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May 16th, 2024
📍Sekani's Shop

After stopping at Chipotle for both Serenity and Sekani's lunch she made her way inside the building.

"Hello, do you have an appointment?" The new secretary asked.

"No, I'm here for Sekani. Will you please tell him that I'm here?"

"We don't do that here unless you're family or friends which I am going to assume you are neither."

"I'm his wife." She remained calm trying to remind herself that acting out of character wouldn't be good for her, their baby, or the business.

"You have any proof?" Continuing at her attempts to remain calm, Serenity swiftly walked past the girl and made her way to the back with her hot on her trail.

"Hey Ren!" A few of the barbers had called out making her wave at them and greet each of them.

Finally making it to the back she opened Sekanis door without even knocking.

"Kani please get your lap dog before I act out of character." Her tone was still calm which to him was the scariest part.

"What's wrong Phats?"

"She acting like I can't come back here, I told her I was your wife and she asked for proof. Then had the nerve to follow me back here." She huffed becoming even more annoyed at the fact that she was still there.

"Okay mama, I got it. Relax baby." He kissed her lips twice before looking up at Yazmine.

The girl had now felt beyond stupid, all this time she thought Sekani was single because he never specifically mentioned having a girlfriend. However, after taking two steps into his office you could clearly tell he was madly in love with the women sitting before them.


"You owe her an apology. The next time someone asks to speak with me, you let them. I don't ever mind especially when it's my wife. This is your one and only warning. You understand?"

"Yes. I apologize Mrs. Banks."

Serenity just nodded her head as her mood was now ruined. One of her chips were tasting stale and this whole day has been a lot. Pregnancy hormones had her ready to cry.

Yazmine closed the door and quickly made her way back to her desk.

"I'm sorry about that Phats. You alright?"

"No." She pouted as she looked up at him.

"What's wrong mama?"

"My chip was stale, she was annoying, my baby Jayla was hurt, and I still have to go back to work after this."

"You want to eat and take a nap?" He knew she was most likely just tired and hungry especially since the baby was draining all her energy right now.

"Yes please."

"Hm." He handed her the chips and queso as well as her drink. He then proceeded to take out his burrito and eat with her.

"Shooteer called me." Was all he said.

"You okay baby?" She questioned knowing he was also probably hurt and pissed.

"My heart breaks for my niece but every other piece of me wants to kill rhem both."

"I know baby but just think about Jayla and how much she needs her uncle K around. Okay?"

"You right mama."

She leaned over and placed three kisses on his lips before going to the small couch in his room and laying down to take a nap.

He walked over with a blanket and pillow that he kept in their just for her naps. He rubbed her back until she fell asleep and when she did he began to clean their mess.

He then texted her boss and let him know that she was too tired and wouldn't be coming back later.

Per usual, her boss was very understanding and allowed her to take the time to rest.

Serenity's boss knew how hard she worked herself and always allowed her to take whatever breaks she needed. Without them, he knew she'd be burnt out quickly.

While she slept, Sekani went back out onto the main floor and cut a few heads before his sister began calling him.

"What's up Ari?"

"Hey K, is Ren with you?"

"Yeah she's asleep in my office. Why?"

"We supposed to be going shopping. Can you get her up and see if she still wants to go?"

"Yeah I got you."

Doing exactly that Sekani quietly walked into his office and towards the small couch.

"Phats." He lightly shook her and kissed her face until she eventually woke up.

"I'm so sorry baby, I didn't mean to fall asleep on our lunch date."

"It's okay mama. Your boss said you can take the rest of the day off. Ari wants to know if y'all still going?"

"Yeah. Can you tell her I'm on my way home now?"

"Okay." He did exactly that before hanging up the phone and turning his attention to Serenity.

"I'll see you at dinner baby. Is there anything you want for the trip?"

"I'm okay Phats. Be safe, I love you."

"I love you too." She kissed him before grabbing her tote bag and heading out.

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