Nothing seems do able without him now.

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DAY 2 🎶
Sorry, I only did one activity for them in this one x (Otherwise it wouldn't get so long winded honestly)

Goh's POV

I hear some music loudly playing next to me. I squeeze my eyes so it would encourage me to open them, which doesn't work. Instead, I rub at them, forgetting that..

1. I'm at a camp.

2. I'm in a tent.

3. There's so many twigs in my sleeping bag I'm wondering how I even slept.

4. And...Ash was sleeping next to me which I've forgotten about.

He could at least put earphones in, but obviously he doesn't have that sort of thinking. I sit up, the best I can and Ash smiles at me, pressing the stop button on his music video. "Heya. Good morning." His eyes flick across my face, which makes me a little self-conscious.

"Something on me?" I ask, awkwardly, and he blinks, shaking his head, quickly.

"Oh! Erm, nah, sorry, sorry." He mutters, looking back down at his phone screen. I glance at his eyes being lit up by the screen, making my eyes cast at his messy hair in the process. Even In his old marvel pjyamas, he still managed to capture your heart in a second. This is actually ridiculous.

I undo the zip of the bag, and start to get to the tent flap instead. Ash watches me. "What are you doing?" He asks, looking a little amused.

"Uh, just getting out?..." I say, stupidly, and Ash shakes his head.

"You probably want to put on those slippers first." He points to the little bag in our tent. "It'll be...dirty outside."

I shuffle on the sliders, feeling a bit dumb, and step outside. It's relataively warm outside, so I stretch, listening to the sweet sounds of nature. Then I check my phone from my pockets. "Theres no service!" I grumble, and Ash steps outside right on point.

"Yup, but we're here not to look at our screens, but to have fun instead." He grabs his clothes that he's left to dry overnight, and dances into the tent.

"You're so weird." I mutter. "And you were literally on your phone, like 2 seconds ago." I point out, but he deliberately zips up the tent so he can't hear me. I sigh, and lean back on the camping chairs instead, waving my foot in the air. "What's on the menu for activities today then?" I shout, waiting for a very slow reply.

Ash comes out about beside me after 2 minutes, patting at his t-shirt. "Oh, you'll love it, we should get going to it anyway." He says, unconvincingly.

"Wait lemme get changed and stuff.." I sigh, pacing around collecting my clothes. As I get changed in the tent, I'm wondering what kind of activity it'll be that I'll 'love'. In Ash's view it could be something like skydiving, swimming with sharks...anything dangerous, I can confirm Ash will find fun. It's a bit depressing for me really.

"GOH, HURRY UP IN THERE!" Ash shouts, dangerously close to the tent. I'm scared he's going to whip the zip right down, so it encourages me to get changed quickly, and I almost trip in my haste when I come out of the tent.

"Alright, alright, calm down." I mumble, and Ash cheers.

"This is gonna be so fun, I'm telling you. Oh my god, the reaction when you know what we're doing..can't wait." He beams, giving me a slight boost of mood. If he's that confident, maybe it's not that bad of an activity. Maybe it''s..


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