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November 24th, 2024
📍Serenity's Ca

November 24th, 2024📍Serenity's Ca

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It was now 3:00 A.M and instead of sleeping Sekani and Serenity were parked in her car outside a McDonalds talking about everything that came to mind.

Serenity sat in the passenger seat with her legs in his lap as he rubbed her legs. She was so glad to be touching him again with no restrictions.

"I have some stuff to show you." She spoke after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

"Oh yeah? What is it?"

"I got an apartment for us. I know that's why you were selling back then so I got us one with my nursing checks."

"You for real?"

"Yeah baby. This was always the plan."

He just looked at her in awe before leaning over to pick her up and place her in his lap.

"I love you." He spoke as he kissed her.

"I love you bad papa."

"I can stay with you tonight?"

"Sekani, it's ours. I've moved all your stuff over there once I got it from your moms house. I've made sure it's exactly how we've always imagined it to be."

"Thank you Ren."

"Of course. Come on let's go."

Serenity climbed back into her seat and give him directions as they made their way back to the apartment.

"You feel like you've missed a lot?"

"A little bit. I just wish I had been home for a lot of this shit."

"I know baby. You're home now though, so let's focus on that."

"Like starting our family?"

"Slow down boo. I'm still waiting on a ring." She laughed and so did he before they pulled into their apartment complex.

"Okay turn left. It's building 3."

He parked in the closest spot as she got out and led the way.

"Were on floor three of building three and apartment number is 111."


She led the way before they stopped in front of the door. She pulled out her key and let the both of them in before closing the door.

"Welcome home babe." She looked up at him and smiled.

"You did good baby."

"Thank you. I just tried to remember everything we ever wanted and made it happen."

Instead of replying he kissed her once more before heading to take a shower.

As he showered Serenity couldn't help but remember the time they discussed what their apartment would look like.


A 17 year old Sekani laid across from a 16 year old Serenity on her bed. It was 4:00 am and he truly wasn't supposed to be over however just like every other night he had snuck in and laid with her for all hours of the night and left in the morning.

"Where do you want to go when you leave here?" He questioned.

"An apartment. A house will come later. How about you?"

"I'm gonna buy us an apartment."

"Oh yeah? What's gonna be there?"

"Anything you want Phats."


"As long as we have a balcony."

"Why that?"

"So we can have balcony sex all the time."

"Your such a horn dog K." She laughed and so did he.

"Seriously, what would you want?" He asked.

"I want a three bedroom apartment. One room for you and I. Another for your makeup and the last one would be for your man cave. We could use it to smoke, play games, and give eachother space."

"That's a good ass idea."

"What would you want? Besides a balcony."

"A nice kitchen so we can always cook together, a big bathroom we can get ready in together, a closet that'll hold both of our shit well, and a king sized bed."

"What colors would we do?" He asked.

"Grays and Whites."

"You think all this would come true?" She asked him.

"It's got too. This our dream Phats. We'a make it happen."

Serenity smiled as she looked around the apartment. It was everything they had once talked about and more.

"Ren! Come lay with me."

She laughed at how baby like he sounded before doing exactly as asked.

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