Am I really worth it?

146 2 14

Ash gets sick, the poor stubborn mite that Goh has to deal with 😂 ❤️
This calls for some bonding time! <3

Goh's POV

My eyes feel groggy, and the sun light starts to seep through, making me groan a little. I squint, checking my phone time, which says 12:37. I panic first, wondering if I just slept over my alarm, but then realise it's the weekend. I forgot that it was, after spending my off-day at the theme park yesterday. I sigh, at the late time, as I was hoping to get some work done, but oh well.

I'm about to start the usual, slipping on my slippers as the floor seems freezing now...realising there's only one slipper...asking Ash where he hid it...yep, basically. And surely enough, there was only one slipper on the floor next to me. I sigh, in frustration. Ash didn't listen no matter how many times I told him NOT to do that.

"Ashhhh!" I whine, leaning over, and casting my glance to the top bunk, as if I could see right through it. "Where's my slipper?" I ask, and I'm half-expecting Ash to giggle, or laugh, or his normal behaviour, but instead I hear nothing.

"Ash?" I call out, properly. I'm starting to wonder if he's even there. I panic, but hear the shifting of the heavy duvet, and I sigh slightly, in relief. He's still not replying, so I slip on one slipper, hopping over to the ladder, pausing at the last step.

"Ash!" I repeat, and he groans. I'm suprised by his reaction, and tap him lightly on the shoulder. He pulls the duvet over his head, and curls up in a ball, looking like a cocoon in its shell. "What's the matter?" I ask, anxiously.

"Fuck off." He mumbles, harshly, his voice croaky.

"Someone's moody." I mutter, but sigh, sitting on the very very edge of his bed, not daring to make any contact with him. He feels the weight, and pull the duvet so I'm not sitting on it, and huddles on the far end of the bed. I stare at him.

"Ash? Are you mad at me?" I ask. I wonder if he is. I hope he's not. He doesn't reply.

Wondering if I should leave, I cautiously slip off, about to step onto the ladder, but I feel a hand grab my arm from under the duvet, making me jump. "H-HEY!" I shriek, flushing. "Scaring the life out of me!" I stutter, glancing at his persistent hand wrapped around my upper arm.

"I didn't say you had to leave." He mumbles almost so incomprehensible I have to crane my neck to hear him. I smile a little now, feeling a little sensation of happiness run through my veins. But then I realise-

"Yes you did. You said...go away." I point out, sticking to the more appropriate translation.

"Oh shut up. I'm sorry if my language isn't up to standards for you." He snaps, while sniffing, but I could tell he was just in a bad mood, and decided I should try a more gentle approach. His hand grip is loosening on my arm, and that's when I realised how warm it was. How warm his hand was.

Wait warm?-

I very carefully lifted up the covers, and Ash grabbed onto them immediately, his nails digging hard into the fabric.

"Oh, Ash!" I sigh, pityingly. "Are you sick?" I ask, and I could tell by the silence I was right. "You don't have to hide that." I say, comfortingly. He shuffles, uncomfortably under the covers. I sigh again, opening the duvet from the side a little.

"You're going to make yourself warmer by doing that." I say, but he's very persistent in staying put. I starting to heave off the bed, climbing down the ladder. This alerts him, immediately, but he still doesn't even flinch.

"Where are you going?" He asks, coughing, and I decide to answer straight for him.

"Getting you some medicine." I say. I slip into my one lonely slipper, trying to avoid prising my other foot against the cold floor, and grab my socks from the drawer. He says nothing.

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