Chapter 5

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It was a sunny winter day, I felt the cold air enter my lungs as the sun warmed my face. Being in New York was such a dream. I looked around and saw that Bryant Park was just outside the corner. I always loved parks. I grabbed Charlotte and pulled her towards the park. The place was beautiful, even without the green in the trees. There was a skating rink in the middle and tiny glasshouses that looked like a Christmas market. We went up a large avenue when all of the sudden I realized that I was holding Charlotte by the arm. I let go so fast and took a few steps back.

"I'm... I'm sorry, Charlotte. I didn't realize I was..." I tried but the words weren't coming out. I was so ashamed... For how long was I holding on to her like that? Why didn't she say anything?

She looked at me with a light smirk.

"That's ok. I didn't realize you were holding me either. To be honest it's really cold out there... and I kinda miss your warmth on my side now..." Charlotte said while pursing her lips.

My brain was now dead. I must have grabbed her like I would have done with Dolly... Yeah that must be it... I was screaming inside. I wanted to grab her and pull her back against me. Warming her. She was definitely flirting with me. If I wasn't her manager I could have kissed her on the spot. I battled with myself so hard and forced a simple smile on my face, nodding very slightly.

"Yeah, it's really cold. Let's hurry up to get warmer!"

I almost ran away from her, walking so fast. I was running away from the temptation... and from the shame of being so touchy with her. She was making me weak. My body was pulled to hers and... my brain was losing IQ points when she was teasing me. Ok, maybe I was having feelings... No! Tingles... No... Well... Yes, let's say tingles... for her. But I couldn't let those get the best of me. I was supposed to be a good manager, strong and determined, dammit!

"Wait for me!" I heard her say behind me... but I didn't slow down.

She got up to me either way and walked on my side. I made sure that we weren't touching. Sometimes we crossed paths with people and she got closer but I managed to get away discreetly. I didn't want to risk it. In my head I was playing a weird reverse chasing game when Charlotte pointed to a place.

"Magnolia Bakery! My god, I used to dream about going to this place!"

"What is it?" I asked.

"What? You don't know about Magnolia Bakery? They're famous for their cupcakes! Everybody that used to watch Sex And The City wanted to go there!" she said so full of joy.

I felt electricity going through me. Ok, my English wasn't that good but... What?? I had so many questions now. Was Charlotte still flirting with me was the first one...

"Wait, what? How did we go from talking about cupcakes to having sex in the city?" I asked again, almost in shock.

Charlotte laughed, at me probably, shaking her head. Then she took the time to take a picture of the little building saying that we were gonna come back during lunch break later. I agreed even though I didn't really know what would await us. Charlotte's power was definitely making me weaker and weaker. I needed some strength back. When we arrived at the museum, I got a little bit emotional. I never thought I would be in this place someday.

"Let's immortalize this moment!" said Charlotte, her smartphone ready for a selfie.

I leaned in and smiled, my face next to hers, without even thinking. I quickly took another step back when she lowered her arm. I silently watched her as she was looking at the picture of us, she seemed... content? Her smile was so beautiful... I couldn't help but smile with her too. After checking in we got seated together in the conference hall. Taking our things out of our bags, I was surprised to see Charlotte taking a paper notepad.

"Don't you have a laptop?"

"Well, I do but... I do like to scribble when I listen to someone speaking." she explained, showing me her drawings.

I was really surprised. I asked if I could have a look and flipped through the pages. I was really amazed. Some were doodles but she also drew complex linework that reminded me of some Jackson Pollock's paintings we studied back in art school. I tried to compliment her as I was also containing my feelings inside. She admitted that she drew at home too when I asked about it.

"Well, I have a few sketchbooks, yes..."

"I'd love to see them someday." I replied, smiling at her, giving her back her notepad. Maybe she could invite me someday... Shut up, brain!

