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November 1st, 2023 📍Serenity's Bathroom
It was 6:05 when Serenity was getting ready to go work the night shift before her phone began to ring.
"County." Announced Alexa interrupting her music.
Serenity quickly dropped her beauty blender before answering the phone and placing it on speaker to hear the same automated message.
"An Inmate named "Sekani" at Atlanta State Prison would like to reach you. Do you accept?"
"Yes." She began to smile ready to hear his voice.
"Wassup Phats." His voice immediately boomed through the phone.
"Heyy baby." She smiled extra hard at this point.
"Wassup? You good?"
"I'm getting ready to go to work. You okay?"
"Yeah baby I'm straight. I'm ready to get the fuck outta here though."
"Only a little longer baby, you got it." She tried to encourage him however it truly saddens her to know he still has up to three months left to serve.
Three years ago Sekani was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia and intent to sell. It broke Serenity's heart to hear this news because he was only selling so they could save enough money to move out of their parents home.
At only 17 and 18 Sekani and Serenity knew they wanted to be together and they wanted something to last.
However, once he got locked up it had been hard for him to be faithful and hard for Serenity to wait for him.
So as of now, Serenity was having friendly sex with her next door neighbor and Sekani was constantly messing around with his female CO.
It was toxic and they both knew it however they both wouldn't let each other go.
Thankfully she made it clear to her neighbor that her heart was elsewhere and he was typically pretty understanding of such.
"How's that nigga Jayden?"
"Please don't start Kani."
"I can't ask?"
"No. You know where this gets us everytime."
"I don't give not one fuck. I still only want you Serenity."
"Sekani, don't waste our time in this conversation. We only have 3 more minutes baby."
"Alright Phats."
"Thank you. Do you need any money on your books though?"
"Nah im good mama. You'a send me some pictures?"
"Of course Pooh. When is the next visitation day?" She questioned as she slid into her scrubs and began to look for her crocs.
"Wednesday. You coming?"
"If that's alright with you." She lightly laughed hoping he'd be fine with it.
"You know I want to see you Ren."
"Okay then I'll be there."
"One minute remaining." The messenger spoke.
Serenity always hated this part of their phone calls, it never felt like enough time. She wanted him home so bad.
"Alright Phats. I love you baby. I'a see you Wednesday."
"Okay baby. I love you badddd." She dragged out before placing a kiss on the phone. She could hear him chuckle at her before hanging up due to time constraints.
"I want my baby home." She spoke aloud to herself before grabbing her stuff and driving to work.
Once making it to work Serenity immediately clocked in and got too work.
Serenity worked as a registered nurse at her local pediatric office. She loved kids and was always excited to come to work and play a part in their health.
Despite being so young, she always knew she wanted to be a nurse so she graduated high school early and worked hard for her nursing degree.
"Hi Jay!" She spoke greeting the little boy who was here everyday.
"Hi nurse Ren." He smiled looking up from his coloring book.
"How are you feeling today sweetheart?" She questioned as she slowly took his blood pressure.
"I'm okay. I'm very tired but my mommy is coming back soon!"
"Good! I'm sure she'll be so happy to see you." She checked over his vitals once more before leaving the room.
"Hey girl. You got right into it today." Her co worker Alyssa spoke.
"Girl always." She laughed as they continued to walk together.
"How are you though boo?"
"I'm okay. Ready to go."
"How much longer?" Serenity asked as she gathered papers for her next patient.
"Two more hours." She sighed before being called to a patients room.
Serenity continued to work the night away before going back to her apartment and immediately falling asleep.
AHHHHHH I like this so far!!! What do you think? 💓