"You're not my family"

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A/N: again I apologize for such a long time to update on some books of MLP. I thought I could move on, but for some reason I can't. It's scaring me a bit lol but I hope you'll all like this chapter. It might be even more of a miracle.... Well not really. I'm not gonna spoil it yet lol enjoy!

"Please tell me she's alright." Twilight only begged in her heart that was gonna be the doctor's response when she saw him walk into the waiting room.
He nodded placing his clipboard to his side and said, "She's going to be fine. Lucky for you, you reached her in time. With the amount of pills she had taken was really bad. But she is going to be alright miss Sparkle."
Twilight sighed as her heart finally calmed it's beating. She was so happy, but angry at the same time. She thanked the doctor and let hump to another patient he had to take care of. He told her that Rainbow Dash was gonna be in the hospital for a few days. It would be her only release of relief in order to get past the pills she took to kill herself. Twilight was allow to see her, but she was nervous. She thought she would never see Dash again after their break up, or that she ends up in a hospital for almost committing suicide in the treehouse. Twilight can only imagine how Rainbow's father was gonna sue her family.
Dogs weren't allow in hospitals, but luckily Twilight's backpack kept the little purple talking dog hidden. He told the young puppy that she's gonna see if Rainbow was still breathing. A doctor can always be wrong.
When they found her room, the spot her on a hospital bed, nothing but wires in her nose, wrists, and a clip on her gown of the hospital. She was knocked out and didn't move, looking as if she was dead. Twilight didn't like the sight of that.
She walk to the bed and sat down as she place her backpack on he lap. She unzip the top zipper letting the little puppy pop  his head out to spot the other owner of his. He looked a bit shock as he saw her rest and heal. "Man," he whispered so a doctor or nurse wouldn't hear him. "she looks awful. What are we gonna do?" He looked up to Twilight hoping for an answer.
Twilight wasn't exactly sure what to tell him. She, even herself, was in shock and wanted to find the answer. She didn't know what though. "I don't know Spike." She finally responded. "I want to find the answer... But I have nothing."
The dog looked back at the rainbow hair girl. He then jumped out of the backpack, crawled to her, and then began to lick her cheek. Twilight gasped as she spot him. "Spike!" She whispered grabbing him away.
He whimpered wanting to try and wake her up. Sadly, nothing happened.
Twilight gave up, and put her dog back in his position of the backpack without closing the zipper. She leaned in to the silent sleepy Rainbow Dash, and began to have her tears reach in. She did her best to hold it in. Then, with courage, she leaned in to place a kiss on Rainbow's cheek. She didn't let go until a few minutes had passed. Once she did, she saw nothing happen again.
She began to walk back to her dog, when suddenly, she heard coughing.
Her purple eyes widen and looked back down at the cyan girl, finally opening her magenta eyes. Twilight felt her smile come back, and her tears wanting to burst like a water balloon. Once she was caught by Rainbow's eyes, she felt alive. "Twilight?" Rainbow Dash mumble a little louder as she saw her first from the light.
Twilight gave a small gasp, but covered her mouth to held the rest of her sounds. Her eyes immediately dried up, and she said, "Oh my gosh, you're okay!"
Dash tried to lift herself to sit up on the bed, but could barley move when pain was requested into her tailbone. She gasped but held it in to ignore it. She looked at her surroundings, trying to studying them, and didn't have a clue where she was. "Where am I?"
"Hospital." Twilight answered. "I found you in the treehouse eating pills." But that was when Twilight's anger had return and took control. "And how dare you do that to yourself?!"
Dash looked at her with wide eyes, shock that she had exuded her yelling. She actually forgot that she did that to herself. She didn't really remember it until Twilight said it.
Twilight didn't stop there though. "Why in the world would you do that to yourself?! That is like the most stupidest thing you've ever done, and I never expected you to do something this awful! Do you know how awful it would be if you kill yourself?! For your friends, family?!" Twilight stop to take her breath. Her yelling finally had went away as she looked at her two purple palm hands hold each other. She no longer had that awful angry expression on her face; it was replaced with a sad look. "For me... Life would be so awful as it already is now. I would probably do it to myself if you ever do this again. I don't see why you would do this. Why Rainbow Dash?"
Dash was speechless. She couldn't think of the right words to say to her. She was afraid and tired, mostly afraid. She only looked up into those purple eyes and saw there was no point of arguing. She doesn't have the strength right now. She sighed and said, "Twi, I to-"
"Rainbow Dash!" A voice said making the heart of these two girls jump.
They looked toward the door spotting a man who was large and wire a famous suit walk in. Already they knew who he was.
"Dad?" Rainbow was surprise her father to be standing in the doorway. His expression was the same as it was as Rainbow remembered well; nothing changed, especially his voice.
"You are in so much trouble young lady!" He said as he burst into the room and pushed Twilight away.
Twilight fell forward onto the cold floor. She felt a bit of her front upper body reach an agony of pain, and tries to lift herself up, but can barley lift her arms.
