8. The Blunder

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Taehyung and Jungkook left with some other staff to New York for the meeting and everyone got their rooms and got settled in but there was a blunder for TaeKook's rooms !

" How can you do this ? "

Taehyung said a bit strictly to the receptionist.

" I am so sorry sir but the person who booked the rooms is on leave today.
The names were same and maybe that's why he misunderstood.

We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience caused ! "

The receptionist said politely.

" The names were same ? How in the world Kim and Jeon are same ? "

Jungkook said getting mad.

It was his responsibility to book their rooms and he did...

His Appa had booked the rooms !

" I am so sorry sir, but I can see the same names here. Kim Taehyung and Kim Jungkook. "

The receptionist said after checking the names.

" Kim Jungkook ? "

Taehyung said confused, looking at Jungkook.

" Um... yeah...
I am so sorry Mr. Kim.

Excuse me miss, please get us one more room. "

Jungkook said to her.

" I am so sorry sir, it's festival season and all rooms are booked months ago !

Maybe we didn't had two rooms then and the same name must have caused the confusion ! "

The receptionist said politely.

" Mr. Kim, I'll check if, we can get a booking in some other hotel. It's more than enough if we get one room somewhere else, considering we already have one here ! "

Jungkook said and was about to leave.

" I am sorry to interrupt sir but there is zero probability of you getting that and after an hour our check in time ends and we'll then have to cancel your booking as other's too are in queue.

I am sorry. "

The receptionist said.

Taehyung looked at the receptionist and Jungkook alternately and sighed in irritation.

" Alright, give us the key and have our luggage shifted to our room ! "

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" Alright, give us the key and have our luggage shifted to our room ! "

Taehyung said irritated .

Jungkook felt horrible. In all these years he haven't messed up even once and now he made a blunder !

 In all these years he haven't messed up even once and now he made a blunder !

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