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Katsuki is panting heavily, their chests almost touching. Izuku still fights slightly, trying to get him off. Katsuki's grip on his shoulders tightens and he slams him against the ground again when he tries to get up. 

"Stop. Stop stop stop fucking stop!"

Izuku flinches but still wiggles and tries to get out of his hold. Why won't he listen? Doesn't he fucking get that all Katsuki has ever done was want the best for him? Can't he just fucking calm down and let him explain that he would never hurt him? 

Izuku stops after a couple of minutes of Katsuki forcibly holding him down. His chest is rising and falling quickly, and his eyes are blown wide. He looks scared out of his fucking mind, and Katsuki can feel his body shaking. 

"Y-You, you're a murderer. You killed my best friend you fucking bastard!" 

Izuku screams, and Katsuki has to use one of his hands to cover his mouth. He presses so tight that he can feel the bone of his jaw against his hand. 

"Shut the fuck up! You don't know what the fuck you're talking about!" 

Izuku moves his head frantically, but Katsuki refuses to move his hand. He tries to keep his voice steady, but it shakes with how pissed off he is. 

"I did it for you! I killed that bitch for you, for us! So that we could be happy, so that she wouldn't be able to take you away from me!" 

Izuku doesn't stop, clawing at his legs to get him off of him, trying to reach higher. 

"Ow! You piece of shit, just fucking stay still!" 

Katsuki doesn't bother covering his mouth anymore, gripping the sides of his head, his own hands shaking. He leans closer, Izuku screaming and telling him to get off of him. 

"Please... Please, Izuku, I would never hurt you, I love you, I love you so so much," 

"Get the fuck off of me!!" 

Katsuki slams his lips against his, teeth clashing with the force of it. He ignores it though, focusing on getting his tongue to touch every single groove of his teeth, every corner of his mouth, to taste him. 

Izuku is trying to push him away and bite, but Katsuki keeps his jaw from moving. Saliva dribbles from the corner of Izuku's mouth and Katsuki opens his eyes, pulling away to catch his breath.

Random Yandere One Shots Vol. 7Where stories live. Discover now