I opened my laptop, trying to focus back on work. Thankfully MOMA provided free wifi so I was able to go look at my emails, maybe being busy could save me. I saw right away that Nawat had reviewed our presentation and said that it was ok. I was really relieved. I informed Charlotte, she must have been as stressed as I was about this, probably even more. Did I just pat her thigh because I was happy? Did I??? I... No. Ok, better focus back on the emails... Soon enough the seminar started and I began to relax.

Jet lag was creeping onto me a little and I was happy when it was time for the break. Charlotte wanted to eat NYC hot dogs, so we got some at a little food truck in the street. Was this the American way of life? I wasn't that fond of the food but she seemed so happy. Her smile made me smile again. I couldn't be this weak around her, I needed to be the one in control. I cut our conversation about the seminar short to try and tease her.

"Will you tell me about sex and cupcakes on the way to the bakery?" I asked.

Charlotte looked at me, almost choking. Maybe I could have waited for her to finish drinking before asking... She coughed, so cute... and got up. But this little moment wasn't clear enough for me to know if the tension was still here. We started walking down the large avenue, Charlotte looked quite tensed and after a while she Charlotte coughed again.

"Well... will you tell me about what I said when I was asleep on the plane?" she asked, completely left siding me.

My god! This girl... Ok, the tension was definitely still there. How to answer though?

"Oh... It's kind of related, I guess..."

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry... I take it back, please don't tell me." she said so nervously.

I chuckled softly but inside I was laughing so hard. She was so bold one minute then completely backtracking the next... Charlotte was trying to play. Maybe it was too much too soon? Was I making her like this? Did I ever show any attraction to her before? Mmmm... I was always quite good at hiding though...

"Will you tell me about the cupcakes now that we're here then?" I asked, changing the subject smoothly.

"Yes! I'll tell you all about Sex And The City!"

She talked to me about this tv show that took place in New York that she used to watch when she was younger. It seemed kind of fun. It was hard to not buy all the different cupcakes they offered. Each looked so cute and yummy and they didn't disappoint when we tasted them walking back to MOMA. I felt the sugar rush into me and I was happy to get back to my seat for the seminar, eager to learn more.

At some point during the second conference, I felt Charlotte somewhat tense beside me. I looked at her from the corner of my eye. She definitely looked like something was not ok. I whispered softly to ask what was going on and if she needed help but she didn't seem to hear me, looking lost and maybe in pain. I didn't like that at all. My need to take care of her came back to the surface immediately and I put my hand on her, caressing her gently to bring her back to me, like I was used to doing to Sun when he was throwing a tantrum and needed to calm down.

"Charlotte?" I asked again.

I saw her looking down at her lap. She then proceeded to lift her head up really slowly and smirked at me. It wasn't a light blushy smirk this time. Her eyes got black. I realized that my hand was on her thigh again and I took it off as fast as I could, feeling guilty for the second time today.

"I'm... I'm sorry. You seemed... lost and kinda sad." I tried to apologize, the words having trouble leaving my throat... again... I was definitely blushing... Damn her eyes.

"I'm ok." she said, focusing back on the person speaking on stage.

How could she go from looking hurt to making me weak with her smirk? What was she thinking about just before? Was it a panic attack again? Or a weird sexy daydreaming time? I needed to know what was happening... Should I look after her? Should I flirt? I was lost. I waited for us to be out of the conference to ask.

"Were you having an anxiety attack earlier?".

"Kind of. But you made me snap out of it when you touched my thigh." she answered, not looking at me.

Oh? Bringing the thigh thing on me like that, Charlotte? Ok... Ok...

"Oh... Next time you're not feeling well, tell me..." I tried.

"That's ok, I'm used to it." she said, smiling, turning her head to me.

Damn... No Engfa! I was supposed to be the strong one. I needed to fight back.

"Well, if I can... I'll be happy to help..." I said, holding her gaze.

Yes! She blushed! And she coughed again!

"Do you think we could have some time to go see the different exhibitions here?" she asked, trying to save herself.

"Yeah... maybe we could see one after the workshops? But right now I need coffee, the jet lag is getting over me."

