"Big surprise for Sunset Shimmer"

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A/N: this was hard so I thought the past should come back. I hope you guys don't mind that this isn't much of Twidash or so. Just all about Sunset Shimmer. She's just as important as everyone in the story. Anyways enjoy!

CHS was fun for the girls and their dresses were going great thanks to Rarity. Sunset Shimmer was certainly having fun as well. She may not be in a relationship with anyone but she was having fun with the school and her friends. But as much as she hates to admit it, she hates being kinda lonely.
Today, she wasn't gonna head to Rarity's to do her outfit. She was gonna go with Applejack the next day. School kinda just started. She was talking with Applejack at the lockers before class started.
"So what do you think she'll do with your dress?" Sunset Shimmer asked. "She'll probably make something sexy for you."
"Probably." Applejack said. "I know she'll be enjoying making her own dress."
They both were more close friends being in high school other than the students. Sunset Shimmer then looked a little sad.
"What's wrong sugarcube?" Applejack asked.
"It's just... I guess I feel.... kinda lonely." She said looking down at the floor.
"Why do you say that? You got me and our friends?"
"Yeah and you're all in a relationship. I don't have anyone to share my kisses with or to understand my hopes or dreams. I wish I could some girl who would make me feel like an actual person. Kinda like how you guys though."
Applejack smiled and said "Hey, you know? Being in a relationship isn't always that fun. You know that right?"
"I know. I know perfectly well..." She started what happen in her last relationship, which included Adagio Dazzle.
"But know this. There will be that perfect girl out there for you. You just gotta be patient and give it time. It'll take a while, but you will find her when she comes to you. Trust me on that."
Sunset then smiled by how nice Applejack was. She was right. It will take time. But she wasn't sure how long she was gonna take on it all. "You're right. I just wish she was here today with me."
Applejack smiled as closed her locker.
Sunset Shimmer knew this was stupid to ask but she knew se could trust Applejack. "Hey, can I ask you something and you cannot tell anyone I told you?"
"Sure. Shoot sugar." She said as she ate a chip from her bag.
"Do you think it's wrong that I like Trixie Lulamoon in a romantic way?"
Applejack's face was then in shock and she literally spilled her chips out of her mouth. "What?"
"Uh, Nevermind. Maybe I shouldn't-"
"No wait. Did you say, you like Trixie in a romantic way?"
Sunset blushed but nodded not lying.
Applejack was certainly surprised at her. "Hmm I don't know sugarcube."
"It's just... ever since Rarity mention her I haven't..." she trailed off feeling embarrassed.
"No it's fine if you like her. It's just, after hearing how she's so mean to others, I don't want to start dating her and she becomes real mean to you. But if she treats you right like a girlfriend, I'm totally fine with what you choose in your life."
Sunset Shimmer didn't feel so embarrassed anymore and smiled at her friend for being real honest and kind. She hugged Applejack as she hugged back. When the bell rung, Applejack ran straight for class and Sunset only walked. She didn't care of she was tasty or so. Just as long as she's there, she should be fine.
She was walking down the halls until she heard a locker slam shut behind her. She turned around and was blushing when she saw Trixie standing there smiling at her.
"Hello." Trixie said walking towards Sunset.
She looked back to see who she as talking to but saw no one was there. Then she looked at her with still a red face and asked "Me?"
"Yes you."
This was so sudden. Trixie was actually talking to her. She hate she felt nice with her since she had a crush on her. "Oh.... Well um... hi."
"Your name is Sunset Shimmer correct?"
Wow. She even knew her name.
"Y-Yeah. And you're Trixie Lulamoon."
"Yep. The great and powerful Trixie! If it weren't for my two workers Snips and Snails, I would never be what I am today. A captain of yeah chess club and a most talented girl at Canterlot High School."
Sunset stayed quiet listening to her. She didn't like how she was bragging kinda like Rainbow buts she thought she was cute by how she was just so silly to everyone.
Trixie looked and was surprised that she was still there. "Wait. You're still here?"
