11. Innocent Idea

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It's been a few days Jungkook returned home and resumed his work as he was recovered completely.

He was as good in his work as he was before the long leave; except being very awkward and flustered infront of Taehyung for some mysterious reason he didn't know !

He would leave Taehyung's cabin as soon as his work was done and won't stay there finishing his work at his seat in his Boss's cabin like earlier. He'd only come in Taehyung's office when he called him or if, there was some work.

Taehyung too was feeling kida missing Jungkook's presence around him the whole day like before; except he didn't cared about his presence earlier and now he craved but Jungkook won't stay there !

He wanted Jungkook to stay infront of his eyes, it doesn't matters if, they won't say a single word to eachothers !

Just his soothing presence was enough for Taehyung but he wasn't getting it and couldn't even understand why was he craving for that in the first place ?

Beomgyu was asking Jungkook again and again to visit Taehyung's place but Jungkook couldn't gather the courage to face Taehyung outside their office's serious and professional space and so, he was denying it everytime !

Beomgyu and Kai would meet only in the park and sometimes in school lunch break. But they wanted to spend time together for a whole day without caring about, it's getting dark so, they should leave !

And as Jungkook was denying Beomgyu for visiting Taehyung's place, he decided to ask about it to his Pa. He knew his Papa won't deny to his Pa !

" Pa, I am missing candy uncle and Kai so much ! "

Beomgyu whined to Namjoon as he was feeding his grandson.

" Then why don't you go ask your Pa about visiting him ? "

Joon said caressing his head.

" I talked to Papa about it but he isn't listening to me. He is saying uncle is busy and can't meet me ! "

Gyu pouted.

" He is a lier, baby ! Your candy uncle have the time of the entire world for you and your Papa !

Your Papa is scared to face him and that's why all the drama ! "

Jimin said coming to the dining table and munching on his snack.

He had seen how awkward Jungkook have became in Taehyung's presence. How flustered he looked whenever they talked about Taehyung. How his ear tips would turn red at the mention of his name !

And it wasn't like that before he had spent time at Taehyung's place in his care !

And moreover, Jungkook's eyes scream he have developed admiration for him; and not some idol-fan type but the kind of admiration he is used to see in Namjoon's eyes for him since their college days; and it haven't faded even a bit till today !

Jungkook was just being stubborn not accepting he have developed feeling for Taehyung and give in.

Jimin winked at Namjoon and asked him to either shup up or join him.

" Baby, do you really want to meet to your candy uncle ? "

Jimin asked caressing his cheeks and Gyu nodded.

" Do you like him ? "

Jimin asked smiling.

" Yes, Pa. He is so nice to me. I want to be with him. And I also miss Kai ! "

Gyu said in a small voice.

" Ok, then why don't we do one thing ? If, your Papa isn't taking you to meet your candy uncle and Kai; why don't you call them here to meet you ? "

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