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December 25th, 2023📍The Apartment

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December 25th, 2023
📍The Apartment

"Merry Christmas my love." Serenity spoke to Sekani as she served him breakfast as well as orange juice.

"Merry Christmas Phats." He placed a kiss on her lips.

The pair made it to the living room when Serenity pressed play on their Christmas movie. Before he got locked up it was their own tradition to eat breakfast and watch a Christmas movie every Christmas.

"Momma Faye said she'll be at my Mommas house today so I guess everyone is just meeting there."

"Bet. You excited?"

"I'm soooo excitedddd! I already got everything wrapped all that's left is to bring it over."

"I love you Ren. The way you get so excited for things that don't benefit you but those around you is one of my favorite things about you."

"Awe baby. I love you a lot more." She pouted as she finished up her breakfast.

"You like your food? It's different than the usual."

"It was fye mama. Thank you again."

"Of course." He kissed her lips before washing all the dishes while she proceeded to get ready.

Deciding to keep it simple Serenity straightened her hair and did a light beat to her face. Her outfit was also simple since technically all she'd be doing is opening gifts and giving gifts.

 Her outfit was also simple since technically all she'd be doing is opening gifts and giving gifts

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@SerenityRose: Nobody's second🖤.

Once she was ready she went into the closet to see Sekani also ready.

"Im'a load up the car and then we could go baby. You got everything?"

"Yeah I just gotta grab the last few cookies we made." She headed to the kitchen to grab them and package them up.

The smell of the fresh baked cookies instantly reminded her of the first Christmas she spent with Sekani.

A 14 year and 15 year old Serenity and Sekani had just woken up on Christmas morning.

It was six a.m so thankfully all of their family members were still asleep and the couple was left alone.

Serenity made them both breakfast before turning on a Christmas movie.

"I got you something Phats."

"For me?"

"Yeah, here you go." He pulled a small jewelry box out of his overnight bag.

"Aw thank you so much K. I have something for you too hold on."

Serenity quickly attached the brand new pandora charm bracelet before going into her closet and grabbing his gift.

"If you don't like it, I'll return it." She spoke nervous to see his reaction.

"These shits is littt. Thank you Renny."

"Of course baby."

Serenity had gotten him a pair of Jordan 4s as well as a couple different pairs of Nike Sweatshorts.

"I gotta get home before my momma realize I'm out again."

"Okay, I'll see you tonight?"

"Yeah. I love you Phats."

"I love you too papa. Get home safe." They kissed once more before he climbed out her window and left again.

After a thirty minute drive Serenity and Sekani had made it to her moms house. The whole time she reminisced on their many different Christmas's together and the ones she spent alone while he was gone.

As soon as they walked in they were immediately greeted by their family and friends. Everyone was ready to open presents so that's what they were now doing.

"Okay yall, my last gift is for my mannnn." Serenity dragged out as she took out the small box.

"Open it K!" Amiah shouted eager to see.

As he opened it he was immediately confused as to what the little key meant.

"What's this Phats?"

"The key to your shop." She smiled at him.

"My shop?"

"Yeah baby, your barber shop for you to cut hair in. Duh."

Instead of even replying he wrapped Serenity in a hug as she could feel light sniffles on her neck. This was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for Sekani.

"Thank you so much Phats."

"It's nothing baby, wanna go see it?"

"Hell Yeah!"

"Y'all are more than welcome to come look at it with us!" She smiled at her family.

"Y'all go. Keep it private for now." Her father spoke before everyone said their goodbyes to the couple.


We'll see next chapter 😘😘

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