I wish he would.

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Part 2 👏😶
Why does everything write end up being so much longer than expected

Goh's POV

She didn't look at all as I expected. She had brown hair, unlike Ash who had black, and she spoke in a very soft-sounding voice, but when she saw Ash, she seemed a little suprised.

"Ash?" She repeats again, as if she can't believe her own son was right in front of her.

"H-Hey, mama, I erm.." He begins, but his mum scoops him in her arms- despite Ash being almost as taller than her- giving him a huge bear hug.

"Oh, Ash!" She gives him a quick kiss on the cheek before he can squirm away. "I've been so worried!" She puts him down, and stroked his hair, kissing his forehead. "You're alright aren't you? You've been brushing, shaving, changing your clothes regularly?" She lectures, and Ash clamps his lips together to stop himself from whining.

"Y-Yeah mama, I have been.." He mutters, seemingly embarrassed. It's always strange to see his shy side. Although, mostly my heart was just warming at the sight. I don't think my parents would ever react like that, especially if I had an arguement with them.

"OK good...anything wrong? What's with the sudden visit?" She asked, quickly, stroking his arm. Ash shook his head in reassurance, and signalled he would talk inside. She ushers him in- and then smiles at me. "Hello, dear. Are you a friend of Ash's?" She asks, sweetly.

"Uhm, yeah, I am." I say, smiling, awkwardly. Ash was looking behind his shoulder, grinning at my expense.

"Mama, give him a break. He's not like the others." He yells over his shoulder, and his mum nodded with approval.

The others? I think in my head, and she seems to read my mind.

"Ah, Ash doesn't have the greatest taste of friends." She says, shaking her head. It made me giggle when I heard Ash groan, still at at the doorway. "Oh, but you seem like a nice little lad." She says, quickly correcting herself. She stels aside, tilting her head, so her brown bangs bounce forwards. She suddenly hits her head, in realisation.

"What's your name, by the way, son? Blimey, ignore my manners." She exclaims, laughing, brightly.

"My name is Goh, it's uh, nice to meet you, Mrs Ketchum." I say, politely. She puts a hand in front of my face, abruptly.

"Ah what a lovely name! But Call me Delia, dearie." The hand slipped to my shoulder, and she guided me in. I smile a little more confidently now, determined not to make a bad impression.

When I do step inside, I brush my shoes cautiously on the doormat, putting them to the side. Ash's mum suddenly goes on a huge lecture to Ash, saying how I did it perfectly, and how he hardly bothered to undo his laces, instead leaving a few muddy prints on the wooden floorboards. I look around, my eyes swivelling round with interest. We live in a flat, so it's still sometimes strange to see stairs in a house, for me.

Ash dutifully brushed at his shoes, but when she wasn't looking he tossed them into the shoe cupboard, quickly following after us after we walked to the kitchen. He gives me a sly grin, before slipping onto the dining table seat. His mum starts to get out different plates, so I'm guessing they're used to this routine by now. I hover, not knowing what to do.

Ash's mum notices. "Oh, sweetie, you can sit down." She says loudly, over the clinking of all the pots and pans. I slip beside Ash and he still looks a bit nervous, even though his mum is acting as if nothing happened. I can't see why he would really be nervous now, his mum looks as if she really cares about him, no matter how much mischief he gets in. I sigh, a little enviously, wishing my parents could be more like that. Also speaking of parents, Ash doesn't have a dad. At least anymore. I wonder how his mother copes as well.

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