7. The Meeting

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The elder trio took their grandchild to his favourite park and were happy watching him playing.

Kai's babysitter asked them to go and enjoy themselves and that she'll take his care; she couldn't talk to her boyfriend infront of them, duh !

They doubted her intesions but their college buddies were there and they got busy catching up with them and the babysitter got busy over her call.

As her boyfriend got a little naughty and she couldn't respond him infront of Kai the way he wanted her to; she left Kai alone to talk to her boyfriend and went a bit far from him.

Kai's foot slipped while playing and stumbling, he fell on his knees and face. He started crying as it was aching bad.

A man came rushing to him and helped him dust his clothes.

He asked his son to get his bag which had first aid kit in it, which he left at the seat when, he saw the kid falling and ran to him.

" Oh, my poor child. Are you alright baby ? Are are hurt too much ? "

He asked softly when, Kai started crying more.

He held the crying child in his embrace and caressed his back trying to soothe and calm him down.

His son handed him the bag and the man tried to clean Kai's wound; but Kai backed away.

" I can't let you treat my wound. I don't know you. What if, you use wrong medicine and kidnapped me ?

My Appa have told me not to take help from strangers. And my Appa can take me to the doctor and he will treat my wounds ! "

Kai said sniffing and wiping his running nose cutely.

The man cooed at his cuteness and pinch his cheek softly.

" Baby if, I wanted to kidnap you, I would have just picked you up and left and nobody would have even noticed it !

But see, my baby is also here to play. You two can be friends. He comes everyday here, you know !

I know, your Appa can take you to a doctor and he can definitely treat your wounds !

But baby, it will take time for your Appa to come and till then the wound would get infected. Let me treat it, please ? "

The man said softly and Kai then let him.

" Are you alone here baby ? You shouldn't come alone you aren't grown-up enough to come to the park on your own.

What if, it was some big injury ? You should ask some elder person to come with you. "

The man said softly.

" I am not alone. My grandpas and my babysitter Noona are with me ! "

He said sniffing and wiping his tears and nose. The man gave him tissue to wipe it clean.

" Oh ! But where are they ? Nobody came here yet. Where are they ? "

The man asked and Kai pointed towards Hobi and then at his babysitter.

The man called out loud,

" Who's child is this ? "

His babysitter came runnig there and then Jin, Hobi and Yoongi too approached there.

" Who the hell are you ? And what are you doing with our baby ? "

The babysitter yelled at the man trying to pull Kai towards her but he didn't let her do it.

" Tell me who the hell are YOU ? He said you are his babysitter and as his babysitter, your only job is to look after the him and you can't even do that ? "

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