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Izuku smiles at him, and he looks so cute. Katsuki just wants to keep him here forever and never let him leave his room.

"Thank you again Kacchan."

He walks past his desk towards the closet, but not before making sure the pictures of Izuku are covered and out of sight. He should really get rid of that later, who knows what would happen if someone saw it.

"Don't mention it nerd."

He starts to dig around for something he can wear in his small walk in closet, making sure to keep the door open. The smell will stick to him and wear off eventually, which means Izuku will smell like him for the rest of the night.

"Um... You have already done so much, and I don't want to be a bother, but... do you think I can spend the night?"

Katsuki takes a moment to just breathe in and process what he just heard. He goes to answer but his voice breaks. He quickly clears his throat, his cheeks growing warm. 

"Yeah, you can stay the night." 

He decides on his favorite shirt and a pair of basketball shorts that have long since been too small for him. He stares at his boxers before ultimately deciding against it. 


He walks out and sees his back turned to him, and by the way his hands are positioned, he looks like he's holding something. He's a little confused at first, wondering what the hell it is. He walks closer. 

"What are you looking at, nerd?" 

Izuku doesn't answer, and by then, Katsuki is right next to him, looking down at the item in his hand. A cutesy little keychain of a bear. Katsuki's skin turns cold, goosebumps sprouting from him the moment he realizes who that keychain previously belonged to. 

Izuku isn't looking at him, just staring at the small bear. Katsuki tries to play it off, his voice nonchalant despite the way his hands are slightly shaky. 

"What the hell is that?" 

He grips the clothes in his hands when Izuku still doesn't look at him, turning the bear in his hands gently. 

"Uraraka's bear keychain. My mom made us matching ones. Why... Why do you have it kacchan?" 

Katsuki tries to find some kind of excuse, but before he can, Izuku is staring at him, a blank look on his face. The tears on his cheeks are dry, and his eyes just stare into his own. The look in them sends chills down Katsuki's spine. 




Izuku's eyes widen, and he lets out a short laugh, gripping the bear in his hand. 

"Kacchan, you didn't.. No way, you wouldn't, why would..." 

Random Yandere One Shots Vol. 7Where stories live. Discover now