I promise, I'll be there for you.

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Goh is over the moon he's made friends with Ash. He's starting to realise the signs, especially after Ash comes to check on him, that night, but he still doesn't want to see them.
Ash even agrees to go to class with him the next day....which may not end well.

"Goodnight, Ash."

"..Goodnight, Goh."

We're both laying in our separate beds, Ash on the top, me on the bottom. "Hey, you're sure you don't want the top bunk?" He calls out, making me smile.

"Nah, that was just a stupid fight. Sorry about that." I giggle, rembering my sulk about wanting it, yesterday.

"I was the one being a bitch, don't worry." Ash replies, sweetly. Anytime he does say something nice like that, it makes my heart soften a bit more. It makes him seem like an entirely different person from when we first set our eyes on each other.

"Awww, well..." Ash just laughs at me, pondering his statement.

"I know. I was acting like one. Now go to sleep..." He says, sounding like he was too tired to talk. "Goodnight." He adds, quickly.

"You already said that.." I mumble, grinning. After I hear Ash shuffle in the bed above me, knowing he's started to lie down, I yawn, and grab the duvet, cuddling myself down as well. I close my eyes, and something about Ash sleeping above me gives me comfort.

I'll have a good nights sleep, today.


Well I got that wrong.

I'm still awake.

It's already 11 at night. I can hear Ash's soft snores above me, but I can't seem to get to sleep, no matter how much I tossed and turned, sighed or tried to get comfy. My mind didn't seem to be tired. All those thoughts still haunting my head, from earlier today.

They are swirling round and round my head, like a contstant pain, that won't go away. I keep looking round in the dark room, seeing the shadows of objects that I would mistake for something creepy. Like Ash's coat hanging on a chair, looked like a person, ready to pounce. The bathroom door we left slightly open, like someone was behind it, just waiting to get me, once I closed my eyes.

I was homesick alright.

And, the thought of those black hoodies being everywhere I turned- made me shudder.

I couldn't stop thinking about what they said about Me and Ash..being..

I tried pushing them thoughts down deeper and deeper, but they would bubble up to the surface again. I honestly felt exhausted, even though I tried to sleep. My feelings were so jumbled, I couldn't even focus on one thing at a time-


My heart skipped a beat.

I don't even know if I had just imagined it, or if Ash was actually calling to me-


"..Ash?" I mutter, quietly, not sure if he said my name. There's silence.

"Can you not sleep?" He asks, sounding sympathetic.

I gulp, feeling stupid. "Well...no..How did y-" I'm about to say, but he already starts slipping down the ladder, and sits on the floor, at where I'm laying in bed. He put his hands on his knees. "I could hear you tossing and turning all night." He says, smiling in the dark. I sit up, properly. "Oh.." I say, embarrassed, fumbling with my fingers. The curtains are open, the moonlight streaking into the little crack of the blinds, into the room. It shines on his skin, making his eyes glow too. I can't help but stare.

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