10. Something Something

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Jungkook and Beomgyu had a real fun day; mostly Beomgyu !

Jungkook wasn't feeling well. His headache was killing him, the temperature making him feel weak but he didn't showed up it on his face for his son's sake !

After the fun time he took Gyu to his favourite restaurant and let him get whatever he wanted. He didn't eat much as he could only feel the bitter taste in his mouth.

After Gyu was done eating, Jungkook paid the bill and they got in their car to leave for their home.

Suddenly it started raining with strong and chilling wind.

Jungkook cursed under his breath. It was becoming hard for him to concentrate already with the headache and the downpour was making it hard for him to focus on the road.

He just wanted to reach home and go to sleep already. But guess the gods were unhappy with him and he heard a loud bursting sound !

The car tire got a puncture.

" The fuc... ugh ! Gyu, baby stay in here, Papa will change the tire quickly, ok ? "

Jungkook said trying to control his mouth and not curse infront his son.

He parked the car to side and turned on the parking light and taking a deep breath opened the door and was hit by a strong gush of bone chilling wind. He shivered bad but got off anyways.

He somehow managed to place the jack and remove the punctured tire but when, he was trying to fix the spare tire, it was a hell for him !

It was pouring bad and as he was in the rain for almost an hour as it was hard to see through the rain to do the work quickly and the weakness was making things worse !

He was feeling cold and his hands were fucking freezing and so, it was being very hard for him to fix it.

Still he was trying hard as he wanted to get the fuck back in the car.

There was not a single soul he could ask help from !

He was still struggling to fix it when, a sharp light blinded his sight and he closed his eyes and placed his palm infront of his eyes to save his eyes from the harsh light.

A car stopped at a distance from him and a man came out of the car with an umbrella and stood beside him sheltering him from the heavy rain.

" Mr. Jeon, let me help you ! "

" Mr. Kim, you... "

Jungkook shuttered with his teeth chattering because of the cold and his fever too rose making it a complete hell for Jungkook.

Taehyung and Kai were returning home from the park and Taehyung saw someone was struggling with the tire and decided to help, turned out it was his PA !

" Just get inside the car you are freezing ! I'll fix this. "

Taehyung said grabbing him by his arm and helped him get up.

Jungkook went inside and started rubbing his palms to generate some heat after turning on the heater in the car.

When Beomgyu looked at the face of the man who helped his Papa fixing the tire, he sequel in happiness,

" Candy uncle ! "

Beomgyu called for Taehyung.

" Hey, Gyu ! How come... oh, is he your son, Mr. Jeon ? "

Taehyung asked Jungkook, surprised to see the kid he meets in the park and who is his son's best friend.

" Yes, he is. So, you are the candy uncle of my son from the park, he doesn't stops complimenting ! "

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