23. A Little Thing Called Love ❤️

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Taehyung took crying Jungkook to their room and helped him bath and relax. He was exhausted by all the crying and the emotional stress. He needs sleep and he was hungry as well.

Thanx to his thoughtful husband, Taehyung had ordered food when he was helping Jungkook with the bath so, when they came out, their food was ready.

Taehyung pulled Jungkook on his lap and fed his baby with his hands.

" Let's go to bed after finishing it, you are tired and need rest. I'll massage your head and I am sure, you'll feel good. "

Taehyung said smiling and kissed his temple. Jungkook nodded and snuggled into Taehyung's warmth and let him feed him.

After they were done, Taehyung picked him up in his arms and took them to bed. And gently laying him on the bed, laid beside him and pulled him in his arms.

" Go to sleep, my love. "

Taehyung whispered and kissed his forehead.

" I don't wanna think about what just happened, hyung. I never expected something like this from her ! How could she do this to me ? "

Jungkook whispered tears leaving his eyes.

" I know baby she was so wrong doing such a thing and hurt you. And I know it's gonna take you time to overcome it.

But if, you'll hold onto this now, you'll hurt yourself more ! And I don't think you haven't been through enough already to add this too into your suffering.

Maybe it'll sound absurd but you have been thinking she's dead; and so if, it is ok with you; you can continue thinking that if you want !

I can't take away your pain no matter what will I do; but I'll be with you always and forever. Just like every other things, I am with you and we'll overcome this too together !

Take your time, I am not rushing you into anything; just think for once how right is it to punish and hurt ourself and the ones truly loving us because of someone had moved on already ?

I just don't want to watch you being sad and hurting yourself once again because of someone else !

I may sound selfish; I don't wanna loose my lover after getting him after such a long time because of someone else ! "

Taehyung said caressing his gently.

Jungkook grabbed his nape and pulled him in for a desperate kiss. Pulling him closer and trying to get more close to his husband.

" I am so sorry, hyung. I have hurted you so much. I was holding myself responsible for what I couldn't have done anything about !

You are right, she was wrong doing that but isn't responsible for I held myself the culprit for it !

I swear, I won't ever do anything like this again. Please forgive me for troubling you so much. For hurting you. For not accepting your love and not confessing mine ! "

Jungkook said with wet eyes.

Taehyung pulled him in his embrace and caressed him to calm down.

" Shhh. It's ok. I am not mad or anything. I loved you, I fell for you; I didn't expected or asked you to love me back ! So, don't curse at yourself.

You weren't ready for moving on back then. And I can tell, you are now ! That's more than enough for me, baby. "

Taehyung said smiling and kissed him lovingly.

" Hyung... I love you ! "

Jungkook whispered looking into his eyes and Taehyung gasped in delight.

" Say that again ! "

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