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Someone convinced me to post my (almost 50 chapter) Satogou book from ao3...and...welll....


Let's jump straight in! ❤️
Goh heads off for his first year of university, and after hearing he has a new roommate, he's hopeful that he could make a friend. These two boys meet, and it's not exactly how Goh hoped it would turn out...

I'm Goh, from Vermillion City. I go to Hidecliffe University, and at this very moment, I'm trudging down to the bus stop, unenthusiastically. I yawn, tugging at my suitcase and showing the driver my ticket, heading down the aisle of the bus. Slumping down on a seat, I stare out of the window, as the bus starts to move, and the trees becoming a blurr. Don't get me wrong, I quite liked learning, although I have to leave early from my house to get there. Waking up is no easy task. I'm going for my second year at univeristy. But that's not the main reason I don't like going. The lessons weren't the issue.

It was people.

I had never got the knack of making friends. In fact, I was so anti-social I don't even remember the last time I had gone up to someone to talk to them, and try to make friends. I have one, close friend, who was always there for me, since childhood. She's called Chloe, and Thank God she goes to the same school, otherwise I'd be toast. Burnt toast. Walking around the ahlls like a loner is the last thing I want to do. She has her own friends too, of course. So most the time, I tuck myself away, hiding in the library, reading a book about the wonders of space, science... Even if i didn't have any lessons, I wouldn't even go back to my room. My last roommate...wasn't an ideal one. That kid literally got expelled as he has tried to burn the school down, starting with the boys bathroom. Glad I wasn't in there at the time. Before, we actually used to talk, and I suppose I could say he was my friend, but he's not really. We didn't have that much of a friendship, it was just more like a, Hey, what lessons have you got today? Or an occasional wave at lunchtime. But then he started talking to some other boys in lesson, the so called 'naughty ones.' That's when he started on smoking and all that kind of stuff.

He started going insane, tearing the place apart, and living with him wasn't exactly the best experience. At least he didn't smoke indoors. Though, later, he wanted to get revenge on me, as I told the teacher about him setting the bathroom on fire. I may seem like a snitch, but he didn't ask me to not to tell anyone about it. I also would like to think that I saved people's lives, in a way. I think that's a reasonable excuse. A small much as I have many people I don't like, I'd rather not have half my class caught up in a fire. I'm glad they expelled him, as he probably would have killed me by that time.


So, here I am. Although, on the bright side, I've now got a new roommate because of him leaving. I hope I could maybe make a new friend? That would be good. Maybe we could eat lunch together, help each other with our homework, tell each other all the random funny stuff we've experienced that day...I would love to do this kind of thing with someone. I started thinking about large extensive scenarios, not exactly realising it could be someone utterly terrible. But a buzz in my pockets brought me out of my thought process:

Chloe sent you a message.

Chloe: Hey! Glad to be back, hm? Can't wait to see you again!

Chloe: Maybe this year your luck with roomates will change, lol. I hope this year isn't too hard, though I'm sure you won't mind, you big old brainbox. What else...

Chloe: Ooo, find that special someone, maybe?-

As soon as I read the last line, I grunted. My fingers hovered over the keyboard, but I shoved my phone dissmisevely into my pocket, my whole mood flipped. She didn't understand. I don't think she realises I don't want anybody to...love me like that. I'd rather just get this year over with, and continue with the next one. I'm not a hopeless romantic like her...

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