4. The Psychic PA

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" I am so fucked ! "

Jennie cursed at herself under her breath for being distracted and getting late for her work today as well, as she entered the huge ass building of Kim corporations.

" Where the hell have you been, Jennie ? Mr. On Time will surely get you fired someday, for being late always ! "

Bambam said sighing in relief as his friend got just minute before their boss's arrival time; still late for her time though !

" Don't you think I already know that Bam ? It's not like I do it on purpose ! "

Jennie said rolling her eyes, as she caught her breath settling on her seat.

What's her fault if, she was day dreaming of her long time crush, the diva and super model Kim Jisoo; while watching her having her show stopper walk, in the fashion show on her huge ass TV ?

She couldn't afford that big of a TV with her pay but she worked hard and did overtime to gain more pay just to get the huge ass TV to watch her up close and on a big screen !

Jennie started dreaming of kissing the beauty softly while threading her delicate fingers through Jisoo's hair... and forgot she was already late for her work and her dream held her back more than she thought !

But luckily, she got the bus on time and punched her entry before Mr. On Time reached the office.

The Mr. On Time wasn't here yet; but his PA was there and saw her entering late in office.

But he decided to not report it to her manager. He doesn't want anything bad for anyone in the office.

He is a very silent person. Doesn't joins them in any celebration or any after office party. He is very sincere about his work.

Everyone thinks the CEO's PA doesn't leaves the office at all ! He fucking leaves after everyone and comes before everyone. Like he doesn't have a home and family to go back to !

Everyone is scared of Mr. On Time; aka, CEO of Kim corporations, Mr. Kim Taehyung ! Because he never gates late for work.

But for some reason, today he wasn't here yet, even it was past the time he arrives everyday !

" This is the last time I won't report your late coming, Ms. Jennie. You have been arriving late more often !

If, you have any problem; you can share and we can find a solution for that together. But no more late arrival, understood ? "

Mr. Hawk eye; aka JB, their manager said strictly to her.

" I am sorry, JB. I'll make sure I won't get late from tomorrow. And thankyou for not reporting it to Mr. Kim. "

Jennie said bowing to him thankfully.

Though the CEO's PA didn't report her to the manager, their manager had hawk like sharp eyes. Nobody or nothing can go unnoticed by him !

And hence the name !

Bambam almost drooled over the hot guy, he have crush on. He quickly averted his gaze off him blushing when, their eyes met.

" Good morning, Bam. "

JB said almost sweetly, smiling at him exactly opposite the way he talked to Jennie.

" G... good morning, JB. "

Bam shuttered nervously as their eyes met again. JB smiled at him and turned to face everyone, seriously.

" Get back to work, everyone. Mr. Kim is on his way. Nobody would want to get scolded for wasting time ! "

JB said to the entire staff and went back to his cabin.

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