5. Family Matters

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Taehyung was having breakfast on his own in a super fast speed and choked on the dry bread.

" Be careful, Taehyungie ! "

Hoseok said patting his back and gave him a glass of water.

" Why are you up so early ? And why the hell are you eating this bread and butter instead of some real breakfast ? "

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" Why are you up so early ? And why the hell are you eating this bread and butter instead of some real breakfast ? "

Hobi asked sitting beside him.

" Uncle, I need to go early for a few days now. We actually got a big project and it needs to be finished within a month !

So, I am up early and eating this dry bread because I can't cook anything ! "

Taehyung said chuckling.

" Why didn't you told Jin hyung then ? He would have cooked something better !

I would have said I'd cook for you but you know we sail in the same boat ! "

Hobi said chuckling and Taehyung joined him.

" Yup I know. And I didn't wanted to disturb you guys and wake uncle Jinnie so early just for making breakfast for me. I'd get something at the cafeteria, don't worry ! "

Taehyung said keeping the plate in the sink and taking his car key.

" I don't wanna trouble you uncle but can you please drop Kai to school for a few days ? I won't be able to wait that late ! "

Taehyung asked hesitantly.

" You haven't accepted me as you uncle yet, have you ? "

Hobi said sadly.

" What ? No ! I love you so much uncle and you know that ! Why are you saying that ? "

Taehyung asked confused.

" I didn't said anything about you loving me ! I know you do. I am talking about you accepting me as your uncle ! Is it because we guys aren't married yet ? "

Hobi said looking away.

He was asking Jin and Yoongi for all of them to get married already because they have been together for ages now !
They are together since their college.

Yoongi don't have any problem in marrying his babies; but for some reason Jin isn't ready to get married !

They have been in live-in relationship since Jin became Taehyung's guardian. And it isn't like Jin doesn't love his boyfriends. He does, so much. But he just isn't ready to get married.

And Yoongi and Hobi love him so much that, they don't wanna get married without him.

Yoongi have gave up now on trying to convince Jin for the wedding but Hobi sometimes say a few things out of frustration which, stings Jin's heart !

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