22. I Hate You

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As soon as the name was announced, Lisa walked on the ramp so confidently like, she owned the stage !

Her each step was elegantly kept ahead of the previous and she gracefully carried the beautiful gown designed by her designer.

She walked on the ramp and posing at the audience end, stood strong and along with blinding flashes, hooting and cheering joined the club !

She walked on the ramp and posing at the audience end, stood strong and along with blinding flashes, hooting and cheering joined the club !

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She turned on her heels and went to where Jisoo and Rose were waiting for her to join them so that, they all could walk together.

They finished their graceful walk and after the photos, they went back stage and after some formalities, the anchor thanked everyone for joining them tonight and declared the end of the program

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They finished their graceful walk and after the photos, they went back stage and after some formalities, the anchor thanked everyone for joining them tonight and declared the end of the program.

Taehyung used his chief guest card and went backstage to meet his ex wife and Jungkook followed him with his mind confused as hell.

He for once thought, he was hallucinating watching Lalisa here !

How could this be possible ? She had died six years ago while giving birth to Beomgyu !

" La... Lalisa ? "

Jungkook whispered unsure of getting any response from the Super Model who looked exactly like, his late wife and best friend !

Listening to the very well know and melodious voice, Lisa gasped shock and slowly turned around to face her best friend !

" K... Kookie ? "

Lisa gasped shocked.

She had never thought she'd come across her best friend again ever ! But here he was.
Standing infront of her and calling for her !

" Hey, Rose ! "

Taehyung called her and she gasped delightfully surprised to watch her ex husband here.

" Taehyung ? What the hell are you doing here ? "

Rose asked smiling happily at him.
She didn't thought the chief guest of the program Mr. Kim Taehyung would be her ex husband !

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