Funny face

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A day of classes...and a day of growing friendship. And, other feelings. 😏💗

It's a normal morning.

I brushed my teeth, and got changed, but I still felt a bit suprised when I saw Ash also getting ready. I didn't really think he'd be going, especially as the meeting up with his friends yesterday, didn't go so well, apparently. I decided it didn't really matter, because he would probably go off with Gary, anyways.

Well, I pretended I didn't care.

I zip up my bag, after throwing a few books and stuff in, and hover at the door, wondering if I should wait for Ash. He would probably go off, wouldn't he? He's in the bathroom, so I still don't even know if I should wait or not. I could easily go with Dawn and Chloe, but I was still desperately hoping to walk with Ash. I knew it didn't really matter, but I still find myself waiting nonetheless.

While I do, I'm still thinking about what Dawn said yesterday. She said not to think about, but it's kind of hard when you are sort of trying to figure out the answer for yourself. When you might know the answer is true.

Like, look at him. Or in my view, I should say, he looks...well...I can't deny it. No wonder all the girls like him. I sigh, enviously, wishing stuff wasn't so hard to deal with.

It's indescribable, when I begin to feel my heart fluttering around him. I'd never felt that before. I shuffle at the door, impatiently, wondering if I should just leave, but I feel the urge not to because I wouldn't be showing any loyalty. But I also didn't want to be late. I mean, I didn't really even pay attention in class anymore, so I guess it doesn't really matter. Unfortunately for me, I have a few classes today. I glance up at the wall clock in our room, watching and hearing the second hand going tick tick tick.

Finallu, when Ash did come out, I stop analysing the clock and was about to talk about how late he was, but when I looked at him properly, my gaze left there. He was wearing a green puffy jacket, and a plain black t-shirt, with some bright blue ripped jeans. He was wearing some black vans, as well. He had a small necklace round his neck, and some sunglasses perched on his head. I blinked.

He smiled at me. "Hello. Thanks for waiting. And what were you gonna say?"

I stopped abruptly, my mouth closing. "Oh, well, it doesn't matter." I still couldn't tear my eyes from him. He folloed my gaze, looking down at himself.

"What? Is there something on me?" He asks, peering down at his clean trainers.

"Uhh, no! I was just gonna say that..." I gulp, my face turning red. Ash was looking at me, confused.

"...You look good." I say shakily, pulling my worries into a smile instead. Ash's face immediately softens as well, and he cones up to me putting an arm around my shoulder, making me giggle up at him, and my heart melt at his touch, his fingers only slightly away from brushing my face.

"Aww, sweet of you. You do too." He said, prodding my air-filled red jacket, making a recognisable dent in it. He took away his arm, making me miss the warmth.

I roll my eyes, but smile at him, absent-mindedly rubbing at the crease he made. "I wear this, like, every day." I laugh, while opening the door, offering him to go first. He nodded at me in thanks, while I made sure it was locked.

"There's nothing wrong with a compliment." He shrugs, looking around the boring white of the hallway. There's a bit of silence, as we walk down the empty corridor, and I wonder if we should go wait for Dawn and Chloe, but Ash has already gone down the flight of stairs, so there's not really any point now.

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