14. Butterflies 🦋 🦋🦋

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The sun was shining bright in the sky...

Doing his job ! There's no need of romanticizing each every thing, duh ! Hopelessly romantic people 😒 !

Taehyung opened his eyes and had a Déjà vu... No, more like relived the moment which made him realise he have a heart...

Yeah, please romanticize this shit. I am hopelessly romantic people 😅 !

Taehyung relived the moment when, he felt something for the person for the very first time; of whom he didn't even know the first name of !

Jungkook had his arms and legs threw over Taehyung and there was a cute little pout on his baby soft looking lips.

While lost in gazing at the tiny little baby, Taehyung for a moment forgot that, this cute little bunny sleeping in his arms carelessly; was a father of a five year old !

He smiled with adoration at his husband and he felt happy and sad all at once !

He was happy because, he didn't panicked or felt different having his PA wrapped around him like this; like felt the last time in the hotel room !

But he was sad knowing that if, Jungkook found them cuddling; he'd panic and would feel it was wrong !

And so, Taehyung decided to not panic the sleeping bunny and carefully untangled himself from him and got off the bed when he saw the time.

He took a hot shower and after getting ready, he prepared breakfast for everyone and went wake up his son... sons !

He woke them up and helped them getting ready and packing their bags and tiffin boxes, he dropped them to school.

And after returning home, he prepared tea for himself and Jungkook and took it to their room to have together with his husband.

He entered their room, expecting the bunny to be up by now and freshened up along with showered !

But the baby was still sound asleep; with his leg folded and ass up, his comforter denying to hide his sexy ass from Taehyung's gaze.

He cursed at himself for gazing at him inappropriately without his knowledge and was about to turn around and leave the room to give some privacy to Jungkook.

But he stopped in his track when, he heard the same words he had heard in the hotel room in New York !

" Appa, my tea ? "

Jungkook said rubbing his sleepy eyes while yawning, lazily trying to sit up on the bed.

" Here it is ! It's just, it's not your Appa; it's your husband ! "

Taehyung said chuckling at the startled the sleepy bunny on the bed.

His eyes opened wide without any trace of sleep in them and sat up like some spring and looking embarrassed.

" I am so sorry Mr. Kim. I guess I overslept... fucking hell ! It's 9 am already ?

Oh god, I didn't even woke Gyu up yet ! He missed his school today because of my carelessness. "

Jungkook said panicked and got off the bed and was about to run to their kid's room but Taehyung grabbing his wrist made him stop in his track.

" Relax Mr. Jeon, Gyu is already in school along with Kai ! I dropped them to school myself ! "

Taehyung said and smiling assuringly at Jungkook.

" Wha... what ? I am so sorry Mr. Kim, you had to bother just because of my sleepy ass !

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