After coffee, Charlotte and I had to go to different workshops. I sat in the new room and started taking notes, occasionally asking questions, trying to use my new english skills. The other people were very kind and seemed to understand me quite well. At the end of the group task the workshop host started to review our projects. I slowly drifted away in my thoughts... I kind of missed Charlotte next to me. She had that weird ability to make me relax. Unlike the man seated beside me, who was somewhat making me feel uneasy. His laugh reminded me of Apo's... I started thinking about him and the boys. I checked my phone but got no news from him. I remember that my sister was supposed to be with them today. Did she say something about cake? I checked her previous texts.

D👕: I was more thinking about cake 🍰
E🥭 : Behave!

Yeah, that was what I answered this morning but she didn't reply.

E🥭 : Did you guys got some cake? Was it good?

I hoped that she wasn't spoiling them too much. My sisters were the best aunts ever, but Daad was often crazy. I knew I could trust her but she liked to tease me too much. As I was thinking my phone buzzed in my hand.

D👕: The boys are already in bed.
D👕: Apo just got back, I left a few minutes ago.

She had sent the most quirky picture of her and my sons with cake all over their mouths, even hers. I smiled, wishing I was with them. Maybe I could take a similar one with some cupcakes from the bakery we went to earlier...

D👕: Did I ever told you that I don't like him?

I sighed... This was one of my sister's favorite jokes. She hated Apo right from the start and kept on reminding me every couple of months... I confessed to her during spring that I wasn't feeling happy at home anymore. She just took me in her arms without saying anything. She didn't tease me that time... but she didn't refrain from starting again the day after. Now that the possibility of leaving him was here, her ways were reminding me that she was probably right...

E🥭 : I know
D👕: You deserve better
E🥭 : I know...

Yeah... She was right. I knew it. My phone buzzed again. This time it was Charlotte saying that she was already out. We exchanged a few texts and decided that I was going to meet with her in the main exhibition when I would be out. A couple of minutes later, we were packing our stuff and thanking the host for the workshop. I walked in the hallways towards the restroom near the main exhibition and texted Charlotte.

E🥭 : I'm out! Where are you now?

Leaving the toilets I was disappointed to see that she hadn't replied yet. I went into the main exhibition, walking at a fast pace, hoping to find her. I noticed that there were different songs playing softly in each room, this made me want to sing but I refrained myself. I tried to look at the art without slowing down. A few rooms later I saw Charlotte. She was sitting on a bench, looking completely lost in her thoughts in front of a colorful painting. My hand went on her shoulder like a magnet was pulling me to her.

"Hey, you didn't answer my text." I said, taking my hand off as I sat next to her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I think I got lost in this painting. How long did it take you to find me?"

"I think a good three minutes!" I said winking. Was this still teasing?

"Oh... Ok that's not as bad as I thought. Wanna finish the tour together?" Charlotte asked, a light blush on her cheeks.

"For sure!"

We took our time walking from room to room, commenting on the art pieces and the way they were presented. We whispered to each other what we were thinking about some displays, giggling from time to time when we were thinking that we could have done a better job. At one point, I felt the pull to take her hand in mine... My brain was really getting crazy right now. Maybe I was too tired to think straight. As we got out of MOMA, I started to think about the evening and realized that I didn't want to go back to the hotel, staying in... trapped. We were in New York! So I gathered my thoughts and my courage and asked :

"Do you want to go out for some drinks before dinner? I mean, I'm exhausted but... I feel like I need to unwind. It's not every day that we can go and have a drink in New York City... I don't feel like going back to the hotel and staying indoors..." rambling again, huh Engfa?

"Of course. We should make the most of it and shouldn't stay inside for the whole trip. I would really like to go have a drink somewhere. Maybe somewhere with cocktails and food?"

"With some live music?" I smiled, so happy she said yes.

"Even better! Let me check on my phone if we can find a place not too far away..."

Hey hey readers!
Here's a new chapter of "Risk Taker". I'm not as fast paced as I thought I would be on this one. Life is kinda weird right now and I'm all over the place. But don't worry, I don't intend to stop writing!
Kisses ^^

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