20. Making You Mine

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It was late at night and some sound in the living room woke Yoongi up from his slumber.

He didn't wanted to leave his bed and get up; but the thought of it being some thief got him out of the bed immediately. He didn't wanted the kids to get hurt at any cost !

He opened his bedroom door... only to see Taehyung stumbling on his feet and trying to find keys !

Yoongi groaned in annoyance for his precious sleep got disturbed.

And the more disappointing thing was, he had thought it was a dangerous thief and he'd kick his ass; but it was just his clumsy nephew !

" What the fuck are you doing this late Taehyung-ah ? "

Yoongi asked annoyed, coming closer to him.

He was already so tired after taking care and satisfying his two precious but voraciously hungry babies and just wanted to sleep peacefully.

But this idiot had to ruine it too !

" Oh, uncle ! Did I woke you up ? I am so sorry, I was just trying to find my car keys. "

Taehyung said sheepishly.

" What for ? Where the hell are you going this late ? "

Yoongi asked crossing his arms.

" I... I need to go to the medical store, uncle. You go to sleep, I'll be back soon. "

Taehyung said praying to all the gods of heaven and even hell that, his uncle shouldn't ask, why for ?

A few minutes ago, he and his husband were indulged into eating eachother's lips and ready to have eachothers.

But it suddenly hit Jungkook that, there wasn't lube and he wasn't gonna get his ass ripped apart without it !

And so, Taehyung was trying hard to leave to get it without making any sound but ended up waking Yoongi !

Yoongi noticed some hickeys on his neck and smiled getting exactly why he needed to go to the medical store this late !

" You aren't going anywhere ! "

Yoongi said and was about to turn to go to his room.

" Uncle, I really need to go ! I'll be back soon, I swear. "

Taehyung said desperately.

" I said, you aren't going anywhere. Wait for me here. "

Yoongi said and went to his room. He returned and handed Taehyung a packet.

" Go back now. There's no need to go out this late !

I am already tired as hell and want to sleep. So, please for fuck's sake, don't make loud noises and keep me up ! "

Yoongi said nonchalantly and went to his room and closing the door behind, he left a shocked Taehyung in the living room.

Taehyung guessed what was inside the packet but he still opened it up and facepalmed himself.

There was a pack of condoms and an unopened bottle of lube !

He returned to their room.

" Oh, you are too fast ! You went to the store and returned so soon ? "

Jungkook asked surprised.

" Nope ! I didn't even stepped outside ! "

Taehyung said sighing.

" Then how... "

" Uncle Yoongi gave me this ! "

Taehyung said sitting beside him on the bed and placed the packet in Jungkook's hand.

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