accidentally bumped into someone.
"Whoa! You okay?" Flash asked helping Twilight.
"I'm fine!" She said running away from him. She ran past the people not caring with what's happening. Pinkie and Fluttershy saw her running with the tears running down her face.
"Twilight?" Fluttershy tried to get her but she failed.
"Why is she crying?" Pinkie asked.
So far she wasn't the only one. The two girls found Rarity crying on the floor and Applejack running to the door away from Rarity.
"Hey AJ!" Pinkie stopped Applejack.
"What?!" She said as she looked at Pinkie with sad eyes and tears.
"What's the matter?"
"She's so mean!"
"Why? What-"
Suddenly, laughter from the crowd interrupted anything. Soon the girls each saw Sunset Shimmer on a TV screen. She was in her bra and underwear and had on a patch of pig ears. She was so sad on the TV. She had tears was embarrassed. Seems three girls were surrounding her throwing confetti on her, calling her a pig slut. Poor Sunset.
"Oh no." Pinkie felt so bad. So did Applejack and Fluttershy. Even Flash Sentry.
The screen showed Sunset Shimmer running away and soon everyone found her running down the stairs with more tears. Flash tried to stop her but she kept running.
"Wait! Sunset!" Fluttershy tried stopping her but he ran out of the house with people still laughing. The three girls ran after Sunset Shimmer.
Flash looked down at Rarity seeing her cry and not move. He felt so bad. Especially for Sunset. But then he looked at the screen as it showed Trixie and two others girls laughing. Aria should up next to him looking at the screen emotionless.
"Stupid sisters I have." She said.
That caught his attention. "Your sisters?"
"Unfortunately Sonata and Adagio wanted pay back."
He sighed and only shook his head. "Women."
"What?!" Aria looked shock and hit him.
"Ow! Sorry." He said rubbing his head.
This was the worst party ever.

A/N: OMG THIS WAS LONG AND SADDD!!! I know what you're all thinking. I'm mean. But there's a reason so please do not hate me. I hope you guys like it and hopefully I'll be back with another chapter. See ya.

But I'm a Girly Genius 2: High School Experience all over againWhere stories live. Discover now