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November 3rd, 2023 📍Jayden's House
"Jayden we've talked about this." Serenity stressed as she slid her shoes on.
Jayden had caught her on her way out and invited her for lunch. She decided to go since she would have had to stop for lunch before her visit with Sekani anyways.
"Serenity that man is in jail. He doesn't love you."
"No matter where he's at my heart is still elsewhere Jayden. I'm sorry if you ever thought otherwise."
"Your a dumb ass bitch for real. That nigga is gonna rot in there and you don't seem to realize."
"Wow. You know what Jayden, this is done. For real." She rolled her eyes before attempting to walk away.
Before she could get far Jayden grabbed her arm causing her to immediately tense up.
"Jayden please. You know what Sekani will do if he sees me with another mark on my face."
Realizing she was right he dropped her arm and allowed her to leave.
Quickly getting in her car Serenity began to cry. She couldn't believe she was still so in love with Sekani and yet still she was dealing with Jayden and his physical abuse.
After stopping for lunch and taking the hour drive to the prison, she finally made it.
"Hello, I'm here to see Sekani Banks." She spoke kindly to the female guard at the desk.
"Relation to the inmate?" She questioned with much attitude.
"His wife. Problem?"
"Whatever." The guard proceeded to search her before allowing Serenity to sit at one of the benches and wait for Sekani.
About 5 minutes later he was seen coming around and she immediately began to feel nervous.
She's known him since she was 13 yet he still managed to make her so nervous.
"Wassgood Phats." He spoke knocking her out of her trance.
"Hi Baby." She quickly hugged and kissed him before being told she couldn't touch him.
That always broke her heart the most. Before being locked up Sekani and Serenity were always touching in any way and now it was so limited. She just wanted to hold her man again.
"You straight? Look like you been cryin."
"I'm okay." She smiled.
"Lie again Ren."
"I had got into it with Jayden before coming here."
"About me?"
"Yeah. He still doesn't get that my heart lies with you."
"That's a lame ass nigga for real. I'm sorry he made you cry though mama, want me to kill him?"
"No baby. Thank you though." She smiled softly at him before changing the subject.
"I talked to your mom yesterday, she wanted me to tell you she misses you."
"I'll be home soon."
"I know baby."
"I love you Serenity. Don't you forget that."
"I won't papa." She quickly kissed him again before he was taken away again.
Quickly gathering her stuff she left the prison and made her way home.
After cooking a quick meal she handled her hygiene and fell asleep.