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March 28th, 2024
📍Serenity's Job

March 28th, 2024📍Serenity's Job

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"Dang girl, you look exhausted. You feeling okay?" Alyssa asked Serenity as she sat down next to her in the break room.

"I don't feel good at all, I'm ready to go."

"You should go take a flu test, like 90% of my patients coming back positive."I

"Yeah mine too. Will you swab for me?"

"Yeah come on."

They went into one of the empty patient rooms and grabbed a flu test before swabbing Serenity's nose.

"Okay, wait 15 minutes. Maybe go clock out and talk to Nash." Alyssa spoke washing her hands.

"For sure." Serenity walked out to look for Dr.Nash.

Finally stumbling upon him in the break room grabbing a soda she built the courage to speak to him about time off.

She never took much time off especially sick leave, she'd be in here on her death bed because she felt bad for her team and patients.

"Hey Dr. Nash. How are you?"

"Hey Serenity. I'm okay, you?"

"I'm actually not feeling too good and think I may be coming down with the flu. I just took a test and have about 5 more minutes until my results come in. Would it be okay if I left early today?"

"Absolutely. Take as long as you need and make sure you let me know those results. Get better!"

"Thanks!" She spoke before walking off to view her results.

To no surprise they were positive so she walked to clock out as well as leave Dr. Nash a quick note on his desk about the results.

She thanked Alyssa for all her help before leaving the building and calling Sekani while she drove home.

"Wassup Phats. You good?"

"I have the flu baby, I just left work and I'm coming home."

"Aye Jaralise! Cancel the rest of my appointments today or give them to someone else. Thanks." He could be heard grabbing his keys.

"What are you doing? That is so unnecessary Sekani!" She fussed at him.

"Nah im coming to take care of you baby. What you want from the store?"

"Nothing baby, I just got home so I'll talk to you when you get here. Drive safe, I love you."

"I love you too phat." He began his fifteen minute drive home before stopping at the nearest Walgreens to get her some meds, snacks, candy, drinks, and anything else he could think of.

"I'm home Ren!" He called out as he put everything down and went to search for her.

"I'm in here!" She called iut from the bathroom.

"Hi baby." She leaned up to kiss his lips as she laid in the bathtub.

"You okay? How you feeling"

"I just feel really tired honestly."

"You want help out?"

"Can you hand me my towel please? Thank you baby." She kissed him again as he helped her stepped out.

Walking out of the bathroom she dropped her towel and began to complete her hygiene while he hopped in the shower next.

She threw on one of his hoodies and a pair of boy shorts before climbing into the bed and turning on their show.

After getting dressed Sekani came back into the room with everything he got her at Walgreens.

"Here phat. I got you some stuff to help you feel a little better and I filled up yo cup."

"Aww thank you baby." She pouted at how cute he was before snuggling next to him once he climbed into the bed.

"You welcome."

Serenity quickly took some NyQuil before drinking some water and starting their show.

They were currently binging Love Island and as much as Sekani claimed to hate it, he watched with her every day.

Serenity's phone could be heard ringing from her pocket so she took it out and checked who it was before answering.

"Hi mommy." She spoke into the phone.

"Hi baby, how are you feeling honey?"

"I'm okay. Just sleepy but that's probably from the meds K got me."

"Maybe. Do you need anything?"

"No I'm all good."

"What about Sekani is he sick too?"

"No but he's all over me so I'm sure he will be." They both laughed.

"Can he hear me?"

"Yeah mom."

"Hi my love!! How are you?"

"Hey mama, I'm good how are you?"

"I'm good baby. Surviving."

"Renny and K! Wassup y'all boys!" Her father could be heard shouting through the phone.

"Hi dad!"

"Wassup pops."

They continued to talk to her parents a few minutes longer before eventually hanging up and getting ready for bed.

"I'm right here if you need me okay?"

"I know baby. Thank you. Good night, I love you."

"I love you more phat."

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