Chapter 7

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I threw my arm in the air, yelling "Taxi!" and to my surprise it worked. As the car stopped in front of us, I opened the door to let Charlotte get in first. I followed her right away, too eager to get inside too. I pushed her gently by the hips so she could let me sit. When the car started to move I froze. I wanted to touch her, kiss her... so so bad. But a first kiss in a car was maybe just as bad as a first kiss in a restroom... I felt so needy right now... I needed to calm down the fire raging inside of me and the beating of my heart... But I couldn't refrain myself from the attraction, I extended my hand and brushed Charlotte's fingers lightly.

I was so pleased to see her turn her face towards me and pushed her hand under mine. I couldn't believe that she really wanted me too. We were caressing each other's fingers. It was so soft and simple but made me feel so many things inside. The anticipation was building and at the same time I felt... shy? I was touching Charlotte's hand... Charlotte... Were we really going to...? This driver couldn't go slower... I felt like we were never going to arrive. I needed to take some pressure off. As we finally stopped, my body was so tense. I wanted to go out so badly, to scream, to jump, to run... I grabbed my wallet to pay for the ride.

"I got this." I said, fumbling for my card.

"No, you don't!" Charlotte yelled at me, wrapping her finger around my wrist.

Fuck. Her holding me like that was so damn hot...

"Don't be stubborn, Charlotte." I replied, looking at her seriously.

The tension in the car was so thick. For one second we didn't speak nor move.

"Well, sorry but I am!" she said.

I heard the terminal go "biiip", she had used her card with her other hand... That little...

"Charlotte! I'm your boss!"

I might have scared her because she let go of me really fast. Maybe I shouldn't have brought the whole boss thing... Stupid me... She seemed anxious now. Fuck... Could I shut up sometimes? I needed to make her feel secure again. I took her wrist in my hand gently and smiled at her.

"You stood up to me... You never did that before." I said, trying to convey that I wasn't mad... at all...


"I liked it." I continued.

I looked at her lips, I didn't know if I could resist...

"Could you guys bicker outside my fucking car, now?!" the driver screamed at us really angrily.

Saved by an impolite and probably frustrated taxi driver. I didn't know if this was a good or bad thing. Was my karma broken? We got out of the car and I followed Charlotte inside towards the elevator. I couldn't take my eyes away from her. Was the elevator a good enough place for a first kiss? Maybe not... Maybe yes? Maybe I should ask her? Could I push her back against the mirror on the wall? Fuck...

"Hold the doors, please!" yelled a middle aged man, getting in the elevator with Charlotte and I. "Jeez, that was close! Thanks!"

Maybe this was my karma's way to tell me that an elevator was NOT a good enough place... I stepped back against the wall as far away from Charlotte that I could be. I was really mad, why did every single second seem to take hours since the bar? I took a deep breath through my nose trying to calm down. I was angry, impatient and aroused all at the same time. My eyes still couldn't look away from Charlotte. She seemed as tense as I was... which was kind of reassuring in a way. She chuckled discreetly and I couldn't help but smile at the situation we were in. If that man wasn't here... I didn't know what I would have let happen...

As soon as the doors opened on our floor, butterflies danced harder in my stomach again. I followed Charlotte out, so eager I was almost trembling. I didn't even register the man talking to us back in the elevator as Charlotte took me by the hand, dragging me in the hallway. I remembered when we arrived here yesterday... Me following her in that hallway... when she stopped as I told her she was talking during her sleep... Charlotte opened the door to her bedroom and stepped back to let me in first. This made me smile... that girl. I entered the room but it seemed that she was frozen in the hallway. Was she having doubts right now?


She snapped out of it fast and joined me inside, closing the door behind her. She took my hand back into hers, gently dragging me back towards her.

"Where were we?" she asked really seductively.

The scene from the restroom in the bar replayed in my head. I locked my eyes inside hers before locking the door as I pressed my body against her, my hand resting on her shoulder.

"I think that was it." I replied.

There was no hesitation this time. Charlotte grabbed me by the waist and kissed me. I knew that regular butterflies couldn't roar but the ones inside my stomach were going crazy. I felt Charlotte pushing me back, what a fighter... Were we going to fight for control over what was happening? Charlotte's hands left my body and I got a little bit afraid but they came back only seconds later, taking my coat off. As I realized she had also taken hers off I let my fingers wrapped around every single part of her body, I wanted to feel all of her. She forced me to take a few steps back as she kept on kissing me, making us get dangerously close to the bed.


God, Charlotte was bossing me around. I loved it.

"So, you're giving the orders now?" I asked, doing as she told me.