"Twilight!" Rainbow tried to lean forward and jump off the bed to reach her. But then her father's strong arms held her back keeping her sitting on the hospital bed.
"When we get home, you are grounded for life!" He yelled to his daughter as she leaned back a little more towards her pillow. "I cannot believe you would run away from home to be with this little brat!"
Spike popped his head out of the backpack again, and saw Twilight fallen. He growled towards the man in his suit, and had his courage built up to jump onto his arm, and bite the sleeve, including his arm.
He yelled in pain and tried to throw the dog off his arm by wiggling it around. "Get off me you mutt!" He yelled towards it.
Finally, he had enough nonsense to grab Spike's head and throw him against the wall making a loud bang. Twilight and Dash gasped as their puppy yelped in pain. Twilight ran to the pup, holding him close, wanting to comfort him closely. "Spike! Are you okay?" She asked him.
He whimpered and snuggling into Twilight's arm as he experienced real pain. He didn't say a word, but then again, a dog isn't really suppose to talk.
Rainbow's father was furious, and rolled his eyes as he watched Twilight comfort her animal. "You see Dash?" He said. "This is why you should have never gone with that other annoying one name Derpy. She made you a disgrace in our family name, and look at where you are! You're in the stupid hospital for whatever stupid reason, as you always do that, and you think this new pathetic person loves you? She cares more for her animal than you. This is why you should have never left your father."
Dash was silent. She kept her eyes on her father, but then looked at Twilight and Spike as she saw how much pain there was. But Twilight wasn't the one causing pain. She felt herself began to cry when she repeated what her father said about her being a disgrace. That was the last thing she wanted to be, was a mistake for the family of her own. Her mother was gone, her father was a fruit who's rude, and now all her relatives must hate her.
But she's never experienced so much love until Twilight had come to True Directions. She changed everything for the rainbow hair girl. Now she completely understood.
"I'll sign you out and we can go home." Her father said walking out the door, expecting her to follow him. He turned back to spot if she was following him, but he saw she was still on the hospital bed with the most weirdest expression he's ever seen on her. His fists clenched and said with more demand in his voice, "Come on Rainbow Dash, we're leaving!"
Rainbow only remain silent and watched Twilight stand up hugging their puppy. She took a deep breath and look back at her father, "You know what dad? You're right. I am a disgrace."
He smirked, believing his daughter understood what she saw.
"And I'm proud to be one."
His frown came back as he heard that. Twilight and Spike were in shock, but we're also confuse. How can she live being a disgrace?
"All my life, I have known that you, my dad, always did what was meant to be right for me." She continued. "Instead you push me into things I didn't want to do. You pushed me away from Derpy, and now you're trying to push me away from Twilight. I'm sure this is not what mom had wanted. If she wanted to see me happy, she would want me to be happy."
Twilight didn't like where this was going. From the looks of her father, he looked angry.
"What are you saying?" He said.
"You were never my family dad." She said with no holding back. "Family is suppose to be where you love each other, accept each other, and never give up on each other. You never gave me that. In fact, nobody ever did! Why else would I stay in my room every night to listen to music? I wanted to shut the world out, because of you! You may have made me with mom, but you were never my family!"
Everyone stared in shock; jaws were dropped, and eyes were wide open. Twilight never thought she would ever hear Rainbow defend herself from her father. But does she blame her?
They waited for him to say something, that could maybe. Instead, awful worse only came out. "I should have made her miscarried you a long time ago. Don't ever bother coming home, you monster!"
"Don't expect me to." She said.
He growled and stomped his way out of the hospital's halls and building.
Twilight looked back at Rainbow Dash and gave a small smile. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I-"
She stopped herself, which scared Twilight. She started to choke on herself, and couldn't breathe at all. Her heart monitor was going nuts and she started to have some strange panic attacks.
Twilight gasped, put Spike down, and ran to the hospital bed, hoping to find a way to help her. She didn't know what to do. "Someone help!" She yelled, hoping a nurse or doctor could come in.
Spike stared to bark, hoping that someone could find and help. Luckily a nurse came in time, and saw how Rainbow was acting. "You need to get out! Now!" She said pushing Twilight away to reach Rainbow. Twilight only held her hands together and watched more doctor and nurses come in for Dash.
The doctor or Rainbow Dash told Twilight to leave the room for a moment. Unfortunately, after a few minutes passed, the doctor came back to inform Twilight that Rainbow Dash had to stay there for a while. She wasn't allow to visit her much now because she'll be doing test.
When she left the hospital, Twilight leaned up against a wall to sit near it and cry. Spike popped his head out, hoping to comfort her.
What can she do now?

A/N: it ain't over still! Lol I hope you guys did enjoy this chapter. I promise Rainbow isn't dead! Idk when I'll do another chapter but hopefully soon will come. See you next time!

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