I care so badly, it hurts.

104 4 5

Ash hears news about a party in the university.
A party that shouldn't be allowed, in the basement. Goh is very reluctant to go, but gets pulled into Ash's tangled web..

Goh's POV


Some relaxation.

We've come back from the camp, unpacked everything. It's around 5 o clock. I'm doing my homework on the bottom bunk, and Ash is messaging someone on the top, eating a much anticipated snack. It's relatively peaceful, and I smile, humming to the music playing in my headphones, and writing down a neat 5 in the answer box for question 2b. My pencil annoyingly breaks half-way through, but I just sigh, taking the helpfully placed sharpener next to me, and twisting it into the hole. I'm in a very good mood, for some reason. I've finally got a bit of what I've wanted.

Peace, and quiet.

My phone buzzes next to me. I told myself I would focus on my homework, and not pick it up. I carry on, sticking my tounge out, as I try to draw a neat circle with my compass, but it becomes jagged when I jump and hear the vibration again. I sigh, my motivation gone, and pick up my phone, looking at the messages.

Oh yeah. I forgot I haven't messaged Chloe and Dawn for a while. They are on the group chat, spamming my name non-stop.

Chloe: Gohhhhh?? Hello?

Chloe: you haven't been messageing for like 3 days where the hell are u

Dawn: no clue

Dawn: he's fine probs with his bf

Chloe: lol probably

Chloe: I wonder how things are between them I wish goh would just hurry up and confess

I sigh, typing furiously at the keyboard.

Goh: Is this just so you can get me here

Dawn: oh thank god I thought he was dead

Goh: jeez good to know

Chloe: Goh

Chloe: where you been mannn

I didn't want to lie, but I sort of just forgot about texting and stuff for once. I found myself appreciating the outdoors instead. Credits to Ash for convincing me to come.

Goh: there was no service so

Goh: I couldn't texttt

Dawn: ohh makes more sense k

Chloe: have you heard of that party rumour that's going on tonight?

Dawn: what party what what

I put my phone face down, back into the duvet, pressing the volume buttons to silent. I've lost interest now. Yeah, parties haven't exactly been one of my favourite events of the months. Getting cake thrown into my face when I was little, tripping over something or hurting myself and I end up having to go home.. I always had to ruin it some way. Now that I'm older, it's not hard to guess what parties will be like now. No more soft play areas, rollerskating- it's going to be dancing, clubbing, drinking. That's what immediately comes to mind. Chloe never used to be that interested in them, but since we started uni, she's suddenly become immensely into them. That's another reason why she's so likeable, and quite popular with the boys. Although, she's not even into them anymore. Now that she has Dawn, that's just another reason for her to go, as well as Dawn herself.

I go back to homework, rubbing out the jagged part of my circle, and drawing it again, drawing a diameter neatly through the middle. Okay, now find the radius..

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