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May 12th, 2024
📍The Apartment

"I'm here!" Arianna could be heard shouting through the apartment as she entered.

"Bathroom!" Serenity called back.

"Hey girl, where's K?"

"He's at work. You got the tests?"

"Yeah here. You ready?"

"I guess so."

Serenity had been throwing up the last few days, 3 days late on her period, and very moody. So she called Arianna and they agreed she should take a few pregnancy tests.

"Alright girl, I'll be on the bed when you done."

Sitting down she peed into the cup before placing 3 separate tests into it and washing her hands.

After that she set up her camera to record her reaction so that they could always look back on it.

Two minutes later her timer went off and she was able to look at the tests now.

Taking them out and reading them she was quickly shocked.

She was pregnant.

She was going to be a mommy.

"Oh my god." Was all she could say.

"So what's it say girl?" Ari questioned from outside the door.

After turning off her camera and cleaning things up she opened the door.

"They were negative!"

"Ahhh that's great! We're definitely outside this summer now."

"Right!" She laughed as well before going to start dinner.

"Shit! Mario just got arrested. I'll see you later girl!"

"I'm sorry boo. See you later." They gave each other a hug before she left.

Once the food was situated she quickly pulled out her phone to figure out fast ways to tell Sekani she was pregnant.

After finding something and quickly putting it together, she finished dinner, and got everything ready for him.

"Phats im home!"

"Hey baby. I got something for you. Sit down."

"Alright but I told you I didn't need anything."

"Hush Kani." She laughed.

She went into her closet and grabbed the box she hid earlier. Inside the box was a Polaroid of her positive test, one of her holding it, and her very first bump pic. Also in the box was a little pair of the baby shoes they bought as kids to one day give to their child.

It made her tear up just thinking on how far they came but she was so grateful.

"Okay hold this and let me get my camera before you open."

"Whatchu need the camera for?"

"Sekani Please! Just relax." She laughed at how clearly stressed he was becoming.

"Okay baby, you can open!"

Slowly Sekani opened the box before looking up at her with complete shock.

"No way! You dead ass Ren."

"I swear baby!"

She couldn't tell if he was happy or not before he jumped up and kissed her.

"My baby is having my baby."

"You're happy baby?"

"Beyond Bruh. This the best thing to ever happen to me."

"Aw baby." She began to cry because this was seriously all she ever wanted.

At this point they were both overwhelmed in happiness.

"Okay now come on baby, we got to eat dinner still." She laughed at how the forgot about everything else around them.

As they sat down for dinner the questions immediately began to spew from Sekanis mind.

"When did you find out?"

"This morning."

"Who else knows?"

"Nobody. Ari brought me the tests but I wanted to tell you first."

"What you think we're having?"

"I want a boy to be real. What you think?"

"I hope a boy too. We always said we'd have a boy first."

"Yeah we did."

"I love you Ren."

"I love you too Kani." She kissed his lips before they continued to eat their dinner and talk about every possible baby question and thought to come to mind.


"You like these phats?"

"Yeah baby but why are you looking
at baby shoes?"

"One day we gonna have a baby shawty and they gon have to have some drip."

"You would want me to be the mother of your children?"

"More than anything."

"Aw let's get them baby."

"Bet. We'a take these and whatever else my lady wan."

"Got y'all."

After checking out the two teens sat in the food court and talked while they ate.

"I would want a boy." Serenity spoke out of random.

"Oh yeah?"

"Definitely, then some girls and maybe another boy after that."

"How many Phats?"

"Like 5, I want a big family."

"Damn, me too."

"A ring gotta come first though."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah baby. I am no baby mama."

"You already my wife but one day We'a make it official."

"Mhmm." She hummed before they continued to talk and eat.


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