Sign of hope, isn't it?

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Even more tension unfolds, and Goh doesn't know how to feel. He does realise good can come with bad.

Goh's POV

He is sitting there, head bowed slightly, slumped against the wall. I stare down at my hands, shaking still. "W-What have I done?" I stutter, and I look back at Ash, in disbelief of the work of my hands. Before I can stop myself, I run to him, and shake him hard by the shoulder, whispering his name. "Ash.." I whisper, and he doesn't reply. I bet this is just some joke and he will wake up a minute later laughing his head off. But his eyes are closed, and he doesn't even flinch. I shake him harder. "ASH!" I repeat, louder this time. Tears start to sprout to my eyes, and I sob on his shoulder, desperately trying to wake him up. Gary runs over, shaking as well.

"Oh my God." He mutters, and he whips out his phone, hurriedly dialling a number.

"No! Stop! He can't be taken to hospital, he's fine, he's fine!" I insist, but his eyes are still closed, and I'm sure the sparkle in his eye is gone too. "Ash, wake up." I plead, taking his hand, squeezing it hard, not getting that supportive squeeze back. If only I didn't push him, if only I didn't...

"We can't take any chances.." Gary says, grimly behind me. He looks terrified, as well. I squeeze my own eyes, hoping this is just a terrible nightmare, but when I open them again, I only notice now that there are people filming, eyes wide in shock. I want to scream at them and tell them to stop, but they won't listen, and there's nothing we can do but wait for an ambulance. Putting an arm around him, I cradle him tightly, not caring how stupid I looke All I could think about was Ash, Ash, Ash, feeling immense regret and worry. I stare down at Ash's face and tears start flowing, and they drop down to his cheek. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down, but every time I look down, it comes back to me, and I start crying again. If I had just been there with him, if I hadn't refused, if I hadn't ignored, none of this would have happened, we might have been safe back in our room, getting along...

Gary puts a hand on my shoulder, kneeling down, and looking at him. "Don't blame yourself. You'll get yourself in a state too. It's not your fault, it's just...circumstances." He sits beside me, patting my shoulder comfortingly, but nothing seems to change my mind right now. He doesn't know how I've been ignoring him and being spiteful to him. It's been minutes, and now there's a teacher here, asking if he's alright, and I want to scream at her, because of course he's not. I stay silent instead, and Gary answers for me. He explains the ambulance is coming, and right on point, they do. I want them to hurry up and get to the hospital, but they treat him a little now, and put him into a stretcher. What they put people in when they've broken bones. They explain that they need to keep his neck and head in place as it's been slightly stretched, and he may have a concussion, but I'm not even listening anymore. They move him outside the building, and people follow, still filming. I watch all this with anxiety, my throat so tight I can barely speak and answer any of their questions. When they start closing the ambulance doors, I stop them, trying to get in with him.

But they stop me, instead, shaking their head and telling me sadly I can't come with them. "But I'm his best friend!" I splutter, trying to get past, watching as they close the doors and refuse again.

"I'm sorry, but it's family only." One says, helplessly, and Gary stands next to me, holding me back. I have to watch them drive off into the distance, my heart crashing against my rib cage. This can't be happening. Everyone has stopped filming now, or their phones are in mid-air, still in shock. I know the video will somehow spread, but right now all that I want to do is go see Ash in hospital. They can't hold me back, he needs me. I turn around, running through the open door, in the direction to our room. Gary calls after me, but I block out the noise, my brain already buzzing as it is. But I suddenly collide into Dawn, whose running in the opposite direction. I'm about to apologise and help her up- but she throws her arms around me, hugging me tightly and sobbing. Chloe runs up to us, biting her nails anxiously.

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