17. I Need Time...

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There was silence in Minie-Monie's room; quite unusual when they both were wide awake.

" I didn't know, Taehyungie loved Kookie this much, Monie ! I feel very bad for the poor guy. This shouldn't be happening with him ! Why is life so unfair for our kids, Monie ?

I can see the love in Kookie's eyes for Taehyung ! But that stupid is stuck into his past ! "

Jimin said frustrated and snuggled more into Namjoon's embrace.

" Don't say that, Minie ! He isn't doing anything on purpose. He is traumatized. Though he wasn't and shouldn't hold himself responsible for that; but we can't take his insecurities out of him; he will have to work for them himself !

You know, I feel he too loves Taehyung he is just scared of loosing him; more than he is sad for loosing his best friend.

I mean, we know Kookie didn't loved Lalisa as a lover but he might have fall for his husband.

And loosing someone we love in a romantic way; according to me is more than horrifying than any other thing in the world ! "

Namjoon said kissing his beloved husband and pulled him more onto him.

Maybe the thought of loosing him someday crossed his mind and he was scared of letting his embrace loose around his baby.

" I know but... Kookie should work fast on getting himself out of there. It will be better for both of them ! "

Jimin said thinking deeply.

He felt Namjoon's hold tightened around him and he knew what his husband was thinking.

" Don't you worry, Daddy ! I am not gonna go anywhere before we have done almost everything in the world ! "

Jimin said giggling and Namjoon got mad at his words.

But before he could say anything, Jimin pulled him in a rough kiss, shutting his mouth up immediately and let his hands work their magic on his delicate body.




Jungkook was sitting in the guestroom's balcony, debating about what should he do.

The more he thought about it, the more his heart asked him to give in. To act selfish. To act bold that, nothings gonna go wrong this time. To embrace the beautiful life awaits him !

To accept the love his husband holds for him. To embrace the happiness his one decision was gonna bring in their life for them.

That he too have the right to be happy and receive his husband's love and give him the love that he deserves !

He stood up and wiping his tears off harshly, he went to his room which he was gonna share with his husband.




After opening up his heart to Minie-Monie and crying for a bit at the overwhelming emotions, Taehyung calmed down and went to the room he was lead by Jimin to rest.

He was in the shower. He wanted to stop thinking about what just happened. He was feeling light after confessing his suppressed emotions to at least someone; if not to Jungkook !

He wrapped the towel around his waist and stepped outside the bathroom and he started drying his hair with the towel standing infront of the mirror, lost in his thoughts.

He got startled when, suddenly he felt a pair of arms wrapping around his naked torso from behind and soft delicate and wet skin of cheek pressed against his back.

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