"Not the best day"

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A/N: hey guys. Sorry I haven't update. I've been busy trying to see if there's new videos for the third EG movie coming out. Anyways I hope you guys like this chapter. Enjoy

"Oh stop being such a baby darling."
"You're doing this too tight!"
"Well you're very skinny."
Rainbow Dash certainly wasn't having fun. Who knew being a model for you dress to be made was such a pain?
Apparently right now since Twilight, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash haven't gotten their dresses ready, today Rarity was sewing it getting it ready for them.
"Oh must everything happen at once." Rarity said.
"Ow! Easy!" Rainbow said.
While her dress was being ready with her as the model, Twilight and Fluttershy were playing with Spike while they wait.
"Oh who's a good boy?" Twilight said petting his head.
He barked and wagged his tail loving the scratch on his head. By then Fluttershy gave him a few treats by how sweet he was. Spike was certainly happy with his new family.
"I'm so happy with Rainbow's surprise. I love having Spike around."
"Me too." Fluttershy agreed as she squeezed the dog toy letting it make sound.
By that sound, Spike jumped up to get the toy and run around with it. As much as it's cute, they both remember Rarity's rule of no pets running around her shop.
"Wait! Spike come back!" Twilight and Fluttershy chased after the dog in the room.
Rarity and Rainbow can't cause of her dress. Oh dear.
Spike then ran around the circle that Rainbow Dash was standing on and jumped on Rarity's back making her jump.
"OW!" Rainbow said as she the needle go in her thigh.
Rarity pulled it out and said feeling bad "Sorry darling. I got- hey! No running!"
"We're trying to stop him!" Twilight said still chasing him.
"Spike! Please stop." Fluttershy said softly.
Nothing was working. By then Spike jumped onto Rarity again but didn't jump off. He made her fall forward as her bracelet was stuck onto Rainbow's dress and she fell forward as well. Spike continued to run with Twilight and Fluttershy still chasing him.
Rarity looked and saw the dress was tore a little. She gasped and then had to yell "EVERYBODY STOP!!"
Twilight and Fluttershy stopped running basically falling on the floor and Spike stopped running on his four legs. Rainbow Dash help herself but only made the tore worse.
Rarity growled at her being mad.
"Sorry. Didn't except it to do that." She nervously chuckled.
Spike then grabbed a book from the shelf with his mouth wagging his tail even more.
"No Spike." Twilight said. "Drop it."
It took Spike a while but he had to put it down. There was slobber all on the top of the book.
"Awww not my books!" Rarity whined.
"They're just books." Rainbow reminded her. "You don't even use them."
"What?! I so use them. I look at my favorite fashion lines."
"And photos albums." Twilight said as she grabbed the slobber book.
Apparently it was a photo album of Rarity's. She looked surprise as Twilight had it in her hand.
"Oh I remember that." Fluttershy said. "We were all so young when we made this book together. We added Rarity's family and us."
"Well you two were the only friends I've ever had." Rarity said as she walk to them to see the album.
Twilight open it see the photos of their past. "Oh remember this one." She pointed to a picture where Fluttershy looked very young but was blushing mad. Rarity and Twilight were in the background laughing.
"Oh yeah." Fluttershy blushed.
"That's when you had your first kiss darling." Rarity said. "That was so funny when Shining Armor had to do it."
"Wait. Shining Armor?" Rainbow Dash was confused as she remain standing alone watching the girls look at photos.
"Apparently we kinda dated Fluttershy to kiss my brother. Spin the bottle, if you're wondering." Twilight explained. "Ohh. Nice." Rainbow did not have a good look on her face.
"Oh remember this darlings." Rarity pointed to a picture where Twilight was crying and Rarity and Fluttershy had to help her. "It was when Twilight was first riding a bike. Was that an epic fail?" She joked.
"Shut up." Twilight playfully punches Rarity's arm laughing with her friends.
Rainbow Dash didn't look so happy. She honestly was filled with anger and jealously. Not because of her friends though. She couldn't stand to stay there any longer.
"Well I'm gonna be outside if you need me." She said a little loud as she was standing next to the door.
"Oh this was fun." Fluttershy pointed to another photo.
Seemed no one heard her. The only one who actually did was Spike. Rainbow got even more mad and just left Rarity's home. Although when she was outside, she forgot one thing. She's wearing nothing but her tore up dress that wasn't even made yet. Also a bra that's showing.
Spike ran to the door that Rainbow went out of and barked wanting it to be open.
"Hey has anyone heard from Sunset Shimmer or Applejack?" Rarity asked.
"No. Why?" Twilight asked.
"I told them both I needed fabric and I don't know how long they've been there."
"I'm sure they'll be here." Fluttershy said.
And as they continued to look through the album, no one asked where Rainbow Dash.

But I'm a Girly Genius 2: High School Experience all over againWhere stories live. Discover now