She didn't reply but she nudged my legs to stand in between them, putting her hands on my shoulder, I lifted my head up to kiss her again. Should I really let her top me? It sounded really sexy but I didn't know if I could let go of the control. I dragged my fingers along her hips to her thighs, making her moan. Fuck, she was going to make me delirious with need. I couldn't stop myself and squeezed her ass. The moan that came from her was so sexy that I felt it deep inside me. She let go of my lips and kneeled down in front of me.

This turned me on even more than I already was. Charlotte Austin was currently on her knees in between my legs. This felt like a dream. She looked at me with so much want... I felt her hand wrapped around my calf as she started unzipping my boot. God. How could something so simple could make me so hot? I took a deep breath through my nose and let her continue. She stood back up and took her own shoes off. She got rid of her jacket so fast that I barely had time to register it but when she slid her shirt up and above her head I thought that my eyes were going to pop out of my head. She was wearing the sexiest lace bodysuit I had ever seen. I put my hands back on her body, with nothing else in mind than getting rid of everything else that could cover it. She let me undo the button of her pants when I asked and I watched her push them down her legs. One more layer. But when I reached again she walked away from me.

"Come on, we're taking a shower first."

I looked at her pushing the straps of her underwear down her shoulders, teasing me. I was mesmerized. Was I really going to shower with Charlotte? She went inside the bathroom before getting fully naked. I couldn't help myself and groaned. She was a player.

I got up and grabbed a hair clip from my bag, taking my clothes off as fast as possible before following Charlotte inside the bathroom. When I laid my eyes on her naked body every single fiber of mine went on fire. She looked at me like I was sex on a stick, ready to devour me. I didn't know what to do anymore. I stood in front of her and watched the water running on her skin. She gave me the shower head but I couldn't do anything else than let it rest against my chest, completely absorbed by Charlotte pouring shower gel on her hand. I tried to snap out of it but when I thought she was going to give me the bottle she put it behind her legs. Should I crawl there?

I opened my mouth to ask but no sound went out as she started to wash herself. I was hypnotized by the dance her fingers were performing up and down her body. When they separated, one going to her breast and the other in between her legs I lost it. The moan escaping her mouth made me gasp for air. This was so erotic. I wanted it to be my hands on her but before I could do anything she took back the shower head and got rid of all the bubbles on her skin. When she grabbed the shower gel again and asked me to turn around, my brain realized that she was going to wash my body herself. Fuck.

I complied, so turned on, and faced the tiled wall. I felt her kiss my neck and I was doomed. Her soapy hands started to wash my back and I moaned at how good it felt to be touched again by Charlotte. Her fingers went all over my body except where I needed her the most... She came so close to my breasts so many times, sliding just under them... I wouldn't beg would I? No... Oh fuck...


Damn it, Engfa! She broke me! I was begging for her touch, for real... out loud... To hell with my ego! All I needed was for her to take me on the spot. When her hands finally went on my breasts I was on cloud 9. It felt so good to be touched so eroticly under the shower. She closed the gap between our bodies and played with my boobs, forcing moans and gasps out of me, making my hips roll back into her, seeking for more pleasure. I could feel my sex pulse with need. And like she could hear my deepest desire, her hand glided down and her fingers danced over my pussy. Fuck. My hips rolled again, pushing against her body then back against her hand. I was on fire. I wanted her inside of me even though her long nails were kind of scary.

I didn't even had the opportunity to talk about it. She started to wash my body off with the shower head then kissed me down my back. When her lips landed on my ass I moaned again. She was going to be the death of me.

"Turn again?" she asked, her voice so full of lust.

I did as she demanded again... she could ask for anything and I would do it. I surrendered with pleasure when I found her on her knees before me for the second time. Her eyes were glued to mine and without looking away she kissed my mound. It took all the willpower I had to not close my eyes and keep on watching her. She kissed my pussy just above my clit and my eyelids started to give in as the pleasure was spreading inside me. She made me so weak... I barely saw her as she kissed my folds and started licking me. After all that tension, all that anticipation, months of getting gay panic because of her... I was having sex with Charlotte.

Everything collided inside of me as my mind was filled with memories, sensations and questions. I let the moans fill the shower without trying to keep them in as her tongue was exploring me so softly. I didn't know when my fingers landed on her hair but when I looked down I took in the reality of the scene. I was holding Charlotte's head as she was eating me out, kneeling in the shower. It was too much. I felt my walls starting to flutter and the familiar sensation before bliss crept inside of me. I was there, on the edge, ready to fall... when Charlotte stood up, turned off the water and went outside the shower. No!!! What the fuck???

Hi guys!
I'm gonna be off in the mountains for a week, I'll try to find a wifi spot somewhere to upload the next chapter! I'm sorry to make you wait a little bit but having snowball fights and eating melted cheese in front of the fire with my family are gonna be my priority next week ;)

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