18. Tiger's 🐯 Bunny 🐰

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" Kookie, Taehyungie, we will stay with the kids. Why don't you guys go and spend some quality time together ? We will stay with them. You guys don't have to worry about anything ! "

Jimin said smiling at the couple.

" Oh, thankyou so much uncle ! I was just gonna ask you guys if, you two could stay with the kids so that, Mr. Kim and I can go some adult space, as kids aren't allowed there !

I really want to walk through the horror home path and kids below 15 aren't allowed inside for the triggering theme and music ! "

Jungkook said excited to experience it and he burst out laughing watching Taehyung's horrified face.

" I have already told you Mr. Jeon that, I don't wanna go in there. Can't we go to mirror maze or something like that ? "

Taehyung said almost pouting like a baby.

He was scared of the fucking horror home path. His heart started beating fast at the mere thought of having the jump scares along the path !

And not to forget the horror and creepy music which wasn't gonna stop even for a moment till they were out of that hell !

" It's ok Mr. Kim, I am gonna be there with you. You can hold my hand if, you feel scared ! "

Jungkook said smiling.

" Did you really thought, I was gonna enter in that creepy thing without holding your hand ? "

Taehyung said scoffing in disbelief.

Though it felt like they were talking to the elders; they were actually in their own little world, happy with eachothers !

Minie-Monie were watching all the interaction between the couple as if, they were watching them for the first time !

" Papa, please get Appa's scared face video captured for us ! "

Kai said giggling at his scared Appa's face.

" Ofcourse baby ! Come on Mr. Kim, let's go and have some real fun. "

Jungkook said smirking evilly at his husband and almost dragged him with him, grabbing his arm.

" Monie, pinch me hard ! I wanna make sure I am dreaming and I am gonna wake up soon ! "

Jimin said with his mind blown at the unknown interaction between their kids.

Wasn't it just last night, Taehyung cried in Jimin's arm about not being able to express his love for Jungkook and both of them acting formally with eachothers ?

For Jimin it was like he slept in one word and woke up in parallel one ! He couldn't believe the shit happening infront of his eyes.

Like he was very happy for the couple; he was just shocked at the drastically changed environment he slept and woke up in !

Namjoon squeezed Jimin's waist hard and he almost moaned but stopped himself from letting the moan out and slapped Joon's hand off his waist.

" We aren't dreaming. That really happened ! "

Namjoon said smiling at his kid's disappearing back in the crowd.

" I just hope, they get along like a real couple and take away eachother's pain and fill eachother's lives with happiness they both deserve ! "

Jimin said smiling happily.

Jungkook bought the tickets for them as, Taehyung wasn't ready to go in there willingly. Jungkook laughed at his scared face.

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