Sunset Shimmer then looked confused at her and said "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be here?"
"Well it's just, no one ever stays to listen to me. You're the first. I like that." She smiled at the end.
Sunset Shimmer then blushed and smiled. That was so cute of Trixie to say. "Well, I can't just ignore you. That's very.. rude."
"Yeah. Thanks. You know, I hear your from that program Twilight Sparkle came from. What was it call again?"
"Um, True Directions."
"Ooh. Sounds so true. So tell me, did you change your gender liking? Like are you straight?"
"Nope. I know it may seem fake but I still find girls attracted. There's some guys here I think are cute, but I still love women."
But them she realized what she's done. Now Trixie might never talk to her again. Great...
"Well... yay..." But then she mumble how she has more lesbians in the school.
"I did date this one girl who I thought loved me so much. But then she made me do it and these guys were recording and laughing at me. Not her. Me. And she was laughing too. I should have never done it and it was all over the internet. I guess she was playing with me."
Trixie gasped, then smiled. "Now I remember you. You're that girl on that site. I thought I recognized your hair."
Sunset Shimmer then looked surprised but also confused.
Trixie grabbed her phone and was searching. Then she showed her phone and showed the video of Sunset with Adagio.
Sunset blushed embarrassed. "You watched that?!"
"It looked interesting. And it was new on the site. I like looking at the lesbians on here. They have real good sex u like straights."
"Oh no. I bet straights have it much easier then lesbians." She then mumble something.
Trixie believed it was something offensively and was staring down at Sunset Shimmer. "What did you say?"
"Oh. Nothing. Sorry."
"No no. What did you say?" She was starting to get closer to where she as trapping Sunset in front of the lockers.
"It's nothing re-"
"Tell me! Now!"
"But you would do it beautifully cause you're beautiful!"
Trixie looked surprised at the girl who was frighten. Never once was she called beautiful. Others would say she was a jerk or a freak. But she said beautiful. Suddenly, her heart was beating fast, and then was thinking weird thoughts.
"I'm really sorry but is true!" Sunset said having her eyes filled with tears. "I really find you attracted. I don't know why but you are beautiful and great. I kinda worry what others say about you, but I feel I should know you instead. And I understand how much you hate faggots like me so I try not t-"
But she was interrupted with lips wing pressed against her's. She could not believe that Trixie Lulamoon, the girl who hates homosexuals, was kissing her.
She didn't move or anything. She wasn't sure what to do. Trixie had her hands cupping Sunset's face. She pulled away and looked into Sunset's light blue eyes. "That was the first time I was ever called beautiful by anyone at school."
Sunset Shimmer was so in shock. She only stared into her purple eyes of how beautiful they were.
"The great and powerful Trixie believes she's found a new mate to live with."
Wait what?
"But you said you hate homosexuals." She reminded her.
"To only keep my reputation. Do you really believe ever word I say?" She kissed her again.
When she pulled away, Sunset did the most craziest thing ever. She giggled like a nerd and was blushing red.
Trixie still up her face and chuckled herself. "You and I should know each other more."
"Most definitely."
"My place or your's? Tonight I mean."
"Maybe mine. Then your's. I just.... I'm so speechless..."
Trixie smiled and kissed Sunset again making her even more red. "I'll see you tonight." Then she left Sunset Shimmer in the halls by herself.
Sunset waited till Trixie was gone and she was all alone. Then she squealed like a little girl and started to dance singing "I got a girlfriend. I got a girlfriend. And who's gonna be the best? Well that is me."
She was so happy. She then went to class with a real big smile plastered on her face.
But she didn't know that she was being watched by Trixie. Once she was gone, Trixie smiled evilly and whispered to herself "This is gonna be fun ruining her life."
Oh shit....

A/N: sorry I had to add that last part. I love saying that when something bad happens. Anyways thanks guys for waiting a while for a few updates and I'm doing my best to do them cause my brain isn't in shape. Have a good night and I'll see you in the next one.

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