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May 16th, 2024
📍 Serenity's Car

Dressed in her favorite Hello Kitty scrubs and hot pink crocs, Serenity was on her way to work. Singing along to J. Cole as she swiftly drove and paid attention to the road and the road only.

"Incoming Call From: Bestie Boo💝"

Pressing the green answer button Serenity immediately began to speak.

"Hi bestie!" She smiled as if Ari could see her.

"Hey best girl!" Ari spoke back.

"What's up?" She questioned as she turned towards the office.

"I was wondering what time you get off tonight? Maybe we could go to the mall and shop for your trip later?"

"Oh yeah definitely! I'm off at 3." She smiled just happy for some time with her bestie.

"Okay girl. I'll pick you up around 4:30, that works?"

"Yeah, see you later. Love you!"

"Love you!" Serenity hung up the phone as she pulled into a parking spot.

She texted Sekani to let him know that she was bringing him lunch today before turning her car off and grabbing her work bag.

"Hey girl, you look cute!" Alyssa spoke as Serenity walked down to her next patients room.

"Thank you love! So do you!" She smiled at her before entering the patients room.

"Hi there! I am Nurse Serenity and you must be Jayla?" She questioned looking up before instantly realizing who she was met with.

"Wassup sis!" He laughed before standing up and giving her a side hug.

"Hi Seb!" She spoke referring to Shooter by his government name as not to scare his daughter.

"Auntie Renny!" She perked up.

"Hi baby girl! What's the problem today, Hm?" It was clear that the little girl had been crying and this broke Serenity's heart.

"Mommy's boyfriend was doing some weird stuff so daddy said we would come see you." She whispered.

"Okay baby. You want to tell me what kind of stuff or want me to talk to daddy?"

"He touched the No No parts Ren. I know you told me that nobody ever should but he still did! I tried to tell him no and that my auntie Ren said that was bad but he didn't listen."

"Okay baby. Where was mommy?" She questioned trying to remain calm.

"She was at the door."

"She didn't stop him?" Serenity was ready to pop off.

"No! I begged her too and then when they finally left I called my daddy and here we are."

"You did a good job calling your daddy Jayla. I'm proud of you. Want to use my phone and talk to Uncle K while I talk to daddy?"

"Yeah! Uncle K!"

"Okay here baby girl." She handed the young girl her phone as well as some headphones before turning to Shooter.

Just the look on his face was clear that he was pissed and extremely hurt. Jayla was only four and unfortunately this was something she'd always remember.

She quickly gave Shooter a hug before she began to talk to him in a whisper voice.

"Listen. You did the right thing bringing her to me, I will handle all her care. But Seb, you need to get a lawyer and get full custody. Do not let her back there. I will be a credible source for you. Okay? I'm here for you."

"I know Ren, I know."

"I don't mean to lecture you, I just know that you're ready to kill and so am I but we have to think about her first."

"You right. Which is why I'm not doing it but someone will be."

"Okay. I'm going to clean her up and make sure nothing was torn or anything. Did she say anything else happened?"


"Okay. Im so sorry Seb." She hugged him again before turning to Jayla.

"Okay baby, how was Uncle K?"

"He's good, he wants to talk to you."

"Okay." Serenity grabbed the phone and took it off Bluetooth so she could hear him.

"Phats, why is my niece in your office right now?"

"It's not my place to tell you that baby. I'll see you on lunch okay?"

"You right. Let Shooter know I'm here when he's ready. I love you Phat."

"I love you too baby, see you at lunch." She blew a kiss before hanging up the phone.

Serenity proceeded to complete Jaylas evaluation, thankfully nothing was torn or damaged physically. Mentally would be a different story.

After writing her statement and giving it to Shooter for the custody lawyer she said her goodbyes and made her way to her last patient before lunch.

"Nurse Ren!" Jay called out as she entered.

"Hi Jay Jay! How you feeling today?"

"I'm okay!"

"I have something to tell you." She told him after taking his vitals.

"Okay." He looked at her suspiciously.

"I won't be here for two weeks, I am going on vacation. Okay?"

"But why!" He shouted.

She knew he'd react this way which is why she wanted to tell him and prepare him. This was truly like her work child.

"Im going on vacation honey, I have to give myself some much needed relaxation and take a little me time. BUT I'll be back, I promise!"

"You pinky promise Renny?"

"I pinky promise Jay Jay." She gave him a proper pinky promise before saying her goodbyes for the day and making her way out the door to head to lunch.

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