9. Possibility

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After the successful meeting, Taehyung and Jungkook went shopping for their kids and even for their son's park friend, which they too had grown fond of by now !

Taehyung bought two similar tiger plushies one for Kai and one for Beomgyu. And Jungkook got two bunny plushies one for Gyu and one for Kai.

They returned home to their families and they swear, the happiness they felt after holding their kids in their embrace after a few days, couldn't be compared to anything in the world !

" Papa, I missed you so much ! "

Beomgyu clung onto Jungkook and he kissed all over his son's face.

" I missed you too, my baby ! Papa is sorry, he had to leave you like that because of his work. Were you being a good boy while Papa was gone ? "

Jungkook asked and Gyu nodded and Jungkook smiled happily.

" I knew you'd be a good boy ! See, what Papa have bought for you

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" I knew you'd be a good boy ! See, what Papa have bought for you. "

Jungkook said handing him the bunny plushie Gyu squealed and started jumping happily but soon he his happiness vanished.

" What's wrong baby ? Didn't you liked it ? "

Jungkook asked and he shook his head.

" I loved it, Papa ! And I am sad because I will have to give up on it ! "

Beomgyu said sadly.

" Give up ? Why so ? For whom ? "

Jungkook asked.

" For Kai ! You taught me sharing everything with my friends and so I will have to... "

" No need baby, I have got one for him too ! "

Jungkook said smiling proudly at his son.

And Gyu was excited for tomorrow to meet him and give him his plushie !

Same was the case with Kai. His smile returned when Taehyung showed him the tiger he got for Beomgyu ! The kids were already becoming best friends.

 His smile returned when Taehyung showed him the tiger he got for Beomgyu ! The kids were already becoming best friends

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