𝕾𝖕𝖎𝖓 𝖔𝖋𝖋 #2

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So, I am very very very excited about this spin-off because this was my favorite trope to read in novels which is- drum rolls- ENEMIES TO LOVERS.

It is already up on my profile, please go and check it out. And drop comments on what you think about them-





Author's POV

"What do you think is going to happen mi amore?"

"Stop calling me that"

"What baby?"

"That too"

"So that you can hide your blush?" he smirked

"I am not blushing" she replied adamantly but her body was not on her side and a red hue color crept on her cheeks, she was wearing only his shirt, and his proximity was killing the bold side of her, she wanted to give up, she wants to let go, she wants him to consume her, wants to not be always this strong. She wants to let go, become his, and forget about the rest of the world, the problem that she had to endure alone, she wants someone to handle it for her, someone who cares.

His hands slid on her waist and he jerked her forward, she knew he had done it so many times, she was just another score, and nothing was going to come out of it, he was a man After all, he was going to end up hurting her. he won't take any responsibility and treat her and her emotions as a burden too, all these thoughts were brooding on her mind but she can't seem to jerk off that hand, even though she is standing half naked in front of him, she is not scared, somehow those hands are giving him comfort, but she can't be too dissolved in it.

"You look delicious in my shirt" he whispered in her ears and her eyes closed in an instant, she wanted to hug him so badly, after everything that she had faced, she wanted the warmth he was giving, but could she trust that?

Her hands were on his shoulders and his shirt's sleeves were too big so it was covering most of her palms, she got goosebumps overall listening to his morning voice.

"Let...me...go" she stuttered.

"Why? The fun has just started" he hoarsely responded in her ears,

He roamed around his fingers to her mid-thighs to her waist and then towards her neck, while his left hand was still holding her tightly in his arms, he could feel her melting, he could feel her guards being down,

"Aarav," she said, more like moaned.

"Where are your manners baby? Where is my 'ji'?"

"I..n.. your dreams" she replied wobbling.

"In my dreams, all the time, and I fucking hate to admit it, you are stark naked, bound to my bed, and all your holes are open for my mercy, and I am pounding so hard on you, taking out all the hate and I am fucking the attitude out of you, you are shivering and begging for more, you are my fuck-toy in those dreams baby, and my favourite one. I fill you in so deep like there is no tomorrow, that pretty cunt is dripping with my cum, I take some and smear it between your lips and ass, cover you all over with it, marking you as MINE."

"I am sure, you are all just talk," she said with confidence still whispering,

"You won't get my cock by showing me attitude mi amore, you have to beg for it." He said smirking while still teasing her neck.

"Never, I hate you," she said looking straight into his eyes, even though she was so close to begging for it, so close to letting it go, so close to destroying herself probably.

"The feeling is mutual, and I am going to hate-fuck you, wreck your pussy for anyone else and you would let me do that, won't you baby?" he said holding her jaw, they both looked at each other with fire in their eyes,

"So, tell me mi amore, am I going to find a loose one or a tight hole?"

"Shut up"

"I am sure with the amount of hatred you have for men; it must be tight" he said smirking.

"I hate men like you, playboy jerks" she said trying to hold onto the last ounce of control she had.

"Still, you are here, wearing my shirt, in my arms and are going to fucked by me," the smug on his face was evident.

"Maybe it's you who wants to fuck me more" she smiled victoriously.

"Hmm, more, it means you want it too"

"It's just physical reaction," she said whispering.

He left her, and started going towards the room,

"What the fuck just happened?" she murmured to herself.

"Is he offended now? What did I even say?"

Kavya's POV

"Um, I am leaving now, Thank you for last night"

No matter how much I hate him, he still was my saviour last night if not for him, I would have been in a pool of blood probably taking my last breaths and whatever happened just now, was the least bit awkward but still, also why the attitude all of a sudden? Why is he not even looking at me? Good thing, probably lost interest.

"I didn't lose interest; I don't want your PHYSICAL REACTION," he said sarcastically, I guess.

What does he mean by that? And is he reading my mind?

"No, but you are obvious," he said matter-of-factly.

"Do you want me to go beg on my knees that please fuck me?" I said rolling my eyes.

"Would prefer that," he said wearing his watch and smiling, that fucking dimple, huh, arrogant jerk.

"Never," I said with confidence, does he think he has a golden dick?

"Let's do a little pact, shall we?" he said gaining my attention.

"I don't want to have anything to do with you" I said turning around,

"Baby, as much as I love it when you wear my shirt, I can't let anyone see you in that," he said holding my wrist,

"The clothes are there, change them, and you don't have a say in that pact, you are agreeing to it," he said storming outside.

Bossy much? He doesn't know, Kavya Jain doesn't listen to anyone.

"And Aarav Oberoi doesn't take No for an answer," he said from outside.

𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐊𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐫 𝐎𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐢 (𝟏𝟖+) ✅Where stories live. Discover now