21. What ?

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Taehyung woke up in the morning after sharing the wonderful night of passion with his beautiful baby and saw his tiny husband snuggling into his arms like a little kid.

His face was buried in Taehyung's warm chest and arms wrapped around him, like he was gonna leave Jungkook alone there if, he didn't hold him close !

Taehyung smiled satisfied. He caressed his back and couldn't help, kissing his forehead.

" Ugh... stop it.... I won't wake up just yet.
I want to sleep some more. I am so tired. Can't feel my legs... "

Jungkook whined and turning away from Taehyung he pulled the quilt over his naked body.

" Ok. Sleep some more, baby. I'll take the kids to school. "

Taehyung said smiling at his whining baby and Jungkook opened his eyes wide in realization.

" Ugh, fuck ! I forgot, today is PTM ! We both should go. "

Jungkook said making faces.

" It's ok darling, I'll manage. I am Gyu's Appa too, remember ? "

Taehyung said smiling caressing his cheeks.

" I know that ! But I am Kai's Papa too, remember ?

The kids have attended the PTMs till now with their single parent ! And now that they have both of them, why should they still attend with their single parent ? "

Jungkook said smiling at him and Taehyung couldn't help but kiss his mindful husband !

The PA inside him would never be off work, Taehyung thought.

" You are so thoughtful, baby ! "

Taehyung said caressing his cheeks.

" Thankyou, Mr... Um... can I call you, hyung ? I kinda don't wanna call you Mr. Kim anymore. I am not liking it ! "

Jungkook asked him biting his lips, unsure of how'd his husband react.

" Oh... baby I'd be the happiest ! You can call me whatever you feel like.

And just for the record, I'd definitely love you calling me that ! "

Taehyung said cupping his face, smiling happily at Jungkook.

He was happy Jungkook was giving in to him and slowly accepting him as his lover and was comfortable enough to act like a child with him and Taehyung was more than happy to have one more baby all to himself !

Jungkook smiled back at him happily and pulled him into a sweet and love filled kiss.

" I just love waking up with you in my arms like this and tasting your sweetest lips as the first thing in the morning, baby ! "

Taehyung said pulling away and pecked his lips once again. 

" I didn't thought you be a sweet talker, hyung ! After last night, I thought you were into... "

Jungkook stopped talking and biting his lips he turned around.

" What ? What did you thought ? Tell me ! Don't leave a cliffhanger like that ! "

Taehyung whined and pulled Jungkook on his back.

" Nothing. Let's go now, our kids will get late because of us ! "

Jungkook said and pushing Taehyung off him, went to the bathroom with his husband following him like, a puppy following his owner; still whining about what his husband thought he was like ?

After taking a hot relaxing shower together, they went downstairs to have breakfast with their family.

They sat on the chair and the elders were looking like zombies.

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